BUNTE Illustrierte Münchner Illustrierte Nr. 21
Technische Angaben
70 S., 35x26,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ausgabe der wöchentlich erscheinenden Illustrierten vom 20.05.1961. Mit Beiträgen u.a. zu Gary Cooper und Liz Taylor, dem Citroen ID 19, Kurzkrimi und Fortsetzungsroman.
Der Bericht über das Leben einer leidenschaftlichen Frau, Liz Taylor, Bitterer Ruhm
The Trip - Andy Warhol's Plastic Fantastic Cross-Country Adventure
Technische Angaben
324 S., 24x14 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-476703510
Hardcover, fadengeheftet, mit Schutzumschlag
From the author of Strapless and Guest of Honor, a book about a little-known road trip Andy Warhol took from New York to LA in 1963, and how that journey—and the numerous artists and celebrities he encountered—profoundly influenced his life and art.
In 1963, up-and-coming artist Andy Warhol took a road trip across America. What began as a madcap, drug-fueled romp became a journey that took Warhol on a kaleidoscopic adventure from New York City, across the vast American heartland, all the way to Hollywood and back.
With locations ranging from a Texas panhandle truck stop to a Beverly Hills mansion, from the beaches of Santa Monica to a Photomat booth in Albuquerque, The Trip captures Warhol’s interactions with Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, Marcel Duchamp, Elizabeth Taylor, Elvis Presley, and Frank Sinatra. Along the way he also met rednecks, beach bums, underground filmmakers, artists, poets, socialites, and newly minted hippies, and they each left an indelible mark on his psyche.
In The Trip, Andy Warhol’s speeding Ford Falcon is our time machine, transporting us from the last vestiges of the sleepy Eisenhower epoch to the true beginning of the explosive, exciting ’60s. Through in-depth, original research, Deborah Davis sheds new light on one of the most enduring figures in the art world and captures a fascinating moment in 1960s America—with Warhol at its center.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
36 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, ein Anschreiben an die Abonnenten liegt bei
Arts of the Working Class No. 21 - Around the world in 80 pages - Forced displacement issue - Tourism issue
Technische Angaben
80 S., 35,2x25,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Lose ineinander gelegte Blätter, Druck auf Zeitungspapier.
AusgabeMai 2022. „Arts of the Working Class“ ist eine Straßenzeitung für Armut, Reichtum und Kunst. Sie erscheint alle zwei Monate und enthält Beiträge von Künstlern und Denkern aus verschiedenen Feldern und in verschiedenen Sprachen. Sie richtet sich an die Arbeiterklasse, also an alle, und es geht um alles, das allen gehört. Jeder, der sie verkauft, verdient mit. Jeder Künstler, dessen Arbeit beworben wird, gestaltet mit.
Anniversary launch Issue 21. Arts of the Working Class is glad to invite you on June 8 to the launch of its fourth anniversary issue AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 PAGES. Organized in collaboration with Callie’s and a.p. Starting at 6.30 PM, the event will take a tour and discuss matters of tourism and forced displacement through the words and works of its contributors. The title of both the event and our latest issue take Jules Verne’s proto sci-fi book as a starting point for our shared research. Verne, the poet and writer whose narratives took us on a journey into imaginary and inconceivable worlds, left us with an invaluable lesson– we perceive the world in its entirety only through technology, the very same technology that can only be progressive if accessible to everyone, rather than as means for individual convenience.
Text von der Webseite.
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