The Sackner Archive in Miami

A Human Document: Selections from the Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry

Pé­rez Art Mu­se­um Mi­ami (PAMM) will pre­sent an ex­ten­si­ve sel­ec­tion of works from the Mi­ami-ba­sed coll­ec­tion of Ruth and Mar­vin Sack­ner. Foun­ded in 1979, this “ar­chi­ve of ar­chi­ves” in­iti­al­ly fo­cu­sed on con­cre­te and vi­su­al poetry—including ra­re ma­nu­scripts and pu­blished works by in­ter­na­tio­nal lu­mi­na­ries such as Au­gus­to and Ha­rol­do de Cam­pos, Oy­vind Fahl­ström and Eu­gen Gom­rin­ger. The coll­ec­tion sub­se­quent­ly grew to en­com­pass a broad ar­ray of his­to­ric and con­tem­po­ra­ry works that syn­the­si­ze word and image. Roo­ted in the ear­ly to mid-20th-cen­tu­ry Eu­ro­pean avant-gar­de, the coll­ec­tion pro­vi­des a uni­que lens th­rough which to ex­ami­ne the foun­da­tio­nal mo­ve­ments of mo­der­nism, in­clu­ding Ita­li­an Fu­tu­rism, Rus­si­an Con­s­truc­ti­vism, Bau­haus, De Sti­jl, Da­da and Lett­ris­me, among others.


A Hu­man Do­cu­ment: Sel­ec­tions from the Sack­ner Ar­chi­ve of Con­cre­te and Vi­su­al Poet­ry is or­ga­ni­zed by Pé­rez Art Mu­se­um Mi­ami Cu­ra­tor Re­né Morales.