Recently found in Dublin, April 2014

Im Buch­la­den und der Ga­le­rie des THE LIBRARY PROJECT in Temp­le Bar 4 in Dub­lin gibt es ei­ne Men­ge zu ent­de­cken, wenn man iri­sche und in­ter­na­tio­na­le Fo­to­bü­cher, Ma­ga­zi­ne und Zi­nes sucht. Der La­den liegt mit­ten im Ver­gnü­gungs­vier­tel von Dub­lin und an fast je­der Ecke kann man sich mit ei­nem Guin­ness niederlassen.

lI­BRA­RY. In­itia­ted in 2011 by Clau­di Nir and Án­gel Lu­is Gon­zá­lez Fernán­dez, from Pho­toIre­land, the first pha­se of ‘The Li­bra­ry Pro­ject’ sets out to of­fer the pu­blic an on-go­ing coll­ec­tion of the la­test pho­to­books, ma­ga­zi­nes and zi­nes, pro­du­ced by in­de­pen­dent pu­bli­shing com­pa­nies, well-es­tab­lished, lar­ge pu­bli­shing hou­ses and self pu­blished. In 2012, the coll­ec­tion was ex­pan­ded wi­th the ef­forts of Ar­c­an­ge­la Re­gis, and in 2013, wi­th the sup­port and pas­si­on of Ste­ven May­bu­ry, Ka­tie Moo­ney-Shepp­ard, Gill Thor­pe, Si­néad Cor­co­ran, Nigel Pay­ne, and Lor­na Mur­phy. The cu­ra­ted sel­ec­tion holds al­re­a­dy over 900 items from 180 pu­blishers world­wi­de, and wel­co­mes ever­yo­ne, bo­th in­di­vi­du­als and or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons, to con­tri­bu­te to and en­joy this uni­que pu­blic resource.

BOOKSHOP. Sin­ce Oc­to­ber 2013, The Li­bra­ry Pro­ject fea­tures a spe­cia­li­sed book­shop of­fe­ring a gre­at sel­ec­tion of the la­test pu­bli­ca­ti­ons, ex­pan­ding its re­mit from Pho­to­gra­phy to all Art di­sci­pli­nes, and ad­ding es­sen­ti­al text books and ma­ga­zi­nes. You will find al­so framed and un­framed ar­tists prints and Irish ma­de stationery.