Private Sammler zeigen, wo es lang geht.

Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014

Behind the Personal Library: Collectors Creating the Canon

im Cen­ter for Book Arts, New York vom 11. Ok­to­ber bis 20. De­zem­ber 2014

Ei­ne Aus­stel­lung von Alex­an­der Cam­pos, zu­sam­men mit Jo­han­na Dru­cker (UCLA), Jae Jen­ni­fer Ross­man (Yale) und To­ny White (MICA) über fol­gen­de Sammlungen:
Phil­ip E. Aa­rons & Shel­ley Fox Aa­rons (NY)
Ma­ry Aus­tin (CA)
Du­ke Col­lier (MA)
Jack Gins­berg (Süd­Af­ri­ca)
Ar­thur Jaf­fe (FL)
Mo­ni­ca Op­pen (Aus­tra­li­en)
Bar­ba­ra Pas­cal (CA)
Ro­bert Ru­ben (NY)
Mar­vin & Ruth Sack­ner (FL)
Ju­lia Ver­mes (Schweiz)
Fran­cis H. Wil­liam (MA/NY)
Mar­tha Wil­son (NY)
Es­tate of To­ny Zwi­cker (CT)

Be­hind the Per­so­nal Li­bra­ry: Coll­ec­tors Crea­ting the Ca­non con­siders the in­fluence of pri­va­te coll­ec­tors on the cri­ti­cal dia­lo­gue in the field of book arts. Ra­ther than cu­ra­ting the works around a cen­tral the­me, the goal of this ex­hi­bi­ti­on is to ex­ami­ne works in the­se coll­ec­tions that have be­co­me se­mi­nal art­works in the field at lar­ge, thus be­co­ming in­flu­en­ti­al to es­tab­li­shing a ca­non. The ex­hi­bi­ti­on al­so ana­ly­zes the coll­ec­tors them­sel­ves: how they ca­me to coll­ect books, what dro­ve them to con­ti­nue coll­ec­ting, whe­ther they con­scious­ly built and cu­ra­ted their coll­ec­tions, and how the­se fac­tors in­fluen­ced and in­for­med ar­tist book­ma­king prac­ti­ces. On top of con­ti­nuing the con­ver­sa­ti­on of the book arts ca­non, Be­hind the Per­so­nal Li­bra­ry is a walk down me­mo­ry la­ne wi­th the Cen­ter for Book Arts. Ma­ny of the works and ar­tists in this show are co­ming full cir­cle, ha­ving ex­hi­bi­ted at the Cen­ter previously.
Text von der Webseite

The New York Art Book Fair 2011

Samstag, 24. September 2011

Prin­ted Mat­ter, Inc. presents
Sep­tem­ber 30–October 2, 2011
Pre­view: Thurs­day, Sept. 29, 6–9 p.m.

Prin­ted Mat­ter pres­ents the sixth an­nu­al NY Art Book Fair, from Sep­tem­ber 30 to Oc­to­ber 2, 2011, at Mo­MA PS1, Long Is­land Ci­ty, Queens. A pre­view will be held on the evening of Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 29th. Free and open to the pu­blic, and fea­turing mo­re than 200 ex­hi­bi­tors, the NY Art Book Fair is the world’s pre­mier event for ar­tists’ books, con­tem­po­ra­ry art ca­ta­logs and mo­no­graphs, art pe­ri­odi­cals, and ar­tist zi­nes. Ex­hi­bi­tors in­clude in­ter­na­tio­nal pres­ses, book­sel­lers, an­ti­qua­ri­an dea­lers, ar­tists and in­de­pen­dent pu­blishers from twen­ty-one countries.


The NY Art Book Fair is free and open to the public.Preview: Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 29, 6 pm–9 pm
Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 30, 11 am–7 pm
Sa­tur­day, Oc­to­ber 1, 11 am–7 pm
Sun­day, Oc­to­ber 2, 11 am–7 pm

22–25 Jack­son Ave­nue at 46th Avenue
Long Is­land Ci­ty, NY (map)
Al­le In­for­ma­tio­nen von der Web­sei­te der Mes­se: THE NY ART BOOK FAIR


New York Art Book Fair 2010

Dienstag, 31. August 2010

New York Art Book Fair 2010

Prin­ted Mat­ter pres­ents the fifth an­nu­al NY Art Book Fair, No­vem­ber 5–7 2010 at Mo­MA PS1, Long Is­land Ci­ty, Queens. Free and open to the pu­blic, the Fair hosts over 200 in­ter­na­tio­nal pres­ses, book­sel­lers, an­ti­qua­ri­an dea­lers, ar­tists and pu­blishers from twen­ty count­ries, of­fe­ring the best in con­tem­po­ra­ry art book publishing.