Archiv für Mai 2011

jab – The Journal of Artists’ Books

Samstag, 28. Mai 2011

jab29 - The Journal of Artists' BooksThe Jour­nal of Ar­tists’ Books pro­vi­des a plat­form for bo­th theo­re­ti­cal and crea­ti­ve ex­pres­si­on. As a fo­rum for the stu­dy of ar­tists’ books, JAB pu­blishes cri­ti­cal and theo­re­ti­cal ar­tic­les, re­views of ar­tists’ books and ex­hi­bi­ti­ons, and com­men­ta­ry on con­fe­ren­ces and and other book art-re­la­ted ac­ti­vi­ties. JAB al­so re­gu­lar­ly show­ca­ses crea­ti­ve work in the form of ar­tists’ state­ments and ar­tist-de­si­gned pa­ges and covers.

As a book art pro­ject its­elf, each is­sue of JAB em­bo­dies an in­te­rest in all aspects of the pro­duc­tion of the jour­nal, in­cor­po­ra­ting dif­fe­rent de­sign ele­ments for each is­sue and, when­ever pos­si­ble, JAB staff do all the prin­ting of the jour­nal. JAB al­so so­me­ti­mes in­cludes va­rious ar­tist-crea­ted in­serts and book­lets or has had the co­vers let­ter­press-prin­ted by the de­sig­ning ar­tist. JAB is pu­blished twice a year in the spring and fall at The Co­lum­bia Col­lege Cen­ter for Book and Pa­per Arts.

Die Aus­ga­be 29 Früh­jahr 2011 ist er­schie­nen: The­men­schwer­punkt ist Brasilien.

The Blue Notebook: Journal for artists’ books.

Samstag, 28. Mai 2011

the-blue-notebook-volume-5-no-2Das Ma­ga­zin über Künst­ler­bü­cher ist im Ok­to­ber 2006 ge­grün­det wor­den und er­scheint zwei mal jährlich.
Ne­ben der Print-Aus­ga­be gibt es das Heft auch on­line als PDF zum kos­ten­lo­sen Her­un­ter­la­den (als Book Arts News­let­ter).
Vol 5 No 2 April 2011 ist er­schie­nen.
Aus dem In­halt die­ser Ausgabe:
READING ver­sus WATCHING by Ra­do­s­law Nowakowski.

Dr An­ne Ham­mond on ar­tists ma­king books in Hawai’i.

Ja­mes Merrick’s es­say Words, ex­plo­res the Book Works of CJ Robinson.

Tom Sow­den on his pro­ject Pa­per Mo­dels, to en­cou­ra­ge mo­re book ar­tists to ex­plo­re the ama­zin­gly crea­ti­ve tool of la­ser cutting.

Da­vid Trigg in­ter­views Sa­rah J Trigg on her re­cent pro­ject and re­sul­ting pu­bli­ca­ti­on Un­said Words.

Chris Newl­ove Hor­ton re­views a ran­dom di­sper­sal of dust (mu­te­ly un­ders­tood) by Sean Kaye & Jen­ny West.

Ar­tists’ pa­ges by: He­len All­s­ebrook, Ke­vin Bo­ni­face, Mish­ka Hen­ner, Bar­ba­ra Teten­baum and Agnes Wolkowicz.

Co­ver de­sign by Tom Sowden.

Ausstellung über artzines

Samstag, 14. Mai 2011

call for artzines
Open Call for Artzines

We in­vi­te you to par­ti­cip­ate in the exhib­i­tion »I’ve Zi­ne the Dark­ness« at dieschön­estadt gal­lery in Halle.

Send us your art­zi­nes un­til May 30th, 2011.

»I’ve Zi­ne the Dark­ness« is an ex­hi­bi­ti­on about the art­zi­nes phe­no­men, it’s aes­the­tic and po­li­ti­cal di­men­si­ons and the prac­ti­se of self-pu­bli­shing used by ar­tists to spread their work.

The ex­hi­bi­ti­on will ta­ke place at the die­schö­ne­stadt gal­lery in Hal­le from Ju­ne 3rd to 11th, 2011. Th­roug­hout the ex­hi­bi­ti­on va­rious lec­tures are planned.

We will post all sub­mis­si­ons on this web­site wi­th so­me in­for­ma­ti­ons and a link to the con­tri­bu­tors and keep you up to date wi­th pic­tures, etc. Af­ter the ex­hi­bi­ti­on we’ll do­na­te all sub­mis­si­ons to the li­bra­ry of the Burg Gie­bi­chen­stein Uni­ver­si­ty of Arts and De­sign in Hal­le be­cau­se we missed an art­zi­ne sec­tion when we stu­di­ed there.