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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich - www.artistbooks.de

  • Beuys Voice
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 968 S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788837085667
    Hardcover, Titel mit partieller Lackierung
  • Erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung “Joseph Beuys – Difesa della Natura”, 13.05.-14.08.2011, Kunsthaus Zürich, herausgegeben von der Züricher Kunstgesellschaft/ Kunsthaus Zürich. 3 Ausgaben, italienisch, deutsch, englisch.
    12 May 2011 is the 90th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Beuys (1921-1986), one of the key figures in the artistic scenario of the last century. The Kunsthaus in Zurich is paying tribute to the German master by staging an important international event that forms an integral part of the exhibition entitled “Joseph Beuys – Difesa della Natura” (Joseph Beuys – Defense of Nature), curated by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini and Tobia Bezzola. This book marking the birthday of this German painter and sculptor, who was one of the most authoritative and innovative voices of post-war society, is also being published in English and German. The book, about 1,000 pages long, containing more than 200 illustrations from the historical archive of De Domizio Durini, describes the Living Sculpture which made Beuys famous, together with the historical background that is fundamental to comprehending his thinking and work.
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