Art-Language volume 4 Number 3 - Ways of Seeing
Technische Angaben
126 S., 20,7x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Art & Language, Volume 4, Number 3 is an attempt to produce a guide to Ways of Seeing by John Berger et al.
Art-Language, Volume 4, Number 3 is an attempt to produce a guide to 'Ways of Seeing' by John Berger et al. It might be argued that 'Ways of Seeing' has already been dispensed with, that it is obvious to anyone worth talking to that it is a bad book, etc. But it is a paradigm of sorts. It pricks the liberal conscience from the Left and enlightens the inert mass from above. It is widely recommended to art students and to others studying the arts. It suffers from an almost incredible number and variety of defects. Some of them were pointed out long ago, others are made explicit here for the first time. An adequate criticism of 'Ways of Seeing' will be in part the criticism of a paradigm. It will be clear to many readers that this is more than just a criticism stuck to the text. It is a detailed examination of a broad range of attempts at mystification and the conditions of their occurrence.
authors statement
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106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 032 aus der Reihe 100for10.
I’m a young illustrator currently moored on the Thames in my houseboat. Working from my home studio I like to draw in a variety of mediums, more recently focusing on vector graphics. I enjoy the fast paced nature of vectors, which allows me to capture vivid ideas in a hopefully bold, interesting and thought provoking manner. Working regardless of brief I like to continue to produce a body of work to satisfy my creative habits. This has led to sharing daily drawings online via Instagram, which is a great platform to discover and meet other creatives. I have had the honour of working with some fantastic individuals over the past year, which I try to share online via my website. This September I plan to go to Central Saint Martins to further my studies, devote my time to and produce more art! I’m looking forward to all that this opportunity has to offer.
the book on books on artists books
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230 S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780956173843
erschienen zur Ausstellung at the Bloomberg Space London, eingelegt eine Karte mit handschriftlichem Text
The Bloomberg website says of the project:
For Comma 38, artist and publisher Arnaud Desjardin will exhibit new, old, rare, and popular books while running an active printing press in Bloomberg Space. His COMMA commission, part of an ongoing project titled The Book on Books on Artists' Books, is intended to create an active and participatory review of current and historical practice. This exhibition is about both the display of books on artists' books and the production of a book about the books displayed. He intends to print a first edition, a book of books, a critical anthology and source book, alongside which a large range of books on artists' books will be displayed in a series of vitrines.
Artists' books have normally been sold and distributed through small networks of bookshops and galleries that often produce lists of available titles in printed form. The advent of the Internet has meant that information online has changed the nature of this documentary evidence. Desjardin's unique and extraordinary combination of display and production makes an exhibition that actively engages in both the making and disseminating in real time. The books themselves become both vehicles for information and documents that testify for artistic activity in its own right
Ping Pong - a book of duels and duets
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204 S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-908452146
The artists Claudio Wichert & Clemens Wilhelm spend 90 days in a house to make a book. Each day they produce one page. Like in a match of ping-pong, each page is a reaction to the other artist's work from the day before. The two resulting storylines are presented in this book full of duels and duets. The media mix and only one thing is for certain: it's all or nothing.
Text von der Webseite
Scenes from Zagreb: Artists' Publications of the New Art Practice
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40 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farbkopien nach PDF, lose ineinander gelegt
The New Art Practice was a term created for a generation of artists in the former Yugoslavia active in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s. These artists shifted their practice to spaces outside the traditional studio, onto city streets, into artist-run spaces, and in multimedia performances and experimental publications. Focusing on artists working in the city of Zagreb, this exhibition documents aspects of this shift and highlights the ability of artists' publications to record these often ephemeral gestures and ideas. While artists such as Goran Trbuljak, Braco Dimitrijević, Sanja Iveković, Mladen Stilinović, and Vlado Martek, among others, worked in a variety of mediums, they shared a common impulse to produce publications. These artists questioned and played with ideas about the place of an artist within this particular political and socioeconomic context. Their work often involved public participation and blurred traditional notions of authorship through collective activities, chance operations, and the appropriation of language and imagery from the state and commercial media. The materials in this installation resonate with other contemporaneous scenes in Eastern and Central Europe and with broader international trends, while also providing an insight into very local networks of experimental artists and writers in Zagreb. All materials are drawn from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art Library.
Text von der Webseite
Diploide - Ven con Nosotros a Bailar (Los Remixes)
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14,2x13,7 cm, Auflage: 171, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Musik-CD in Hülle, beigelegt ein geheftetes Booklet, in handgenähter Stofftüte, Katalognr. GTA007
Diseños, conceptos y relinchos: el abel pix. Produce, ejecuta y bailotea: el Sr. Galleta. Fundas de tela: Industrias Aguilar de Molar. Coreografía “Tolocosoi”: Mona Marinetti, creadora de la reconocida y prestigiosa técnica Free Modul Creation. Bailarines: Sra. Cerda Callahan y Sr. Caballo Lee, fundadores y miembros de Manzana Golden Graham Company.
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Technische Angaben
720 S., 21x15x4.5 cm, Auflage: Print on demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Softcover, Schwarz-Druck auf Papiere, Titel und Autor in weißer Schrift auf dem Buchrücken. Gedruckt bei Lulu
Ink used for digital printing is one of the most precious substances in the world. A single gallon of ink costs over four thousand dollars and this is one reason why digitally printed books are so expensive.
However, the price of a book is not calculated according to the amount of ink used in its production. For example, a Lulu book of blank pages costs an artist as much to produce as a book filled with text or large photographs. Furthermore, as the number of pages increases, the price of each page decreases. A book containing the maximum number of pages printed entirely in black ink therefore results in the lowest cost and maximum value for the artist.
Combining these two features, buyers of The Black Book can do so with the guarantee that they are getting the best possible value for their money.
Text von der Webseite
Micronaut n°2 - Modern Life is Rubbish
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40 S., 27.2x19.7 cm, Auflage: 150, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter gefaltet, lose ineinander gelegt
Micronaut is an editorial project initiated in 2011 with a critical and singular approach to publishing and artist book. In three years of activity, the book serie took several different forms, engaging a dialogue between disciplines and blurring the boundaries between actors involved in a book process. An independent editor and photographer based in Switzerland, Julien Gremaud runs Micronaut as an interface to produce and publish books but also as an artistic practice through collaborations whether it is an artist, a gallery, a museum or an artists collective.
Text von Website
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124 S., 16,4x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-869304892
Erschienen anlässlich der Ausstellung "Roman Signer - Straßenbilder und Super-8-Filme" im Aargauer Kunsthaus,, herausgegeben von Peter Zimmermann und Madeleine Schuppli.
This book presents photos taken by Roman Signer on a 2005 journey through the Carpathian Mountains, which took him to the Ukraine and Romania. The photographs evidence brief stops at the side of the road and present subjects that fall into two distinct catagories: home-grown fruits, vegetables and other produce for sale, carefully displayed on stools or small tables, and loving memorials of flowers, crosses and wreaths for deceased family members and friends who were road casualties.
Text von der Webseite
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[28] S., 21x13,8 cm, Auflage: 60, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, auf farbige Papiere gedruckt,
Bast Fooks was one of my new years resolutions for 2016. I haven’t given up smoking yet, but I did end up spending my new years eve in, printing and sewing the first Bast Fook issue. There and then I had decided that it would be a project in 12 parts and that I would produce a book for each month of 2016. Each Bast Fook is a repository of ideas (in the form of notes, thoughts, readings and misreadings, assumptions, aphorisms, contemplations, stories, lists, observations and lost projects). Bast Fooks have evolved into a platform through which, I can organise - in a pretty disorganised way-ideas as they happen and material produced in different ways, under different circumstances, at different places and times and sometimes by totally different versions of myself. Bast Fook is an anagram of Fast Book and in a way each issue is offering a slow consumption of a fastness that often reads a lot like a facebook newsfeed, decentered, fragmented, multivoiced.
Text von der Website
Books on Fire - the documentation of the Renegade Library
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72 S., 13,8x21,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, farbiger Einband, Exlibris und braune Papiertüte mit Einstecker eingeklebt
Katalog und Lieferverzeichnis zur Ausstellung in der Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba, 02.07.-21.08.1998.
Renegade Library was a major mail art project that challenged artists in the networks to collaboratively use postal systems to produce and circulate books, zines, book-objects, artists books, multiples and more. Over 700 artists participated, and over 500 artists books were produced.
Text von der Website
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240 ca. S., 12,5x10 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 0894390139
Umschlag aus Karton mit Leinenstreifen, ca. 120 Seiten gestanzt
2004 winner of I.D. Magazine's Design Distinction award, Absence is the third book to come out of Printed Matter’s Publishing Program for Emerging Artists, a program made possible through the generous support of New York City's Department of Cultural Affairs, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation, and the Heyday Foundation. The generosity of Whitney trustees Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond J. Learsy was instrumental to the Museum’s participation in the publication of this exciting new work.
Both a book and a sculptural object, Absence is a memorial to the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Yoon, an architect and designer who is currently an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, chose not to produce a traditional design proposal for the World Trade Center Memorial Competition. Instead she created a non-architectural, non site-specific space of remembrance: a portable personal memorial in the form of book.
At almost two pounds, Absence has a considerable physical presence, but it is in every way the ghost of a presence, and it is this ghostliness that gives it its particular emotional weight. A solid white block of thick stock cardboard pages, the book’s only "text" consists of one pinhole and two identical squares die-cut into each of its one-hundred-and-twenty pages – one for each story of the towers including the antenna mast. These removed elements lead the reader floor by floor through the missing buildings towards the final page where the footprint of the entire site of the World Trade Center is die-cut into a delicate lattice of absent structures.
Of all of the proposed monuments and grand designs for the twin towers to emerge in the last two years, Absence is remarkable for its employment of an under-used strategy: restraint. The simplicity of Yoon’s materials and her use of repetition speak, without words, about unspeakable loss. Quiet, respectful, mournful, the book does not aim to represent the magnitude of the disaster. Instead it appeals to the vastness of the reader’s imagination and capacity to grieve. The human scale of her memorial operates on a personal level – it delivers the memory of lives lost into the reader’s hands. At the same time, as a scale model of a vanished architectural site, it operates on a larger cultural level by commemorating the site itself.
Text von der Webseite. Fotos Xenia Fumbarev
Mr. Fluxus - A Collective Portrait of George Maciunas, 1931–1978
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352 S., 24,5x17,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500974612
Hardcover, fadengeheftet, mit Schutzumschlag, mit Illustrationen
George Maciunas was the founding member and leader of the most radical and experimental art movement of th 1960s: "Fluxus". Associated with artists such as Joseph Bueys and Yoko Ono, Fluxus rejected traditional systems of high art and practised a form of "anti-art" encompassing everything from photography and pavement art to poetry and drama. This biography of one of the key figures in the history of 20th-century art recounts in text and archive photographs the life story of this contradictory and unorthodox man. Emmett Williams provides anecdotes and impressions from former Fluxus colleagues and other friends (and enemies), to produce a portrait of this crusader, whose mission was to change the world - beginning with the world of art. Although tempered with wit and wisdom, his iconoclasm won him few friends amongst the art establishment during his lifetime, but Fluxus prevailed as an acknowledged force behind the upheavals in the art of the 20th century.
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256 S., 29,8x24,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780061995118
Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag.
Organized so as to encourage creativity, serendipitous discovery, and inspiration, Layout Look Book 2 is an essential guide to layout design for both amateur and professional designers. The book includes techniques that can be used to enhance any layout, as well as insights into the factors that helped make each layout an effective piece. The styles covered in the volume range from traditional to cutting edge, and will enable any designer to become a more creative thinker and produce fantastic work. Layout Look Book 2 showcases outstanding work by more than fifty of the world's best design studios and professionals working in print design today.
Text von der Webseite.
Fieber 01 Cosima von Bonin
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18x18 cm, Auflage: 300, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
zwei Vinylschallplatten 7", 45 rpm, Hülle Kunststoff und Papier (zwei gefaltete Drucke), signiert auf Umschlag Vorderseite, mit Bauchbinde
This edition contains two vinyl 7″. singles with music by Doctorella and Justus Köhncke as well as two exclusive prints designed, handnumbered and signed by Cosima von Bonin. Limited Edition of 300 only.
You can’t really fully understand the work of Cosima von Bonin without looking at her collaboration with other artists. Even when invited to produce a solo exhibition, von Bonin rarely shows up without the input of her friends, either through music, lyrical fragments, fashion accessories, cameo performances, or, and, or… And let’s be clear, the musicians get the von Bonins thing.
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[56] S., 26x18 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9780957586710
2. Auflage 0817. Index is curated by Café Royal Books and supported by the Contemporary Arts Development Group at the University of Central Lancashire (Impressum)
Index began as an online open submission project. Criteria being, ‘submissions must have already been used to communicate, or be communicative in their own right’. All submissions have been removed from their original context, breaking the messages or ideas for which they were created. Using Index as a container, exhibition space and story telling device, the pages that follow have been edited to create pairs or combinations of images that can be read as new narratives. The book is an experimental exchange of out-of-context, repurposed text and image. Café Royal Books produce weekly photographic publications focussing broadly on aspects of change, usually within the UK. Founded in 2005 Café Royal Books is an independent publisher based in the North West of England.
(Text von der Webseite)
Flux on Demand 017 - Tim Olive & Anne-F Jacques
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17,5x10 cm, Auflage: 30, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
C-30 Audio Tape, zwei Blätter, bedruckt, in beschrifteter Plastikhülle
Repetetive music with selfbuilt machines. Recorded live May 11 2017 Walpoden Akademie Mainz, mastered by BS & Anne-F, photo by Brandstifter.
Anne-F Jacques and Tim Olive use handmade, idiosyncratic instrumentation to produce and amplify detailed sound textures, from fine-grained to coarse. They share a tactile, lo-tech approach to improvised sound composition, manipulating diverse objects and materials in conjunction with somewhat unpredictable audio pickup/amplification systems to create a music in turns serene and agitated, pellucid and dense, fluid and gritty. Jacques uses small electric motors and Olive employs magnetic pickups; both sources are modified, manipulated and amplified. The hands-on nature of their instrumentation results in performances which are both sonically captivating and visually intriguing.
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Commonpress 31 - meetings
Technische Angaben
80 S., 20,8x30 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Spiralbindung, Schwarz-Weiß-Fotokopien
erschienen zur Mailart-Ausstellung im Mai 1981 bei pqr in Hengelo
Commonpress wurde 1977 von Pawel Petasz (Polen) gegründet