This Week #1 Muffin Moments
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 41,5x30 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Rotations-Druck auf Zeitungspapier, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Reflecting on the conditions of this traditional industry 'This Week' uses and abuses form and function of newspapers. This Issue: Comic Strips
Technische Angaben
23.5x16.5 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung u. a
Every item on the List is a transcript of a part of Kasper Andreasen‘s ongoing work Proofs. Since 2004, he collects sheets of paper: receipts, newspaper articles, packaging, tickets and other written traces which he is confronted with on a daily basis. Twice a year, he chronologically assembles these papers into hard cover books. These sheets compress the time of his daily life and are an attempt to capture lost time.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
48 S., 27x19 cm, Auflage: 700, ISBN/ISSN 9789073525467
Broschur mit Papierumschlag. . Papiere in verschiedenen Größen
Land Route is a companion volume to the permanent installation, consisting of a large wall drawing and a video, that was made for the new reception room at the Museum of Literature in The Hague. A selection of the drawings, sketches, and writings that led to the conception and production of the wall drawing are included, as are stills from the video Psychography.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
88 S., 24x17 cm, Auflage: 350, ISBN/ISSN 9789090287713
Softcover, gebunden
Buch zur Ausstellung The Place of Writing, vom 16.11.2014 bis 11.01.2015 in Hasselt, Belgien
Technische Angaben
29x10 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
In Moment’s Notice the narrator reflects on his past and attempts to transform diverse experiences and memories into a continuous visual poem in which the perception of space is a recurring theme.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
108 S., 13,5x20,4 cm, Auflage: 25, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur. Offset, Fotokopie, Cover Siebdruck
Accounted For, 2006 collects 54 train receipts in order to document, in chronological order, the trips a railway traveller took in 2006. The blue-and-white pattern found on Belgian Railways tickets is printed offset over photocopies of one year’s worth of travel expenses (the individual receipts record the date and destination of each trip), thus giving the impression of continuous movement. Accounted For, 2006 was printed in downtown Lima, Peru in 2009, some three years after the train trips actually took place.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
48 S., 22,9x15,4 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ausstellung vom 08.09.-04.11.2007. The pieces in the show explored what you could call the visualization of language: mapping notation, shorthand forms, the alphabet, graffiti, the vocabulary of painting, missing things, and so on. Speaking of Which contains works in book form related to the pieces that were on display. Exhibition and book compiled with Louis Lüthi.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
100 S., 28,5x21 cm, Auflage: 600, ISBN/ISSN 9789077459911
Writing Over is a drawing atlas which focuses on the relationship between the gestures of drawing, writing and map-making. The book serves as companion volume to the installation Writing Over, which was shown in 2012 at Netwerk in Aalst. The drawings which are partly derived from a personal and collective history are rendered in different types of landscapes and maps. These are accompanied by an ‘Atlas Archive’. a study of surfaces used in this cartographic process – sketches, stamps, media images, engraving plates, notations – and a short story by Louis Lüthi, entitled Unalaska Alaska.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
14 S., 29x13,6 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kunststoff-Heftstreifen, Siebdruck. Einzelblätter und gefaltetes Plakat
DIY is a timeline of the history of the space occupied by W139. In the form of reportage, replete with interviews, maps, and images from the archive, it takes as its starting point the renovation of the gallery space that was proposed in 2003 and from there reflects on the architecture of the building itself and its changing role within the city of Amsterdam over the years. DIY takes the ostensible form of a calendar and in its design and production embodies the do-it-yourself ethos that is so characteristic of W139. A fold-out map shows where a series of art objects were buried during a performance held before the previous renovation, in 1991.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
64 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, unbeschnitten, beigelegt der Ausstellungsplan und handschriftliches Anschreiben
The exhibition Copy Construct departs from different artistic practices and specific works by artists that are based on reproduction or copy. The selected works are inherent to the production of printed matter or artist’s books. This implies that different artistic media such as painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and graphic design can manifest themselves through graphical problematics and their meanings. Alongside the 25 works of the artists, a little less than 300 books from the KASK collection (School of Arts, Ghent) and private collections from Belgium and England are displayed in the exhibition. The exhibition architecture is designed by Kris Kimpe and Koenraad Dedobbeleer and is accompanied by a publication, designed by Joris Dockx, which includes a bibliography of the exhibited books, different contributions by the artists, an interview with a book collector, etc.
Technische Angaben
2 S., 14,8x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zur Ausstellung 25.03.-04.06.2017 im Cultuurcentrum Mechelen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Hogeschool Gent, KASK (School of Arts)
FLIP - About Image Construction
Technische Angaben
1 S., 59,4x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Plakat, gefaltet, einseitig bedruckt, dazu persönliches Schreiben in Briefumschlag von Phyllis Dierick
Plakat zur Ausstellung vom 03.03-22.03.2018, KASK Gent.
FLIP is the sequel to the exhibition Copy Construct held at CC Mechelen in 2017. The exhibition focuses on displaying a temporary archive of artists’ books parallel to about a dozen filmic works. The term ‘FLIP’ associatively refers to the performative gesture of leafing through a book but also to notions of image sequences, reversal (printing), the flipbook, as well as the use of text and images in both books and video works. In short, the exhibition is an attempt to show these media together, emphasizing the use of narrative strategies and image construction as extensions of each other.
Text von der Website.
FLIP - About Image Construction
Technische Angaben
65 S., 27x20,9 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Softcover, Lageplan eingelegt
Publikation zur Ausstellung vom 03.03-22.03.2018, KASK Gent.
FLIP is the sequel to the exhibition Copy Construct held at CC Mechelen in 2017. The exhibition focuses on displaying a temporary archive of artists’ books parallel to about a dozen filmic works. The term ‘FLIP’ associatively refers to the performative gesture of leafing through a book but also to notions of image sequences, reversal (printing), the flipbook, as well as the use of text and images in both books and video works. In short, the exhibition is an attempt to show these media together, emphasizing the use of narrative strategies and image construction as extensions of each other.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
66 S., 27,3x20 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 9789491843945
Drahtheftung, beigelegt der Ausstellungsplan und handschriftliches Anschreiben
The exhibition Copy Construct departs from different artistic practices and specific works by artists that are based on reproduction or copy. The selected works are inherent to the production of printed matter or artist’s books. This implies that different artistic media such as painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and graphic design can manifest themselves through graphical problematics and their meanings. Alongside the 25 works of the artists, a little less than 300 books from the KASK collection (School of Arts, Ghent) and private collections from Belgium and England are displayed in the exhibition. The exhibition architecture is designed by Kris Kimpe and Koenraad Dedobbeleer and is accompanied by a publication, designed by Joris Dockx, which includes a bibliography of the exhibited books, different contributions by the artists, an interview with a book collector, etc.
Technische Angaben
76 S., 22x15,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789491843754
Fadengeheftet, Softcover, Text auf Englisch
This fiction, a collaboration between Kasper Andreasen and Louis Lüthi, takes as its starting point the painter Alexander Cozens’s publication A New Method of Assisting the Invention in Drawing Original Compositions of Landscape (1785). Set one morning in an empty gallery and told from the point of view of a young man who installs exhibitions for a living, The Preparator combines text and image in a series of compact, associative tableaus, each revolving around a landscape—or rather, the memory of a landscape: a title page, an eighteenth-century ink drawing, the network of cracks in a ceiling, a walk along the Rhine, a satellite photograph, Thomas Bernhard holding forth in a private garden, and others.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
30 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 100, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Softcover, Risographie und Fotokopien, beiliegend eine Postkarte Zur Präsentation und eine Karta mit Stanzas or An Index of Alternate Titles
Reflecting upon specific uses of copying, serialisation, and production methods, nine autonomous works have been created by MFA students of KASK in collaboration with Kasper Andreasen.
Text vom Heft.
Technische Angaben
2 S., 15x10 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Reflecting upon specific uses of copying, serialisation, and production methods, nine autonomous works have been created by MFA students of KASK in collaboration with Kasper Andreasen.
Text vom Heft.
Technische Angaben
20 S., 19,5x13,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
This small publication is an edited reprint of the essay ‘The Book in Intermediary Form’ written by Kasper Andreasen. It was originally published by Wintertuin, Nijmegen as part of a compilation about the future of the book. Turning the Page also contains a script for the audiovisual book Tomorrow, which is a collaborative work between Hanne Lippard and Kasper Andreasen reflecting on the status of the (photography) book in audiovisual form.
Text von der Website
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 27,8x20,2 cm, Auflage: 25, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Softcover, Risographie, zwei Seiten aus Pergaminpapier
Bonjour! en goedemorgen! Having made an indefinite amount of trips from Brussels to Gent every academic year, and while barely having any time to spare whilst hurrying to and from the station, I have time and again managed to stop for an eat on the move. Eat on the Move compiles one year of receipts from the railway station's bakery and includes an original croissant bag as end pages.
Text von der Website.
Reviewed printed matter - International Institute of Social History
Technische Angaben
82 S., 29,7x20,7 cm, Auflage: 150, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Softcover, mit Request-Form auf buntem Papier, letzte Seite gestempelt
This publication is the outcome of a review assignment which was part of the theory programm Critique & Actuality in the graphic design department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, 2007. The eleven-day program was compiled by Kasper Andreasen and was based on studying and understanding different methodologies of reviewing and analyzing printed matter. Among the guest lecturers were Louis Lüthi, Petra Van der Jeught and Felix Weigand.
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 9,8x21 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarte, persönliches Anschreiben beigelegt, in Briefumschlag
Zur Ausstellung 07.12.2019-11.01.2020
Technische Angaben
80 S., 26,7x20 cm, Auflage: 550, ISBN/ISSN 978-2-940672059
Fadenheftung, Softcover, Schutzumschlag
... Der kartografische Fries zeigt eine fiktive Karte Münchens, für die der Künstler historische Karten aus dem Bestand der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek zur Grundlage nahm. Der Titel Topographia Nova verweist auf den künstlerischen Prozess, mit dem Andreasen dieses Kartenmaterial zu etwas dezidiert Neuem verarbeitete: Skizzenhafte Landschaften wurden als Radierungen ausgeführt, diese durch Bleistiftzeichnungen ergänzt, anschließend alles digitalisiert. Andreasen vergrößerte das entstandene Bild und druckte es auf Gewebestruktur. Elemente sind zu erkennen: einzelne Zacken vielleicht, die an mittelalterliche Stadtmauern erinnern, oder die Form von der Theresienwiese – aber sonst? Was wir wahrnehmen, ist das Verschmelzen alter und neuer grafischer Schaffensprozesse. ...
Text vom Blog der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 14,9x11 cm, Auflage: 50, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, Digitaldruck, Cover mit Siebdruck
The The is a list in the form of a passport-sized booklet, a series of two-word combinations in which the first word (which is a variable) is followed by the word ‘the’. The words on the pages unfold as a sequence of statements whereby the object always remains ‘the’. These alternating texts have a self-reflexive mantra: for the, eat the, shit the, cut the, cure the, reject the, elect the, fight the, end the.
Auskunft des Autors
Technische Angaben
10,5x14,8 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
3 Postkarten in Briefumschlag
Zur Ausstellung 13.03.-12.06.2022
Technische Angaben
2 S., 10x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarte für die Eröffnung der Ausstellung 20 P/A/N/E/L/S am Sonntag, 18.04.2023 in Gent.
Technische Angaben
208 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 400, ISBN/ISSN 9789464460483
Französische Broschur. Dreisprachiger Infobogen, einfach gefaltet, beigelegt
Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung "High Capacity" des Künstlers Kasper Anndreasen, die vom 29.09.-22.10.2023 im M HKA (Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen) besucht werden konnte. Angeschaut werden konnten einige Collagen, die der Künstler aus diversen Druckerzeugnissen, die er zwischen 1998-2003 in verschiedenen europäischen Städten sammelte, zusammenstellte. Das Buch erschien als begleitende Publikation zur Ausstellung und versammelt die verschiedenen Collagen in Form von Schwarz-Weiß Kopien, als Dokumentation dieser neu arrangierten aber bereits vergessenen Materialien.
Technische Angaben
10,5x14,8 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Karte in transparenter Folie eingeschlagen, in Briefumschlag
Installation in Vitrine Rathaus Tiergarten Berlin-Moabit, 05.09.-29.09.2024
For this presentation, the writing in the source publication is transposed onto a makeshift architecture creating a scale model within the vitrine pavilion. The installation will be on view during the month of September, accompanied by an appropriated version of the publication (2007/2024) which includes an essay and an intervention by Dagmara Genda.
Bezieht sich auf eine Publikation von 2007.