Since 1968, Peter Downsbrough (1940, New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A., based in Brussels) has made one hundred and one books. For the first time in Barcelona, the exhibition THE BOOK(S) 1968–2013 offers an extensive overview of this impressive component of his oeuvre.
Peter Downsbrough belongs to that first generation of artists —including colleagues such as Robert Barry, Sol LeWitt, and Lawrence Weiner in New York; and John Baldessari, Ed Ruscha, and Allan Ruppersberg in California— who use the book as a means for presenting their work. From the beginning he accords the word, and also the book, an objectlike, spatial, if not sculptural, quality. Consequently, one could even consider that he approaches the book as the ultimate exhibition space, one in which he continuously regroups reflections, images, associations, compositions, and proportions. Indeed, Peter Downsbrough refers to the book as a volume, a space within which to work. Generally, the haptic and compositional starting point of his books could come across as quite rigid, sparse, and distant, but looking at the entire group of publications, instead of at a single one, reveals a particular virtuosity and rich interaction with this basic media. weiterlesen

Foto von der Webseite, Detail
22.02 – 19.05.13 in Barcelona, Fabra i Coats – Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, c/ Sant Adrià, 20. 08030 Barcelona. Moritz Küng is the curator of the exhibition
8 Titel im Archive Artist Publications, Munich