Book Power

Book Power! Ar­tist Books Ad­dres­sing Our So­cial, Po­li­ti­cal or En­vi­ron­men­tal World
vom 3.–26. Ju­ni 2010 in der 23 San­dy Gal­lery in Port­land, Oregon

Book Power is see­king ar­tist books ad­dres­sing the so­cial, po­li­ti­cal or en­vi­ron­men­tal is­sues of our times. Can an ar­tist book be a ve­hic­le to shed light on the pro­blems we face in the world? Can books be a call for ch­an­ge? Can we go bey­ond just ar­tists who make things to ar­tists who make things hap­pen? War, po­ver­ty, de­cay, po­li­tics, con­flict, re­vo­lu­ti­on, fe­mi­nism, en­vi­ron­men­tal, eco­no­mic and po­li­ti­cal uphe­aval are but a few of the is­sues that con­cer­ned book ar­tists can use to en­ga­ge their rea­ders in an ef­fort to rai­se con­scious­ness, call for ju­s­ti­ce or pro­vo­ke ac­tion. Per­haps we re­al­ly can use our crea­ti­ve powers to sol­ve the pro­blems of the world. 
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