FLIP by Kasper Andreasen at KASK in Gent

FLIP — About Image Construction
is the se­quel to the ex­hi­bi­ti­on Co­py Con­s­truct held at CC Me­chelen in 2017. Hos­ted this time at the KASK in Ghent, the ex­hi­bi­ti­on fo­cu­ses on dis­play­ing a
tem­po­ra­ry ar­chi­ve of about 300 artist’s books next to about a do­zen fil­mic works. ‘FLIP’, the exhibition’s title, as­so­cia­tively re­fers to the per­for­ma­ti­ve ges­tu­re of pe­ru­sing th­rough a book but al­so to no­ti­ons of image se­quen­ces, re­ver­sal (prin­ting), the flip­book, as well as to the use of text and image in bo­th books and vi­deo works. In short, the ex­hi­bi­ti­on is an at­tempt to show the­se me­dia tog­e­ther, em­pha­si­zing the use of nar­ra­ti­ve stra­te­gies and image con­s­truc­tion as ex­ten­si­ons of each other.
The ex­hi­bi­ti­on will be ac­com­pa­nied by an ex­ten­si­ve ex­hi­bi­ti­on gui­de, de­si­gned by 6m56s, con­tai­ning a com­ple­te bi­blio­gra­phy of the dis­play­ed books and films.

CURATED BY Kas­per Andreasen
WITH WORKS BY Fran­ciszka & Ste­fan Themer­son, Bruce Checef­sky, Pe­ter Downs­b­rough, Kas­per An­drea­sen, Anouk De Clercq, Han­ne Lip­pard, Stan­ley Brouwn, Hen­ri Ja­cobs, Dirk Zoe­te, Jas­per Ri­go­le, Uli­ses Car­ri­ón, Vin­cent Geyskens & Jan Op de Be­eck, Maud Van­de Vei­re, Lae­ti­tia Gend­re, Je­le­na Va­no­ver­beek, Hi­la­ry Lloyd, Kris Kim­pe & Koen­raad Dedobbeleer
AND BOOK SELECTIONS BY Mo­ritz Küng, Ba­tia Su­ter & Ro­ger Wil­lems, Mo­re Pu­blishers, Jur­gen Mael­fe­yt & the KASK Coll­ec­tion et al.
Kas­per An­drea­sen in the AAP Ar­chi­ve Ar­tist Pu­bli­ca­ti­ons, Munich