A day devoted to Artist-Led publishing in Cyprus

Spine- A day devoted to Artist-Led publishing.

Sa­tur­day, Ju­ly 1st, 2017 at Phytorio
Neh­rou 2, Ni­co­sia Mu­ni­ci­pal gar­dens, Ni­co­sia, Ni­co­sia 1102, Cy­prus, vartcy@gmail.com
22 Ar­tists who work wi­th the book me­di­um will pre­sent their pu­bli­ca­ti­ons. Our guest for the day is Ele­a­n­or Bon­ne Brown, who will talk to us about ‘Pu­bli­ca­ti­on As Practice’.
Ele­a­n­or Von­ne Brown is an in­de­pen­dent pu­blisher li­ving in Lon­don. She set up X Marks the Bök­ship, a book­shop and pro­ject space for small press pu­bli­ca­ti­ons by ar­tists and de­si­gners in 2008, pro­mo­ting con­tem­po­ra­ry pu­bli­shing th­rough book laun­ches, events and pro­duc­tion re­sour­ces that brought tog­e­ther in­di­vi­du­al prac­ti­tio­ners to crea­te a lo­cal pu­bli­shing com­mu­ni­ty. She ran the ‘Pu­bli­ca­ti­on as Prac­ti­ce’ talk se­ries on con­cepts of ar­tists books. Re­cent pro­jects in­clude ‘Post In­ter­net Ca­fe’ at Prin­t­Room, Rot­ter­dam and the au­dio pu­bli­shing pro­ject ‘The Cast of the Crys­tal Set’ at Matt’s Gallery.

Fo­tos Li­sa Fuhr, München