Neue KünstlerbücherMesse in Köln

13. – 15. Au­gust 2015: The Co­lo­gne Art Book Fair
will open its doors for the first time in 2015. The an­nu­al event aims to be­co­me a must for an­yo­ne who is in­te­res­ted in the book as a pie­ce of art. This year’s fair will bring tog­e­ther around 40 in­ter­na­tio­nal pu­blishers, de­di­ca­ted to the field of ar­tists’ books in any form. Cu­ra­ted by (Tim), the book­fair will fo­cus on pu­blishers and self-pu­bli­shing ar­tists ba­sed in the Rhi­ne­land. Along­side the fair, a se­ries of talks, book laun­ches and re­a­dings will broa­den the ran­ge of interest.
ARTIC / Alex­an­der Ba­si­le / Al­win Lay / Bert­hold Bell / BLEK / BRAND­stif­tung / Co­me Tog­e­ther Pro­jekt / Ela Mer­gels / Iwo­na Knorr / Frie­ze / Froh! / Ha­b­li­zel / Ham­mann & Von Mier / HIMAA / I Fol­low the Ri­ver / Jung­sheft / Gid­dy­heft / Kanz­lei für Raum­be­fra­gung / Ku­chen­baum / Kü­CüPü & Fri­ends/ Mou­se­le­phant / LFritz/Photoszene / pa­ra­si­ten­pres­se. / Patrick’s Zi­ne Dis­tro / QVEST / Rhein­ver­lag / Rich­as Di­gest / Schuel­ke Fi­ne Books / Spon­tan Ver­lag / Sprung­turm Ver­lag / Strzele­cki Books / TBOOKS COLOGNE / Ti­mo Klein / TFGC Pu­bli­shing / Tor­ben Röse / 08–15 stu­dio

Das Pro­gramm dazu:
TFGC Pu­bli­shing: Lesung
Pa­ra­si­ten­pres­se: Lesung
Hu­bert Kret­schmer: Lesung
Al­win Lay/Alexander Ba­si­le: Buchpräsentation/Release
Ku­chen­baum: Lesung
LFritz: Release
Dy­na­mi­te Bar

Bay­en­werft Kunst­haus Rhenania e.V.
Bay­enstr. 28, 50678 Co­lo­gne, Germany
Pho­ne +49 (0) 221168 984 79, Fax +49 (0) 221168 984 78
Mo­bi­le +49 (0) 178251 489 6.

Kunst zwi­schen zwei Buchdeckeln
Bei­trag im WDR3:

Al­le Fo­tos Li­sa Fuhr, München