Was sei ein Künstlerbuch ? Santander antwortet

¿Qué es un libro de artista?/ What Is an Artist Book? 

Vom 14. Au­gust 2014 – 8. Ja­nu­ar 2015 im Pa­lace­te del Em­bar­ca­de­ro, Santander
Or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on und Pro­duk­ti­on: Ar­chi­vio La­fuen­te y Au­to­ri­dad Por­tua­ria de Santander

What Is an Artist Book? Santander 2014

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The ex­hi­bi­ti­on be­g­ins in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry and ex­pands in­to the con­tem­po­ra­ry era, grou­ping tog­e­ther pu­blished works from high­ly di­ver­se fields of poet­ry and art. The cen­tral co­re con­sists in books of the his­to­ri­cal avant-gar­des that pro­jec­ted their forms and the­mes towards the works of the se­cond post-war pe­ri­od and who­se in­fluence con­ti­nues to this day. Four the­ma­tic li­nes ex­tend from this co­re, ca­te­go­ri­zing the cho­sen books: “Form, si­gn, co­lor”, “Con­cept, theo­ry, ar­chi­ve”, “Word, wri­ting, nar­ra­ti­on”, and “Vi­si­on, par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, utopia”.

In den ein­zel­nen Ka­te­go­rien wer­den Ar­bei­ten ge­zeigt u.a. von:

For­ma seg­no colore”
Fer­nand Lé­ger, El Lis­sitz­ky, Bru­no Mu­na­ri, Die­ter Roth, Fran­cis­co Pi­no, Uli­ses Car­ri­on, Val­cár­cel Me­di­na Carl And­re, Sol Le­Witt, ecc.

Con­cet­to te­o­ria archivio”
Was­si­ly Kan­din­sky, Ge­or­ge Grosz, Mar­cel Duch­amp, John Bal­dessa­ri, Ed­ward Ru­scha, Da­ni­el Spoer­ri, Ali­ghie­ro Boet­ti, Al­ber­to Car­nei­ro, ecc ..

Pa­ro­la scrit­tu­ra racconto”
Ste­pha­ne Mall­ar­mé, Fi­lip­po Tom­ma­so Ma­ri­net­ti, Car­los Oquen­do de Amat, Wla­d­emir Dí­as Pi­no, Jo­sé Castil­le­jo, Fer­nan­do Mill­lan, Au­gus­to De Cam­pos, ecc.

Vi­sio­ne par­te­ci­pa­zio­ne utopia”
Max Ernst, Ro­bert De­launay, Die Brü­cke, Yves Klein, Vi­to Ac­con­ci, Al­ber­to Co­ra­zón, An­to­ni Mi­ral­da, Ra­fa­el Co­lo­mer, Ha­rol­do Gon­za­les, Cle­men­te Pa­din. ecc.
