mimas atlas Nr. 12 - The International Waitawhile Sun Ra Conventions
Technische Angaben
21,5x16,2x3,8 cm, Auflage: 75, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
5 CDs und Heft, Fadenheftung mit Prägung, in Karton, mit einer Originalzeichnung von Detlef Thiel
Seltene Materialien und Tondokumente die während der Sun Ra Conventions entstanden sind. Tonaufnahmen von Trudy Morse, Hartmut Geerken, Sigrid Hauff, Edrissa Ken Joof, Malang Kamara, Dialimadi Suso, Children of Sanyang, Yaya Diobaté, Rudie Kagie, Suso Navarrete, Chris Trent, Joy Mather, Ben Franklin, Bernd Hefele, Grace Yoon, Roman Bunka, Eulalia Martin, Detlef Thiel, Chris Hilling, Salah Ragab, u.v.a.m.
„Strange Herrschings“ & West African Recordings, „Trudy Morse speaks with birds and about Sun Ra´s death in hospital“. „sounds from outer space“ u.v.a.m.
Text- und Bildmaterialien von Detlef Thiel, Sun Ra, Trudy Morse, Hartmut Geerken, Oskar Pastior, Hartmut Andryczuk. Anton J. Kuchelmeister u.v.a.m
Technische Angaben
22x14 cm, Auflage: 9, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
VHS-Schachtel mit eingeschobenem Cover, innere linke Seite: schwarze Farbspritzer, Teelöffel, kleine Spritze, verschlossenes Glsröhrchen. Rechte Seite: Zwei zusammengeklebte Bilder, aufgeklebter Stoff mit Musikkassette (1h 26 min)
Beiträge von:
Hate Poem - Blood In The Park
Hate Poem - Children Play With Corpses I
Hate Poem - Children Play With Corpses II
Hate Poem - Children Play With Corpses III
Hate Poem - Murder Minds
Hate Poem - Lullaby By Three Drowned Children
Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau - Gretchen Part 1
Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau - Gretchen Part 2
The New Movement (2) - Rejection
Split tape between the relatively new Swedish project Hate Poem and the prolific German duo Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau.
ANTi-X.x..x...-Mas Edition
Unterstützung durch Bandcamp
Between the Lines Vol. 1: A Coloring Book of Drawings by Contemporary Artists.
Technische Angaben
112 S., 27,1x20,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
A Coloring Book of Drawings by Contemporary Artists. The coloring book is an integral part of our mission to engage patients through contemporary art. Between the Lines is distributed free of charge to children in RxArt’s participating healthcare facilities and sold to benefit RxArt’s projects. Like the artwork we install, the coloring book is meant to give the children and their families something new and stimulating to think about. It is another tool to take children to an emotionally less stressful place and provides a creative outlet for children confined to the austerity of a hospital room.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
796 S., 29,7x20,4 cm, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907570179
The St Mary’s Mother and Baby Home was run by the Bon Secours Sisters on behalf of the Irish State to house unmarried mothers and their children. The location of the graves of 796 infants and children who died in the Home between 1926 and 1961 is unknown, though local knowledge, the research of local historian Catherine Corless, and recent excavations point to a field near the old site of the Home, as well as the likelihood that some children were illegally adopted. International media attention in 2014 led to the Irish government’s Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes, which is still underway.
MOTHERBABYHOME is a 796-page ‘report’ comprising conceptual and visual poetry. An excavation of voices, the poems are composed entirely of text taken from historical archives and contemporary sources related to the Home.
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Technische Angaben
18:04 S., 19x13,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
DVD in Hülle
„Children of God“ - ein Film über die verborgene Natur der Menschen mit ihren Träumen, zwischen Surrealem und Realität, zwischen Sexualität und Brutalität, erschreckender Nähe und gleichzeitiger Entfremdung, Lust und Perversion. Eine nicht greifbare Macht, omnipräsent,allmächtig und gleichzeitg abhängig, stellt sich über die tragischen Figuren, die ihrem Schicksal nicht entfliehen können, und betrachtet sie mit Verachtung.
Text von der Hülle
Technische Angaben
72 S., 12,4x11,9 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-934823808
Aus der Reihe Revolverle for all ages.
For this new series of children's books several artists have been commissioned to develop conceptual projects for all ages. Jonathan Monk's exercise in potato print is the pilot volume for more to come in 2004, such as new children’s books projects by David Shrigley, Tobias Rehberger, Martin Boyce, Sebastian Stöhrer and Rupprecht Matthies …
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Vice Volume 08 Number 01 The Children of the Dragon Issue
Technische Angaben
114 S., 27,4x21,3 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
The adult women will sit in front of the men and the children and young adults will kneel in front of the women
Technische Angaben
27,7x21 cm, Auflage: 500, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, beigelegt ein Heft aus grauem Papier
Installation 8.01.2011 – 09.02.2011, Marco Montiel-Soto, Julia Prezewowsky. Un-kuratiert von Susanne Husse & Jana Sotzko at Savvy Contemporary, Richardstraße 43/44 Berlin
Children and Fire Hydrants
Technische Angaben
12 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck, Zine
Imprint / field / surface - Children's Films
Technische Angaben
26 S., 21x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-941735125
Drahtheftung, Broschur zu zwei Ausstellungen
Still, Life part 1 - The Aesthetics of Self-Destruction
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 28x11 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung. Cover kleiner als der Innenteil, Risographie
Technische Angaben
6 S., 21,5x9,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Werbeflyer der non-profit Organisation, gefaltet
RxArt is a non-profit organization that transforms pediatric hospital facilities into comforting and engaging spaces through site-specific installations by contemporary artists. The therapeutic potential of visual art to stimulate healing is well known, and we provide children and their families with creative respite from the anxiety and the pain of illness, offering hope.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
282 S., 27x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3865211259
Hardcover, fadengeheftet, mit Schutzumschlag
Fazal Sheikh made his first trip to the holy Indian city of Vrindavan in 2003. Each year thousands of women make their way there to join the community of widows who spend their days in the temples, worshipping their god Krishna, and preparing for death. Over the next three years, Fazal Sheikh became accepted by the widows, who agreed to sit for their portraits and talked to him about their lives. Their stories revealed how powerless some of the women had been under the strictures of traditional Hindu law. They were victims of enforced marriage, physical violence, sexual abuse and neglect. Some had been evicted from the family home once their children were married. Others had left of their own accord. As Fazal Sheikh discovered, what the women find in Vrindavan is not just religious solace, but in the sisterhood of other widows they find companionship and support. In his portraits their faces are suffused with calm – in some cases they already seem to have reached a half-life, somewhere between this world and the next – and their religious faith, in many ways the source of their past troubles, finally brings them peace. This project was published as Moksha
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,7x13,2 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, zwei Streifen aus Papier und Karton, in Briefumschlag
The small publishing house is specialized in high quality artist books that are conceived as an integral part of an art work or as the art work itself that, often, plays with the format of the book and reflects its medium. In 2014, the first book of Bom Dia Kinder, a new series of children books made by artists, was launched.The books of Bom Dia are produced in close collaboration with a group of fellow artists.
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Technische Angaben
[32] S., 28x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-943514292
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-weiß Illustrationen
The Coloring Book by Dr. Lakra is the first BOM DIA KINDER book, a new series of children books made by artists. Dr. Lakra is a Mexican artist living in Oaxaca, Mexico. The images compiled inside this coloring book come from various references, inspirations, as well as drafts for the tattoos that Dr. Lakra has made, or wishes he’d made over the years. This is an insight into the world of Dr. Lakra, where many of the interests present in his work collide. ancient mythologies, punk rock fanzines, classic tattoo designs, popular culture icons, Japanese monsters, animal illustrations etc.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
[148] S., 32,6x25,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3865211224
Hardcover mit Leineneinband und Prägedruck.
Anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung von Paulo Nozolino im Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Porto, 07.05.-10.07.2005.
Paulo Nozolino only makes black and white photographs and they are dominated by an impossible darkness that seems impenetrable to light. The photographs were made all over the world - notably in countries of the Arab world - but in the majority of cases it would be difficult to attribute a specific location to them.
Photographs from Auschwitz are the decisive exception. Auschwitz appears as the absolute place and time that orientates everything else. In thirty years of a career as a photographer, Nozolino has constantly intensified his tragic vision of reality: this is visualised in pictures that originate from his own biography and travels. in pictures of men, women and children. in pictures of birth, love making and death.
This publication assembles for the first time photographs from Nozolino's different projects over the years, to form a new narrative, untold until now: the narrative of beginning and ending, and at the same time the narrative of his life's work.
Text von der Webseite
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[112] S., 23,2x24,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907946622
Hardcover mit Siebdruck auf dem Cover.
Spanning almost three decades, 'Moonshine' is a portrait of the American Appalachian folk, a mythologised region populated by ‘moonshiners’. Van Manen’s images are defined by a fierce intimacy with her subject, as the viewer teeters on the edge of the frame, perpetually trespassing on private moments: rollicking children practicing handstands on the couch. a kneeling daughter combing the hair of her grandmother.
Van Manen first visited the region in 1985, to the Appalachian areas of Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia, returning periodically up until 2013 to visit mining families with whom she lived: the Boggs family with their ten red-haired sons. miners Mavis and Junior. The intergenerational images subtly trace the insidious changes undergone by Appalachia – the slow and steady demise of the mining industry, and the migration of inhabitants from ramshackle wooden cabins to the city, or urban trailer parks. Van Manen intermixes black-and-white images with later colour work – another register of time passing and the inevitability of change.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Born 2005, Yannick won his first art contest at the age of 2 in New Zealand. That’s where he lived until he moved to Munich, Germany with his family. Drawing is his passion. He illustrated a children’s book, published quite a few of his drawings in magazines and creates constantly. The preferred equipment he uses is a black fineliner. His Crazy City reflects a pessimistic German City. It should rise awareness of social miseries.
Andy Warhol's Children's Book
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 17,914 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3905173042
Leinenrücken, 6 Tafeln aus Hartpappe mit abgerundeten Ecken
Motive, clockwork panda drummer, parrot, mechanical terrier, moon explorer (Roboter), roll over mouse, Roli Zoli (rollerfahrender Clown), Tomate, Affe, Space Ship, Fisch, tomate
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 013 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Rob Lowe, also known as Supermundane, is an artist, graphic designer, letterer, illustrator and printmaker with 20 years experience in the creative industry. His signature mesmeric drawings have been published and exhibited worldwide. He has been responsible for designing some of the most groundbreaking independent magazines of the last decade including the alternative children’s magazine Anorak and the award-winning food quarterly Fire & Knives. His practice is defined by a distinctive use of colour, line, simplicity and humour which can be seen through all his different disciplines from typeface design to his personal works.
Text von der Webseite.
Ein Zeichenbuch für Kinder nach Motiven von Arnulf Rainer - A colouring book for children after motifs by Arnulf Rainer
Technische Angaben
12 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Erschienen zur Ausstellung [un]gemalt in der Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg 17.07.-27.10.2002
_Quarterly No. 2: Superconsciousness
Technische Angaben
26.5x15.2 cm, Auflage: 1.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung. Druck auf dünnes grünes Papier
_Quarterly is an experimental publication focused on the visual and literary arts. Each issue follows a different theme to which the participating artists are asked to respond. The rather daunting theme of the second issue is "superconsciousness," with three in-depth responses from Ian Bartholomew, Michael Ray Von, and Justin Sloane.
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