Ulises Carrión: Bitte nicht lesen

Dear reader. Don’t read

16.03.–10.10. 2016 in Ma­drid im Mu­se­um Rei­na So­fia / Sa­ba­ti­ni Building,
Flo­or 3, ku­ra­tiert von Guy Schraenencarrion_other-books-and-so

The ex­hi­bi­ti­on is com­po­sed of ne­ar­ly 350 pie­ces that in­clude books, ma­ga­zi­nes, vi­de­os, films, sound pie­ces, mail art, pu­blic pro­jects, and per­for­man­ces, along wi­th Carrión’s in­itia­ti­ves as cu­ra­tor, edi­tor, dis­tri­bu­tor, lec­tu­rer, ar­chi­vist, art theo­rist, and wri­ter. It is a si­gni­fi­cant bo­dy of ori­gi­nal work struc­tu­red so as to place a spot­light on every fa­cet of his production.

Mehr In­for­ma­tio­nen auf der Web­sei­te
Fo­tos von Rei­na Sofia