Technische Angaben
[28] S., 20x15 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, schmaler Karton als Umschlag, rückwärtiger Teil mit Signatur und teil des Impressums abgeschnitten
I was born in the Basque Country in 1978. This land has been inhabited since prehistoric times by the Basques. This continuous presence is explained by the context of the landscape, collected by the mountains and bathed by the Cantabric Sea, that has served as a shelter to a rooted culture and popular customs that are still alive in the 21st century.
Here, nature, history and legend come together with unusual force and create a land of myths and magic that I explore through photography. A land where nature is praised in old rites learned from our ancestors.
These intangible concepts are the beginning point to create a visual imaginary which serves me to understand the society and the land I live in, positioning myself in my environment through photography. Trees, waves, animals and black skies build a symbolic world that I turn into a channel to reach the soul of the Basques, an old soul, the soul of the one who pursues its lost paradise.
Galerna is a tribute to the original identity of this land.
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