Aspen - The Magazine in a Box Vol. 1 No. 04
Technische Angaben
31x23,6x1,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kassette mit zwei gefalteten Einzelblättern, beidseitig bedruckt, eins davon Werbemappe mit Werbeheftchen für Gordon's und Newsletter der Something Else Press, drei Poster, drei Hefte mit Drahtheftung und eine Schallplatte.
Ausgabe gestaltet von Quentin Fiore. Ausgabe besteht aus 9 Teilen: 1. Box, 2. "The Medium Is the Massage" Poster-sized mosaic of pages from The Medium Is the Massage by McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, 3. "The TV Generation" Poster of a color photo taken at the Tribal Stomp at San Francisco's Avalon Ballroom, 4. "Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse)" Random observations by John Cage, 5. "The Electronics of Music" Essay on electronic music by Faubion Bowers and Daniel Kunin, 6. Phonograph recording. A Recorded Sampler of Electronic Music. Side A: In Memoriam of Edgar Varèse, by Mario Davidovsky. Side B: Horn, by Gordon Mumma, 7. "The Braille Trail" Bob Lewis and Alfred Etter describe a nature trail for the blind, 8. "Psycles" Excerpts from The Bikeriders, Danny Lyon' book about the Chicago Outlaws motorcycle club. Prefaced by a meditation on motorcycling by Bob Chamberlain, 9. Mappe mit Werbung mit einem Werbeheft für Gordon's und Newsletter der Something Else Press (Something Else Newsletter Volume 1, Number 6: May, 1967), weitere Werbehefte der Originalausgabe fehlen.
Technische Angaben
14,8x10,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Programmheft
Zur Veranstaltung 08.09.-09.10.2022 in München
VARIOUS OTHERS is the international format of the Munich art scene. Its most ambitious players—galleries, artist-run spaces, and institutions—invite you to get to know the city’s most important art venues in all their diversity. In collaboration with international partners, VARIOUS OTHERS offers artists, collectors, curators, gallery owners, and art enthusiasts from all over the world contemporary art of the highest quality and relevance.
With its splendid kick-off during the second weekend of September, VARIOUS OTHERS heralds the start of the fall art season and is a fixed event in the international art calendar. With its up-to-date, varied, and high-quality program of exhibitions and events, VARIOUS OTHERS promotes the visibility of Munich as a vibrant art city.
Through our partnership concept—galleries and artist-run spaces invite partners to jointly realize exhibitions—we strengthen international exchange and collaboration and share those values with our guests and partners. During four rich weeks, we invite our guests and friends to experience great sites of contemporary art in Munich and get to know the artists who work here—and thus discover new things. ...
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