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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • Sutere Soven Musicfestival
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • [2] S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • 17.-19.08.2018.
    Suture means sewing. This is the idea we will be following on each and every level of our festival. Suture Soven Music Festival emerged out of the wish and the need to bring musicians and their audience together in a way that enhances deep listening and watching musical appearances that provide the potential for creating something new in a cheerful and caring atmosphere. We will watch and hear the beautifully radical positions and ideas of international musicians. In terms of musical style, we are situated at the intersection of jazz, free improvised music, classical modernism and new music.
    The first Suture Soven Music Festival will take place in an old farm house in the countryside. the concerts will be held in the barn and in the attic of an old stable. By locating the genre defying music in the beautiful countryside of Lower Saxony (Wendland) we invite local people from the area as well as from the cities to make the connection between different worlds and points of views for three days in Suture Soven. We are striving to shape the surrounding area of the festival and make it as sustainable as possible, while working with local farmers and craftsmen. We offer a space and time that taps on an urge to create a sensual narrative. The music we listen to, the words we hear and speak, the food and drink we are provided with, in a setting that will be home to us for three summer days offer us the possibility of making sense.
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  • Zeugen unseres Wohngeschmacks - Ikea-Kataloge aus siebzig Jahren kann man jetzt online durchblättern
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 57,2x40 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Zeitungsausriss aus Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 225 vom 29.09.2020, Feuilleton, HF2 Seite 11
  • Das IKEA Museum bietet jetzt alle Kataloge in digitaler Form an


  • Tod einer Ikone - Erst Fibel, dann Bibel
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 57,2x40 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Zeitungsausrisse aus Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 284 vom 08.12.2020, Wirtschaft, HF2 Seite 17 und Nr. 285 vom 09.12.2020, Feuilleton, Seite 11
  • Untertitel: Es gibt ihn seit 70 Jahren - nun lässt Ikea den Katalog auslaufen und Was der eingestellte Ikea-Katalog für die Wohnkultur in Europa bedeutet hat


Baroni Vittore, Hrsg.: Arte Postale! 100 - Klang! Blah! Bzzzoing! Szock!, 2009

  • Arte Postale! 100 - Klang! Blah! Bzzzoing! Szock!
Ort Land
  • 36 S., 14,5x15 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Drahtheftung, im Umschlag vorne 3 Booklets und 1 gefaltetes Poster (Klang! Suoni Contemporeani) in Einschubtasche, rückseitig eine selbstgebrannte und -gestempelte Multimedia CD, Heftseiten Schwarz-Weiss Kopien mit 4 eingeklebten Farbbildern, auf dem Cover das Klang! Logo ebenfalls aufgeklebt
  • ARTE POSTALE! (1979-2009)
    One of the best known and probably the most long-live mail art magazine on the planet, Arte Postale! has assembled original works or published materials by hundreds of international networkers. The project is considered concluded with issue n.100 (december 2009).
    Text von
    When, just over twenty, I was assembling the first issue of the magazine Arte Postale!, joining with brass rings a dozen of sheets printed in one hundred copies on pink paper, I would never have imagined that thirty years later I would have been still busy putting together with scissors and glue the very same publication. Instead, this issue n. 100, intentionally produced in the homemade cut-and-paste style typical of mail art, even shares the musical theme with that first experiment, in which I already rubberstamped and glued leaflats on the pages or I stapled on them a piece of magnetic tape.
    Introduction by Vittore Baroni
    Issue no. 100 of Vittore Baroni's Arte Postale! magazine dedicated to the Klang! exhibition/sonic arts festival held in Viareggio, Italy, august 7-9 2009.
    36 pp. booklet with attached cd-r, published in 100 copies (standard edition, in the AAP) plus 100 copies with additional plastic pouch including 30 original cd-size works by 30 artists (Joel S. Cohen, David Dellafiora, Mike Dickau, Carol Stetser, Ruggero Maggi, Emilio Morandi, Jan-Willem Doornenbal, Ever Arts, Luc Fierens, Richard Kostelanetz, Jurgen O. Olbrich, Gianni Simone, Rod Summers, Bruno Cassaglia, Ruggero Maggi, Serse Luigetti, etc.
    Among them comes a CD mini-album by Jarmo Sermilä: Mechanical Partnership, a complimentary copy of the official Jase 2000 release - see Jarmo Sermilä - Mechanical Partnership.
    Text von discogs Webseite
    1. Mike Dickau - Arte Postale!: Pax Vobiscum (2’54”)
    2. Günther Ruch - Musica 123456 (2’09”)
    3. Reid Wood - Future Sound (0’27”)
    4. Krell - Bzzzoing! (5’00”)
    5. Franco Piri Focardi - Concerto Per Bozuffo (3’41”)
    6. Jan Willem Doornenbal - Lake Crocodile (2’16”)
    7. Bruno De Angelis - 100: Game Over! (4’ 30”)
    8. Joel Cohen - Last Song Reverse (2’17”)
    Tempo Totale | Total Time: 23’54”
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