Artists’ Publications Network and Communication Platform

artists' Pub LogoAr­tists’ Pub ist online
Ar­tists’ Pub ser­ves as a hub for all ac­ti­vi­ties and events re­la­ted to ar­tists’ pu­bli­ca­ti­ons. The in­ten­ti­on is to fa­ci­li­ta­te net­wor­king bet­ween ar­tists, coll­ec­tors, dea­lers, pu­blishers, mu­se­ums, gal­le­ries, aca­de­mies, stu­dents, and any other in­te­res­ted par­ties. You are wel­co­me to use this plat­form for dis­se­mi­na­ting in­for­ma­ti­on, net­wor­king, and co­ope­ra­ting on to­pics of re­le­van­ce to the gen­re of ar­tists’ pu­bli­ca­ti­ons. (In­fo from the website)

  • Ar­tists Publications
  • Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons
  • Your An­nounce­ment
  • On­line Databases
  • News
  • Links

Ei­ne aus­führ­li­che Be­schrei­bung von Ar­tists Pub in deut­scher Spra­che fin­det sich auf der Web­sei­te der Stif­tung Neu­es Mu­se­um We­ser­burg Bremen