Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair 2015

Miss Read: The Ber­lin Art Book Fair 2015, is ta­king place over the weekend of Ju­ne 26–28, 2015 at Aka­de­mie der Küns­te Ber­lin (Han­sea­ten­weg 10, Hal­le 1. 10557 Ber­lin · Germany).


The pos­ter of Miss Read 2015 was crea­ted by Law­rence Weiner.

Miss Read: The Ber­lin Art Book Fair 2015 will bring tog­e­ther a wi­de sel­ec­tion of the most in­te­res­t­ing artist/authors, ar­tist pe­ri­odi­cals and art pu­blishers and will be ac­com­pa­nied by a se­ries of lec­tures, dis­cus­sions, book laun­ches and work­shops ex­plo­ring the boun­da­ries of con­tem­po­ra­ry pu­bli­shing and the pos­si­bi­li­ties of the book.
In con­junc­tion, the third Con­cep­tu­al Poe­tics Day will ex­plo­re the ima­gi­na­ry bor­der bet­ween vi­su­al art and literature.
Over the ye­ars, Miss Read has in­vi­ted 200+ con­tem­po­ra­ry artists/authors and pu­blishers to show their books. Af­ter th­ree ye­ars at KW In­sti­tu­te of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art and two ye­ars at abc art ber­lin con­tem­po­ra­ry, Miss Read re­turns to a top le­vel cul­tu­ral institution.
The Aka­de­mie der Küns­te is an ex­hi­bi­ti­on and event lo­ca­ti­on, a mee­ting place for ar­tists and peo­p­le in­te­res­ted in the arts, whe­re pu­blic de­ba­tes on art and cul­tu­ral po­li­cy ta­ke place. Foun­ded in 1696, the Ber­lin Aka­de­mie der Küns­te is one of the ol­dest cul­tu­ral in­sti­tu­tes in Europe.

Miss Read: The Ber­lin Art Book Fair 2015 is or­ga­ni­zed by Yaiza Camps, Mo­ritz Grün­ke, Kris­ten Muel­ler and Mi­ch­a­lis Pich­ler in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on wi­th Aka­de­mie der Küns­te, Berlin.