Technische Angaben
59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
The Office gallery presents new works by the Austrian artist Bernhard Hosa in his exhibition Hyperkinesia, starting on June 30, 2016.
Hosa's photo collages, objects and installations are reduced, almost minimalist in appearance and usually based on concrete themes. His starting point is the tension between the individual and a normative society. Based on an engagement with the biological view of the inside and of the outside, on man as an object of scientific study and on the measurement of the human body, he develops his own formal language on the interface between conceptual art and an aesthetic approach. Hosa deconstructs his reflections with artistic strategies such as reproduction, variation or sequence, and practices such as dissection and the creation of new compositions. The resulting series of collages or objects and stringent arrangements of the space adopt the character of the contents of his research.
Text aus der Presseerklärung
Auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Bild
Technische Angaben
12 S., 19,5x15 cm, Auflage: 250, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Eugène Sue beschreibt in seinem 1843 erschienenen Roman „Die Geheimnisse von Paris“, wie ein entflohener Lebenslänglicher eine Kaschemme betritt und Schauder unter den Gästen verbreitet. Um für die Polizei unkenntlich zu sein hat er sein Gesicht zerstört. Berhard Hosa verfährt mit den Abbildungen von vermeintlichen Verbrechern ähnlich. Hinter seinen beschnittenen Porträts lässt sich kaum mehr ein Gesicht ausmachen. Zwischen Ohren und Haaren befinden sich keine Nase mehr, kein Mund, dann und wann zeigt sich eine Unterlippe ohne ihr Gegenstück oder ein angeschnittenes Auge.
Text aus dem Heft
2 9 15 13 1 19 3 8 9 14 5
Technische Angaben
25x18,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-200014138
Schweizer Broschur, Umschlag aus Pappe, Cover gestanzt,
Mit einem Text von Boris Manner: Ins Offene
To Express The Feelings Of A Chair When We Sit On It.
Technische Angaben
42x59 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
As a possible – perhaps – reaction to all those who love the comfort and permanence of the status of their position, I have gathered a series of unusual chairs, personas that are characterised by a sensitive nervous system. I believe their creators foresaw for the visitor not to forget and become complacent while seated, as would someone when sitting on any chair and shortly thereafter forgetting the very action of sitting. The visitor is called upon to reflect on the condition that the chair’s form presents them with. I would not argue that they are pleasant or comfortable to sit on, seeing as their construction does not allow the sitter to acquaint himself immediately. Note that the chair’s presence is not always obvious but it is implied, as for example in Mario Carbone’s photograph Donna in Osteria 1956. Different in style, they all meet in this exhibition to converse.
Text aus der Presseerklärung
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