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 Hinweise zum Copyright und ServiceAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich - www.artistbooks.de

Thurmann-Jajes Anne, Hrsg.: Annahme erwünscht! - Die Idee einer offenen Gesellschaft: Künstlerische Netzwerke im Kontext des Archivs Kees Francke. - Acceptance Welcome! - The Idea of an Open Society: Artistic Networks in the Context of the Kees Francke Archive, 2017

  • Annahme erwünscht! - Die Idee einer offenen Gesellschaft: Künstlerische Netzwerke im Kontext des Archivs Kees Francke. - Acceptance Welcome! - The Idea of an Open Society: Artistic Networks in the Context of the Kees Francke Archive
Ort Land
  • 2 S., 16x11,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Einladungskarte zur Ausstellungseröffnung, beidseitig bedruckt
  • Einladung zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 14.09.2017.
    Ausstellung 14.09.2017-06.01.2018
    The philosopher Karl Popper called in 1945 for an open society “in which one can breathe and think freely, in which each person has a value, and in which the society exerts no unnecessary pressure on the individual”. In the 1960s and 1970s a new generation of artists began to replicate works of art in the form of artists’ books, magazines, newspapers, small multiple objects, postcards, graphic posters or audio cassettes. These were sold for a small fee or exchanged internationally with artist colleagues, disregarding all political frontiers, from Eastern Europe to Latin America. An international network was thus formed via the post, enabling artists to circumvent the censorship of their work. This was the genesis of so-called Mail Art. Everyone could participate, nobody was excluded. there were no juries and no censorship. A societal vision in accordance with that envisaged by Karl Popper was apparent in the dehierarchisation and the democratisation of art. The exhibition shows works from the archive of the Dutch artist Kees Francke, who would have celebrated his 65th birthday this year, supplemented by works from other archives that help to form a picture of the networks though which these artists were interconnected. A cabinet exhibition in the series "On the Gallery"
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