Technische Angaben
78 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
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This survey of experimental art and design magazines published since 2000 explores the various ways in which contemporary artists and designers utilize the magazine format as an experimental space for the presentation of artworks and text. Throughout the 20th century, international avant-garde activities in the visual arts and design were often codified first in the informal context of a magazine or journal. This exhibition, drawn from the holdings of the MoMA Library, follows the practice into the 21st century. The works on view represent a broad array of international titles within this genre, from community-building newspapers to image-only photography magazines to conceptual design projects. The contents illustrate a diverse range of image-making, editing, design, printing, and distribution practices. There are obvious connections to the past lineage of artists’ magazines and little architecture and design magazines of the 20th century, as well as a clear sense of the application of new techniques of image-editing and printing methods. Assembled together, these contemporary magazines provide a first-hand view into these practices and represents the MoMA Library’s sustained effort to document and collect this medium.
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Books and editions - The world is very large.
Technische Angaben
14,8x21 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Preisliste und Visitenkarte
Elisabeth Tonnard is a Dutch artist and poet working in artists’ books, photography and literature.
She has published over forty books that are exhibited widely and held in numerous private and public collections including the Centre Pompidou, Columbia University, Getty Museum, Kunstbibliothek Berlin, MoMA Library, New York Public Library, Tate Library and the Walker Art Center. Much of her work involves responding to existing books, texts and images, reworking them into new (visual) literature. The works range in scale and method from a book that is completely invisible to a book that is a swimming pool. A catalogue of books is available here.
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Wie man einen Garten pflegt
Technische Angaben
32 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Erschienen zu einer Ausstellung von 9 Künstlern im Städtischen Garten in Nikosia 04.02.-02.03.2012, mit Texten der Herausgeberin Elena Parpa. Beteiligt u. a. The infinite Library von Daniel Gustav Cramer und Haris Epaminonda. It is primarily an expanding archive of books, each created out of pages of one or more found books and bound anew. The online catalogue serves as an index.
Festival für Visuelle Poesie - Klang Farben Text - Visual Poetry for the 21st Century
Technische Angaben
10,5x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zur Veranstaltung vom 03.-05.03.2020 im Lyrik Kabinett.
Klang Farben Text ist ein dreitägiges Festival für Visuelle Poesie, das von der internationalen Bewegung für Konkrete Poesie der 1950er und 60er Jahre inspiriert ist. Das Projekt feiert, wie sich diese Bewegung in neue Generationen von Dichtern und Künstlern fortzeugt: Zwölf der einfallsreichsten Vertreter dieser Richtung aus Großbritannien und Deutschland treffen sich zu gemeinsamen Arbeiten und Auftritten in München. Sie lassen erleben, wie das gedruckte Wort sich auch in Film und Performance verwandelt und wie die Konkrete oder Visuelle Poesie über das Medium der Druckseite hinausgewachsen und zu einer Form der Erlebniskunst für das 21. Jahrhundert geworden ist. Die teilnehmenden Dichterinnen und Dichter arbeiten paarweise miteinander und präsentieren an den Abenden neue Performances, kurze Poesiefilme sowie auch Impressionen zu einem bedeutenden klassischen Werk Konkreter Poesie.
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Technische Angaben
144 S., 30x22 cm, Auflage: 350, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468209
Broschur mit Klappeinband
The Nabokov Paper is an experiment in novel-reading. The project takes as its starting point a now famous class taught during the 1950s by Vladimir Nabokov at Cornell University, New York State, entitled Literature 311-312: Masters of European Fiction. Nabokov’s approach to teaching literary reading was notoriously idiosyncratic. Convinced that one must teach the books themselves, not ideas or generalities, Nabokov would make diagrams of the floor plans of fictional buildings, map the routes taken by characters through the spaces of the novel, and draw items of clothing or furniture, he would also propose to track the course of a single letter, offer a visual representation of a stylistic device, and uncover what he called the mysteries of literary structures. His methods are striking for the range of gestures they call for in the name of good reading. The published Lectures on Literature (New York: Harcourt, 1980) concludes with an appendix of sample exam questions. Responding to those questions some sixty years after the fact offers a means to explore what Nabokov’s take on how to read might have to teach us today: about the novel, about how reading works across practices and disciplines, and about the past, present and future forms of literary criticism.
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A Point of View - Visual Poetry: The 90s - An Anthology
Technische Angaben
6 S., 21x10 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer, zweimal gefaltet, beidseitig bedruckt
Info-Flyer zur gleichnamigen Publikation
OWK 1 - Oi Wraioi Kypraioi. (Die wunderbaren Zyprioten) Culturally aroused art & design dialogues
Technische Angaben
16 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, ein Sticker eingelegt. Cover mit Prägedruck. Risographie. In braunem Papierumschlag mit Aufkleber
OWK is an independent visual library for words and images that create linear or abstract stories providing a structure for publishing and archiving projects. We focus on graphic design, illustration, photography, art and creative writing.
OWK is a Riso print project, meaning that color will fail to present photographs in its purest form. Registration too will fail and colors will be imperfect. It is what it is. An experimental electronic single drum screenprint with its own unique aesthetic and feel.
OWK 3 - Oi Wraioi Kypraioi. Culturally aroused art & design dialogues
Technische Angaben
16 S., 19x14,5 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, ein Klebesticker mit "OWK"-Logo eingelegt, Cover mit Prägedruck, Risographie
OWK 4 - Oi Wraioi Kypraioi. Culturally aroused art & design dialogues
Technische Angaben
16 S., 19x14,5 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Cover mit Prägedruck, Risographie,
OWK 9 - Oi oraioi Kypraioi. (Die wunderbaren Zyprioten) - Engaged objectivity of street life mobility -
Technische Angaben
20 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Prägedruck rechts unten, Risographie.
Nr. 9, November 2018. Gedruckte Korrektur neben Jahreszahl 2019 in Pink.
OWK is an independent visual library for words and images that create linear or abstract stories providing a structure for publishing and archiving projects. We focus on graphic design, illustration, photography, art and creative writing.
OWK is a Riso print project, meaning that color will fail to present photographs in its purest form. Registration too will fail and colors will be imperfect. It is what it is. An experimental electronic single drum screenprint with its own unique aesthetic and feel.
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