RUW! Issue 02 - von Kleist
Technische Angaben
38 S., 29,7x20,6 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-938457245
geklammerte Einzelblätter in Hartpappe-Umschlag mit zweifarbigem Linoldruck, verschiedene Drucktechniken auf verschiedene Papiere teilweise original überarbeitet und signiert
RUW! wurde initiiert von Hans Könings. Zwölf KünstlerInnen lieferten jeweils 50 handgefertigte Arbeiten zum Thema »Kleist«. Als hätten Gestik und Kalkül, Schwarzweiß und Farbe, Fülle und Leere schon immer zusammen gehört. Und mit ihnen Zufall und Plan, Gefühl und Verstand und was es sonst noch an Antithesen und Oppositionen gibt, die sich durch Kunst und Leben ziehen. (uo)
Text von der Webseite
RUW! Issue 03 - nach dem Danach
Technische Angaben
46 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-938457283
geklammerte Einzelblätter in Pappe-Umschlag mit eingebranntem Loch, verschiedene Drucktechniken auf verschiedene Papiere teilweise original überarbeitet, verschiedene Materialien, alles Handarbeit
Die dritte Ausgabe von R U W ! ist der »unausweichlichen« Zeit gewidmet, die uns zwingt nach vorne zu schauen und nicht im Zorn zurück zu blicken. Das Magazin spürt der Vernetzung von Zeit, Existenz und Kunst nach.
Arbeiten von 14 KünstlerInnen
Text von der Webseite
RUW! Issue 05 - The Text Issue
Technische Angaben
[34] S., 29x21,5 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
geklammerte Einzelblätter in Pappe-Umschlag mit Titel im Orignial-Linoldruck, verschiedene Drucktechniken auf verschiedenen Papieren - teilweise original überarbeitet, verschiedene Materialien, alles Handarbeit
Die Blätter sind zum Teil Unikate - jede Ausgabe unterscheidet sich deshalb von den andern.
Cover von Jakob Kirchheim
RUW! Issue 04 - Kannibalen wie du und ich
Technische Angaben
[28] S., 27,8x21,5 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
geklammerte Einzelblätter in Pappe-Umschlag mit Titel im Orignial-Linoldruck, verschiedene Drucktechniken auf verschiedenen Papieren - teilweise original überarbeitet, verschiedene Materialien, alles Handarbeit
Die Blätter sind zum Teil Unikate - jede Ausgabe unterscheidet sich deshalb von den andern.
RUW! Issue 06 - Arbeitsunfall
Technische Angaben
[28] S., 29x22 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-942847988
geklammerte Einzelblätter in Pappe-Umschlag mit Titel im Orignial-Linoldruck, verschiedene Drucktechniken auf verschiedenen Papieren - teilweise original überarbeitet, verschiedene Materialien, alles Handarbeit
Die Blätter sind zum Teil Unikate - jede Ausgabe unterscheidet sich deshalb von den andern.
Cover von Jakob Kirchheim.
Allgemein wird „der Arbeitsunfall“ als eine „ungewollte und unerwartete Störung des Normalablaufs der Arbeitsvorgänge“ begriffen, der mit einer Schädigung verbunden ist. Der Begriff „Arbeitsunfall“ wird hier als soziologische Feldforschung begriffen und ist nicht als rein medizinisches Wort interpretierbar.
ARTIC - Texte aus der fröhlichen Wissenschaft No. 10 Stimme - INTEGER
Technische Angaben
84 S., 31x18,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 094598643
Drahtheftung, Einband aus Fliegendraht, enthält CD, Metall Applikation, Vorder- und Rückseite ist beklebt, enthält Faden
Thema der Ausgabe: Stimme
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband gebunden.
Katalog zur Ausstellung DAS TREFFEN DREIER PUNKTE, 01.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
Text von der Webseite.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband gebunden, Wendeheft.
Katalog zur Ausstellung HIDDEN TREASURES, 03.,07.,13.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von Der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband zusammengehalten, Wendeheft.
Katalog zur Ausstellung THE MIDDLE STUFF, 05.-12.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[64] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband zusammengehalten, Wendeheft.
Katalog zur Ausstellung HOSTING, 02.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[64] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband zusammengehalten, Wendeheft.
Katalog zur Ausstellung RAUMANEIGNUNG, 19.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Reunion - Picture Berlin - Festival Catalog 2014
Technische Angaben
66 S., 21x14,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Cover beidseitig beschnitten
PICTURE BERLIN is an nonprofit artist run hybrid residency, art academy started in 2009. It encourages an active discourse in contemporary art and photography by creating connections between internationally invited artists and locally based Berlin artists and curators.
Text aus dem Katalog.