A humument - A treated victorian novel
Technische Angaben
8 S., 17,5x12,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Leporello, Buchankündigung
Technische Angaben
25,7x22 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0500279764
inside magazines - independent popculture magazines
Technische Angaben
238 S., 27,5x22 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0500283648
Technische Angaben
160 S., 21,5x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500238509
Technische Angaben
256 S., 34x24 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500288917
mit Klappumschlag, über 750 Abbildungen
Technische Angaben
352 S., 32x25,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500241493
Hardcover, Leinen bedruck mit HP Indigo 10000, mit Lesebändchen. Die Bilder auf dem Umschlag werden per Zufall aus 230 Bildern kombiniert
Mit Texten von Steven Heller, John Maeda, Eugene S Flamm.
The beloved typewriter--its utilitarian beauty, the pleasing percussive action of striking its keys, the singularity of the impressed page--is enjoying a genuine renaissance across the creative industries. In this authoritative publication, the founders of the Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry, the largest such collection in the world, apply their experience, mining the collection they have created over four decades to present examples produced by more than 200 of the world's finest typewriter artists. From the early ornamental works produced by secretaries in the late nineteenth century to more recent works that consider the unique position of the typewritten document in the digital age, there is an astonishing and delightful range of creativity in every artwork.
Text von der Webseite
Mr. Fluxus - A Collective Portrait of George Maciunas, 1931–1978
Technische Angaben
352 S., 24,5x17,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500974612
Hardcover, fadengeheftet, mit Schutzumschlag, mit Illustrationen
George Maciunas was the founding member and leader of the most radical and experimental art movement of th 1960s: "Fluxus". Associated with artists such as Joseph Bueys and Yoko Ono, Fluxus rejected traditional systems of high art and practised a form of "anti-art" encompassing everything from photography and pavement art to poetry and drama. This biography of one of the key figures in the history of 20th-century art recounts in text and archive photographs the life story of this contradictory and unorthodox man. Emmett Williams provides anecdotes and impressions from former Fluxus colleagues and other friends (and enemies), to produce a portrait of this crusader, whose mission was to change the world - beginning with the world of art. Although tempered with wit and wisdom, his iconoclasm won him few friends amongst the art establishment during his lifetime, but Fluxus prevailed as an acknowledged force behind the upheavals in the art of the 20th century.
Text von der Webseite
A humument - a treated Victorian novel
Technische Angaben
367 S., 18,2x13 cm, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 0500280282
Hardcover, Schutzumschlag
Zweite überarbeitete Auflage.
Nach übermaltem Text des viktorianischen Romans A Human Document, von W. H. Mallock von 1892
Technische Angaben
332 S., 25,7x29,5x3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0500284091
Broschur, Klappcover, auf verschiedenen Papieren gedruckt
This volume by and about the sculptor and pioneer land artist Richard Long explores his work from the 1990s to the present day. Long's ability to make works of physical and intellectual beauty is unrivalled, and this new journey takes the reader around the world: to the Sahara Desert and down the Rio Grande, from coast to coast in Ireland and Spain, to Tierra del Fuego and Mongolia, and to the forests of Honshu in Japan. Some of the artist's sculptures were made during his walks through the world's landscapes, while others bring the material of nature - stones, boulders, driftwood, clay and mud - into a more public or sheltered environment: museums, galleries, houses, gardens. These works feed the senses, whereas the texts and photographs recording the artist's walks feed the imagination.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 032 aus der Reihe 100for10.
I’m a young illustrator currently moored on the Thames in my houseboat. Working from my home studio I like to draw in a variety of mediums, more recently focusing on vector graphics. I enjoy the fast paced nature of vectors, which allows me to capture vivid ideas in a hopefully bold, interesting and thought provoking manner. Working regardless of brief I like to continue to produce a body of work to satisfy my creative habits. This has led to sharing daily drawings online via Instagram, which is a great platform to discover and meet other creatives. I have had the honour of working with some fantastic individuals over the past year, which I try to share online via my website. This September I plan to go to Central Saint Martins to further my studies, devote my time to and produce more art! I’m looking forward to all that this opportunity has to offer.
The Autobiography of a Snake - Drawings by Andy Warhol
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 22x26 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500519257
Hardcover, mit Schutzumschlag aus Metallfolie
This is the never-before-published story of a snake trying to make it in the world of sixties high society, strongly suggested to be a stand-in for Warhol himself. The snake’s tongue-in-cheek observations as he slithers from adorning Jackie Kennedy’s boots to embellishing Coco Chanel’s shirt will delight the sophisticated fashion crowd. But the stars of the show are Warhol’s whimsical illustrations, revivified with a color scheme inspired by his iconic Pop Art. Before he achieved his dream of making it big in New York, Andy Warhol worked in advertising for a leather goods company, Fleming-Joffe, alongside Ogden Nash and Piero Fornasetti. It was for Fleming-Joffe that he created these images (1963), held by the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and rarely seen until this deluxe publication. The Autobiography of a Snake is a brilliant portrait of Warhol’s obsessions, his talent, and the world he would one day conquer.
Text von Amazon
Technische Angaben
288 S., 31x26,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500517635
Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag
Hipgnosis created some of the most innovative and surreal cover art of the 1960s, 70s, and early 80s for the biggest names of the eraPink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Wings, Yes, Genesis, 10cc, Peter Gabriel, Bad Company, Syd Barrett, and Black Sabbath, to name just a few.
The sublime prism cover for Pink Floyds The Dark Side of the Moon continues to be one of the most pervasive images in all popular culture. Hipgnosiss highly conceptual approach and graphic appeal earned them five Grammy nominations for cover design, and they profoundly influenced not only the history of music, but also all other creative fields from advertising to fashion.
Hipgnosis Portraits explores an endless stream of creative ideas in two sections. Part I, "Imagination," tells the story behind the artwork from germination through to the final sleeve design, supported by a wide array of archival materials. Part II, "Realization," contains beautiful and extremely photographic portraits of the musicians the agency counted as clients. Several of these images were taken but not used for projects and have remained buried in archives ever since.
The book is filled with playful, abstract compositions from a remarkably prolific collective that redefined the possibilities of concept-driven art and design.
Text von der Webseite artbooksonline.eu
Technische Angaben
176 S., 21,6x13,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-0-500-29668-4
Ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden darüber, wie die Macht der Kunst genutzt wurde, um politische Veränderungen in der modernen Welt zu bewirken, vom Kampf für das allgemeine Wahlrecht bis hin zu Black Lives Matter.
Vom antikolonialen Kampf bis zur Kampagne für nukleare Abrüstung, von den Suffragetten bis zu Black Lives Matter - die Kunst ist seit langem ein mächtiges Instrument, um den Status quo zu verändern. In neun thematischen Kapiteln untersucht Jessica Lack die Beziehungen der Kunst zu den Medien, den Institutionen und dem Staat, die Verwendung der Kunst durch Aktivisten als Waffe, als Werkzeug oder als Möglichkeit, sich etwas anderes vorzustellen, sowie die Vorstellungen von Künstlern als Kämpfer, Propheten und revolutionäre Führer. Lack ordnet wichtige Kunstwerke, Kampagnen und Bewegungen in ihren sozialen und politischen Kontext ein und erkennt die Netzwerke der Solidarität, Inspiration und Zusammenarbeit, die sowohl für den Protest als auch für das Kunstschaffen von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. Das schön illustrierte und sorgfältig recherchierte Buch Protest Art bietet eine leicht zugängliche Einführung in dieses weite und widerspenstige Feld seit dem frühen zwanzigsten Jahrhundert.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL