Zines #three — die frühen 80er. Künstlerzeitschriften aus der Sammlung Hubert Kretschmer München, Archive Artist Publications (www.artistbooks.de)
English version below
Bilder vom Vortrag und der Ausstellungseröffnung
Vortrag: Hubert Kretschmer, 35 Jahre Archive Artist Publications
6.2.2015, 18.15 Uhr 2. OG, Vortragsraum 242
Ausstellung im Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte
6.2.—31.3.2015 im 1. OG, nördlicher Lichthof
Mo. bis Fr.: 10–20 Uhr
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte,
Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10,
80333 München.
Eine Ausstellung im Rahmen des DFG-geförderten Projektes Studienzentrum zur Moderne – Bibliothek Herzog Franz von Bayern am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte.
Einleitender Text auf der Webseite des Zentralinstitutes: www.zikg.eu
Zur Ausstellung liegt eine 24seitige Katalogzeitung kostenlos aus. Erschienen im icon Verlag mit Beiträgen von Daniela Stöppel, Rüdiger Hoyer und Hubert Kretschmer , gestaltet von Johannes Bissinger. ISBN 978−3−928804−72−1
Freier Download der KatalogZeitung als PDF beim Newspaper Club

Gezeigt werden 200 Hefte von folgenden 70 Magazinen
4 TAXIS, 59 to 1, Puls, A Magazine for, Affenschaukel, Amtramdram, Art Police Gazette, Art/Life, ATROPiN, Audio Arts Magazine on Cassette, Bad, Bomb, Bulvar, Cahiers de Lecons de Choses, Canoe, Capsa, Chocolate News, Clinch, commonpress, Der Alltag, Der Blaue Berg, der Neger, Doo Daa Florida, Ecco, El Correu de Son Coc, Elaste, Europe-Media-Mystic, EXIT, Faix, fase 2, Fenici, Figaro – Pravda, File, Fritz, Glatteis, good news, Hans Kultur – Mitteilungen aus der Zivilisation, Heft, IMAGO, INFRArot, Instant, Interview, Juliet, Killed in Action, Killt, Kunstzeitung, Libellus, L’immoraliste die Information, Museum Rost, Neescha, Normal 1 – Fachblatt für den dilettantischen Alltag, NYB, PiPS, Placid et Muzo, Plages, Plastic Indianer, Quatsch, S.I.N.EWS, Salon, smile, Sterz, TANGO, Tectual, The Monthly, toi et moi pour toujours, Uecker Zeitung, Umbrella, Veränderungen für Alle, Vipecker Raiphan, X Stars.
Beteiligte Künstler
AA Bronsen, Andy Warhol, Bartomeu Cabot, Bernhard Springer, Boris Nieslony, Charles H. Mor, Claude Sandoz, Claudia Pütz, Dieter Hermann, Dietmar Kirves, Erwin Puls, Franz Aumüller, Gerhard Theewen, Ginny Lloyd, Görd Kaa, Günter Wallraff, Günther Uecker, Guy Schraenen, Hubert Kretschmer, Jacques-Elie Chabert, James Nitsch, Jocelin Richard, John Bevis, Josep Alberti, Joseph Kamikaze, Judith A. Hoffberg, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Karel Dudesek, Klaus-Georg Gaida, Marc Schepers, Mike Hentz, Nicola Frangione, Patrick Beurard, Peter Below, Sasa Merts, Tobias Leutenegger, Tobias Mahlow, Tom Stark, Vittore Baroni, Walter Keller, Walther E Baumann, Wolfgang Diller, Wolfgang Hainke, Wulle, und noch vielen anderen.
MagaZines aus folgenden Ländern
Canada, Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Schweiz, Spanien, Vereinigte Staaten
Gesamtleitung Rüdiger Hoyer, ZI
Kurator Hubert Kretschmer
Textbeitrag Daniela Stöppel
Recherche Sabine Becker
Scans Aline Pronnet
Presse Susanne Spieler
Aufbau Ronny Becker, Horst Schiffmann
Fotografie Lisa Fuhr
GesamtGestaltung Johannes Bissinger
English version
Zines #three – the early 80s. Artist magazines from the collection of Hubert Kretschmer, Munich (Archive Artist Publications)
Exhibit at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte [Central Institute for Art History], 6 Feb. 2015 – 31 Mar. 2015, Noerdlicher Lichthof, 1st floor.
Opening on 6 February, 2015, following an evening lecture by Hubert Kretschmer: 35 Years Archive Artist Publications (6:15pm, Lecture Hall, 2nd floor)
An exhibit at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in cooperation with Hubert Kretschmer (Archive Artist Publications) in the scope of the DFG-sponsored project “Studienzentrum zur Moderne – Bibliothek Herzog Franz von Bayern am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte” [Studies Center on Modernity – Library Herzog Franz von Bayern at the Central Institute for Art History].
Concept: Hubert Kretschmer
Following the precursor exhibits in 2013 and 2014 presenting productions from the seventies, our vitrine exhibition series Zines – Artist Publications from the Collection of Hubert Kretschmer (Archive Artist Publications) will now conclude with a selection of publications from the eighties. This period, in addition to very current publications, comprises the mainstay of Hubert Kretschmer’s Archive Artist Publications (www.artistbooks.de).
More than 200 editions from over 70 magazine-like artist publications from 11 countries will be displayed. Exhibits in the German language are once again predominant, but the relatively numerous works from Canada, France and the USA are a reminder of the very importance of these countries for the alternative artists’ book scene.
The works range from ‘Zines’ in a strict sense of self-production with simple means and the use of alternative distribution methods to projects like Killt or Der Neger (The Negro) that played with the daily newspaper formats, all the way to art magazines in pictorial format which became internationally renowned, like Andy Warhol’s Interview or File Megazine, which was produced by the Canadian artist group General Idea. Some exhibits, like Amtramdram and Toi et moi pour toujours, are from the French ‘Graphzines’ production, which was flourishing in the eighties. The ZI already possesses an outstanding collection of these. Judith Hoffberg’s Umbrella and Instant Media Nr. 16, the catalogue booklet for Hubert Kretschmer‘s Paris Exhibition in 1986, attest to his early attempts in bibliographic (self-) documentation and archiving, which Hubert Kretschmer’s Archive originated from in 1980. Finding materials such as these in libraries is still a rarity. The majority of the works have never been on display in the Bibliothek des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte nor are they available in any other Bavarian library. We are therefore especially proud to present these artist publications in the context of the DFG-sponsored project Studienzentrum zur Moderne – Bibliothek Herzog Franz von Bayern im Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte [Center of Studies on Modernity – Library Herzog Franz von Bayern at the Central Institute for Art History].
Archiv Künstlerische Bücher / Archive Artist Publications
The archive stems from the exhibits of artist books at the Produzentengalerie München (from 1979) and is based on the collections of verlag & distribution kretschmer & großmann (from 1980). The collection is continuously expanded through acquisitions, gifts and items on loan and today it comprises ca. 40,000 items, of which more than 12,000 are in an online catalogue and accessible to public research: www.artistbooks.de
A newspaper catalogue has been published to accompany the exhibit with contributions by Hubert Kretschmer, Daniela Stoeppel and Ruediger Hoyer.
A tour of the exhibition with Hubert Kretschmer takes place on Thursday,19 March, 2015 at 5pm.
Bilder vom Vortrag und der Ausstellungseröffnung am 6.2.2015