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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich - www.artistbooks.de

  • To Express The Feelings Of A Chair When We Sit On It.
Verlag Jahr
  • 42x59 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • As a possible – perhaps – reaction to all those who love the comfort and permanence of the status of their position, I have gathered a series of unusual chairs, personas that are characterised by a sensitive nervous system. I believe their creators foresaw for the visitor not to forget and become complacent while seated, as would someone when sitting on any chair and shortly thereafter forgetting the very action of sitting. The visitor is called upon to reflect on the condition that the chair’s form presents them with. I would not argue that they are pleasant or comfortable to sit on, seeing as their construction does not allow the sitter to acquaint himself immediately. Note that the chair’s presence is not always obvious but it is implied, as for example in Mario Carbone’s photograph Donna in Osteria 1956. Different in style, they all meet in this exhibition to converse.
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