Technische Angaben
29,7x22 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-947250165
Zum Umschlag gefaltetes Plakat, bedruckte Transparentfolie, eingelegt eine Vielzahl gefalteter Blätter aus verschiedenen Papieren, gedruckt in verschiedenen Techniken, zusammen gehalten mit einem schwarzen Gummiband an dem ein Button befestigt ist
enthält das Manifest von Hammann von Mier, einen Bericht über Reise nach New York, ein Interview mit Martha Wilson von Franklin Furnace Archive.
Das Künstlerbuch kontextualisiert und präsentiert die gemeinsame Arbeit der Künstlerinnen und Verlegerinnen. Reflexionen über ihre eigene Praxis werden mit Materialien von ausgedehnten Aufenthalten in den USA - insbesondere einem zweimonatigen Forschungsaufenthalt in New York, 2018 - verknüpft, spezifiziert und erforscht. Die Publikation konzentriert sich auf zwei zentrale Themen: die Befragung der Möglichkeiten und Bedingungen des Künstlerdaseins (mit Fokus auf "Überlebensstrategien" außerhalb des Kunstmarktes) und das Verhältnis von künstlerischer Arbeit und Politik, das über die Selbstpositionierung zu aktuellen Ereignissen in New York und München betrachtet wird. Das entstandene Künstlerbuch besteht aus fünf verschiedenen Teilen und basiert auf Elementen der Zine-Kultur.
Text von der Webseite, Übersetzung mit Unterstützung durch DeepL
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 32x22 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 7629999015104
Drahtheftung. Verschiedene farbige Papiere. Eingelegt ein gefaltetes Poster
The publication Spheres is the creative documentation of a close collaboration between an artist and the editor, graphic designer Philippe Karrer. Every issue is dedicated to a young artist and their work, in each case exploring character, surroundings, every-day life, inspirations and ideas using unconventional innovative formats so as to create a different, more visual approach and understanding of the artist and his or her work. The focus lies on what is important to the artist during the time period of working together for the publication, hereby capturing a certain essence of the artists work at the moment. Not only can the reader dive in to the artist‘s world, receiving little personal snippets of the life in and around his or her art, but also (and perhaps even more importantly) — how the artist chooses to present things in the publication gives the reader an idea of his or her whole artistic sphere.
Melanie Bonajo explores the relationship of the individual to its surroundings in a commodified, globalised culture. In her work, she uncovers how our ideas of identity, genre, value and such structures formed by conventions are ever shifting to feelings of uncertainty and instability. She approaches these issues by trying to newly create, to turn around overpowering views and conditions that are today so influenced by our consumer society and tries to get nearer to traits that are rooted in human nature.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[28] S., 20,6x14,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-940907202
Katalog zur Ausstellung im In:Surgo!, Berlin. Vicente B. Ballestar, born in Barcelona in 1929, is a Spanish illustrator known worldwide for his genre-defining dark pulp and supernatural realist illustrations. Throughout his long career, he has been beloved by aficionados of the genre worldwide, especially for his cover illustrations for Geisterjäger, John Sinclair (Ghosthunter, John Sinclair). From the beginning of the series in the 70s to his retirement in 2007, Ballestar created almost one thousand striking scenes in his preferred medium watercolour, giving the adventures of John Sinclair their unmistakable graphic character and certainly greatly contributing to its cult status. In the horror detective fiction series, published weekly since 1973, Scotland Yard chief inspector John Sinclair is the eponymous protagonist of the German pulp fiction written by Helmut Rellergerd under the pen name Jason Dark.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09640974
Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Metallfolienprägung, eingelegter Aufkleber, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt, Aufkleber
The man, the myth, the rat! Rat Salad! This issue of BLAD is dedicated to the number one bad attitude rock and roll star out there. We will take you down and in to the dark and stinky obscure world of Rat Salad! Here you can find nice slapstick cartoon drawings made by the man himself, ads about his legendary gigs all around the world, and last but not least a splendid in-depth interview with the Rat talking about his career, band and life on the road in general. This is an absolute must to have for all dedicated fans of this obscure character and for heavy rockers with the right attitude in general. As Rat Salad would say "Eat Shit and Die!".
Text von der Webseite
B.L.A.D. NO. 16 - Please do it at home - Welcome to B.R.A.D.
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Silberprägung, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt, Aufkleber. Text Japanisch
Japanische Zeichen, Bilder, Grafiken
Technische Angaben
59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
The Office gallery presents new works by the Austrian artist Bernhard Hosa in his exhibition Hyperkinesia, starting on June 30, 2016.
Hosa's photo collages, objects and installations are reduced, almost minimalist in appearance and usually based on concrete themes. His starting point is the tension between the individual and a normative society. Based on an engagement with the biological view of the inside and of the outside, on man as an object of scientific study and on the measurement of the human body, he develops his own formal language on the interface between conceptual art and an aesthetic approach. Hosa deconstructs his reflections with artistic strategies such as reproduction, variation or sequence, and practices such as dissection and the creation of new compositions. The resulting series of collages or objects and stringent arrangements of the space adopt the character of the contents of his research.
Text aus der Presseerklärung
Technische Angaben
1 S., 64x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ausstellung der Privatsammlung Anastasios Gkekas bei VOLKS 10.09.-13.10.2015.
A key to a potential approach is possibly the innerness, the esoteric and sometimes confessional character of the works, but also the place they occupy in the collective work of the artists - as I am of the opinion that one can find more comprehensible examples within their work. It seems that as if from a recurring tic, I wanted to catch them red-handed, naked I would say, within their own work. To a lesser extend, it is perhaps a sort of innocence.
Text aus der Presseerklärung
Vinyl - records and covers by artists
Technische Angaben
276 S., 26,8x19 cm, ISBN/ISSN 39288761684
Broschur mit Schutzumschlag
Anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Neuen Museum Weserburg, Bremen, 21.08.-27.11.2005, Museu D'art Contemporani de Barcelona, 17.05.-03.09.2006, Museu Serralves, Porto, Frühjahr 2008.
As creative talents began to design record sleeves, the standard 30 x 30 cm album cover came to be an especially attractive object. Now vinyl has an almost mythic character and real historical value. 'Vinyl' is a detailed catalogue of the collection held by the Archive for Small Press and Communication in the Neues Museum Weserburg in Bremen, which includes not only records and CDs but also books, posters and other objects.
Text von
Character Disorder Vol 1 #1 - Homage to Mail Art
Technische Angaben
[56] S., 28x21,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Six years: The dematerialization of the art object from 1966 to 1972 ...
Technische Angaben
272 S., 21,5x17,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780520210134
Hardcover, Exlibris der Pratt Institute Library, mit Ausmusterungsstempeln
Titelergänzung: The dematerialization of the art object from 1966 to 1972 : a cross-reference book of information on some esthetic boundaries : consisting of a bibliography into which are inserted a fragmented text, art works, documents, interviews, and symposia, arranged chronologically and focused on so-called conceptual or information or idea art with mentions of such vaguely designated areas as minimal, antiform, systems, earth, or process art, occurring now in the Americas, Europe, England, Australia, and Asia (with occasional political overtones), edited and annotated by Lucy R. Lippard.
In Six Years Lucy R. Lippard documents the chaotic network of ideas that has been labeled conceptual art. The book is arranged as an annotated chronology into which is woven a rich collection of original documents—including texts by and taped discussions among and with the artists involved and by Lippard, who has also provided a new preface for this edition. The result is a book with the character of a lively contemporary forum that offers an invaluable record of the thinking of the artists — a historical survey and essential reference book for the period.
Text von der Webseite
Ursprünglich publiziert 1973 bei Praeger, New York
Remote Scottish Postboxes (The Postcards)
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 20,3x12,5x1,5 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 9780993232374
Pappschachtel mit ausgestanztem Fenster, 12 Postkarten
Edition of 2000
Martin Parr’s Scottish Postboxes have been described as the prolific photographer’s ‘only contribution to landscape photography’. However, what Mr. Parr has achieved with these images is more a series of portraits of the lonely outposts of civilisation. The Postboxes in each place, standing out red and awkward against the lonely and beautiful Scottish backdrops each have a personality and a character of their own.
The postboxes are not only characters in the places they inhabit, they are symbols. the steadfast outposts of the institution that is the British postal service set against the untamable Scottish landscape invite the viewer the pause and ponder on their own place in the world.
“When you are in the middle of nowhere, in a bleak landscape and in wild weather, these little post boxes are strangely comforting, a sign that other people are around, that life is going on, and that you are connected to the world” – Susie Parr
This box contains twelve of Parr’s Postboxes, presented as postcards – a most appropriate form for the images to find themselves in, whether their fate is to be collected and cherished or themselves posted and shared.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
416 S., 22,86x15,24 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
This book was made by sending the entire text of Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho between two GMail accounts page by page. We saved the relational ads for each page and added them back into the text as footnotes. In total, we collected over 800 relevant ads for the book. The constellations of footnoted ads throughout these pages retell the story of American Psycho in absence of the original text. This retelling reveals GMail's unpredictable insensitivity to violence, racism, and sex. It serves as a blurry portrait of an algorithm that exists in our everyday communication simultaneously forming a new portrait of the lead character, Patrick Bateman.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[42] S., 28,9x22,2 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, sechsfarbiger Risographie, letzte Seite ausklappbar
Rage, Heal, Root, Grow is a celebration of the chaos and complexity of life and one person’s process of adapting to it. Johnson’s postpartum years were challenging. She was fearful of what she saw happening—that she was disappearing as her male partner was becoming more visible. She struggled to find the time and space necessary to heal her body, and to reconcile the intense inequity of a child-rearing partnership when one partner (her) was nursing. A unique postpartum tale that refuses the female body as its central character. In its place: that body’s voice, and the bespoke flotsam of daily life.
Rage, Heal, Root, Grow was created on a shared Risograph duplicator over many months while Johnson’s child slept in a stroller nearby. She scanned and printed drawings they had made together with markers, watercolors, crayons, pencils, and lots of stamps into symphonic six-color prints. A narrative text describes her experience of raging, healing, rooting herself, and subsequently growing in a new direction.
João Penalva - Character and Player
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 15x19 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-854860679
Hardcover, mit zahlreichen Fotografien
Publikation erschien anlässlich der Ausstellung João Penalva in der Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Österreich, 27.05-02.06.2000.
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 32x22 cm, Auflage: 500, 5 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 9788461723997
Klappumschlag, Fadenheftung. Buchlaufkarte eingelegt. Zwei Seiten sind aufklappbar. Vier Werbekarten zum Buch beiliegend.
I have always thought that arriving to a certain age, we become invisible, towards ourselves and towards the rest of the people. The project Viv(r)e la vie! pays homage to those who decide not to become invisible, to those who continue to live “in the moment”. With curiosity, being the main character of their lives and surrounded by family or friends.
Photographs of couples in profile before a wide coniferous landscape in three planes: landscape representing the power of vital force, of immortality.
Couples of a certain age, people barely seen socially, but who have not stopped living life fully and whose close relation is photographed in the outing dances of their area. The photographs give visibility to people that, for a certain time, have lacked such visibility. This series, at the same time, documents the cultural diversity that exists between different cities and countries: Guadalajara, Spain; Philadelphia, USA; Pirkanmaa, Finland and Leyte, Philippines. This project would like to honor those that live life fully, those people that are reaching a mature age, but remain active.
Text von der Website
The ARTZINES Research project - A story by Antoine Lefebvre in collaboration with Hubert published by Objet Papier
Technische Angaben
40 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdrucke nach Email und PDF, Drahtheftung. Email Englisch und Deutsch
... I am writing you because I interviewed you for my research project ARTZINES, in which I explored the world of zines made by artists.
The project started in 2015, so the interview in question might have happened ages ago. If it was a video interview, it should be on Vimeo and here:
I have been collecting 88 testimonies from various people interested in zines for a very long time, and I wanted to gather all of them into a book about zines made by artists.
Then life happened, the good and the bad, until I met the Objet Papier collective, who published Print It, a web-to-print magazine generated from a website to be different each time.
For the past two years, I worked with them to create an interactive and generative ARTZINES book that is different each time it is downloaded (I counted 130.749.696 possibilities, but that’s a low estimate).
I wrote my research journey as a " Choose Your Own Adventure Book," and I am happy to tell you that you are a character in this story, since your interview is featured in the book! There are a maximum of 6 interviews in each generated PDF, so your interview won’t show in every book.
If you want to see what it looks like, you can generate PDFs of the book directly from the platform ...
Auszug aus der Email vom 05.11.2024
The ARTZINES Research project - A story by Antoine Lefebvre in collaboration with Hubert Kretschmer published by Objet Papier
Technische Angaben
82 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdrucke nach Email, Drahtheftung
... I am writing you because I interviewed you for my research project ARTZINES, in which I explored the world of zines made by artists.
The project started in 2015, so the interview in question might have happened ages ago. If it was a video interview, it should be on Vimeo and here:
I have been collecting 88 testimonies from various people interested in zines for a very long time, and I wanted to gather all of them into a book about zines made by artists.
Then life happened, the good and the bad, until I met the Objet Papier collective, who published Print It, a web-to-print magazine generated from a website to be different each time.
For the past two years, I worked with them to create an interactive and generative ARTZINES book that is different each time it is downloaded (I counted 130.749.696 possibilities, but that’s a low estimate).
I wrote my research journey as a " Choose Your Own Adventure Book," and I am happy to tell you that you are a character in this story, since your interview is featured in the book! There are a maximum of 6 interviews in each generated PDF, so your interview won’t show in every book.
If you want to see what it looks like, you can generate PDFs of the book directly from the platform ...
Auszug aus der Email vom 05.11.2024
Colour me, PICTOPLASMA - The Character Colouring and Activity Book
Technische Angaben
64 S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3981045815
Malbuch zu einem Projekt
Technische Angaben
[84] S., 21x14 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 9780982055946
Christopher Russell's small-novel, Budget Decadence, uses a non-event-based style of fiction to explore commodity as an aspect of Middle American psychology. The book looks back to the J.K. Huysmans novel, A Rebours, and unfolds the deep psychological malaise of the nuclear family based on the various characters' understanding of, and interaction with, the curated collection of common objects that comprise each character's identity.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
14 S., 29x13,6 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kunststoff-Heftstreifen, Siebdruck. Einzelblätter und gefaltetes Plakat
DIY is a timeline of the history of the space occupied by W139. In the form of reportage, replete with interviews, maps, and images from the archive, it takes as its starting point the renovation of the gallery space that was proposed in 2003 and from there reflects on the architecture of the building itself and its changing role within the city of Amsterdam over the years. DIY takes the ostensible form of a calendar and in its design and production embodies the do-it-yourself ethos that is so characteristic of W139. A fold-out map shows where a series of art objects were buried during a performance held before the previous renovation, in 1991.
Text von der Webseite
Artists' Magazines - An Alternative Space for Art
Technische Angaben
368 S., 24,8x19 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780262528412
Originalausgabe von 2011.
During the 1960s and 1970s, magazines became an important new site of artistic practice, functioning as an alternative exhibition space for the dematerialized practices of conceptual art. Artists created works expressly for these mass-produced, hand-editioned pages, using the ephemerality and the materiality of the magazine to challenge the conventions of both artistic medium and gallery. In Artists’ Magazines, Gwen Allen looks at the most important of these magazines in their heyday (the 1960s to the 1980s) and compiles a comprehensive, illustrated directory of hundreds of others.
Among the magazines Allen examines are Aspen (1965–1971), a multimedia magazine in a box—issues included Super-8 films, flexi-disc records, critical writings, artists’ postage stamps, and collectible chapbooks, Avalanche (1970-1976), which expressed the countercultural character of the emerging SoHo art community through its interviews and artist-designed contributions, and Real Life (1979-1994), published by Thomas Lawson and Susan Morgan as a forum for the Pictures generation. These and the other magazines Allen examines expressed their differences from mainstream media in both form and content: they cast their homemade, do-it-yourself quality against the slickness of an Artforum, and they created work that defied the formalist orthodoxy of the day. Artists’ Magazines, featuring abundant color illustrations of magazine covers and content, offers an essential guide to a little-explored medium.
In den 1960er und 1970er Jahren wurden Zeitschriften zu einem wichtigen neuen Ort der künstlerischen Praxis und fungierten als alternativer Ausstellungsraum für die entmaterialisierten Praktiken der Konzeptkunst. Künstler schufen Werke speziell für diese massenproduzierten, von Hand herausgegebenen Seiten und nutzten die Vergänglichkeit und Materialität der Zeitschriften, um die Konventionen sowohl des künstlerischen Mediums als auch der Galerie in Frage zu stellen. In Artists' Magazines befasst sich Gwen Allen mit den wichtigsten dieser Zeitschriften in ihrer Blütezeit (1960er bis 1980er Jahre) und stellt ein umfassendes, bebildertes Verzeichnis von Hunderten weiterer Zeitschriften zusammen.
Zu den von Allen untersuchten Magazinen gehören Aspen (1965-1971), ein multimediales Magazin in einer Box - die Ausgaben enthielten Super-8-Filme, Flexi-Disc-Schallplatten, kritische Schriften, Briefmarken von Künstlern und Sammelbücher, Avalanche (1970-1976), das durch seine Interviews und von Künstlern gestalteten Beiträge den gegenkulturellen Charakter der aufstrebenden Kunstszene von SoHo zum Ausdruck brachte, und Real Life (1979-1994), das von Thomas Lawson und Susan Morgan als Forum für die Generation Pictures herausgegeben wurde. Diese und die anderen von Allen untersuchten Magazine unterschieden sich in Form und Inhalt von den Mainstream-Medien: Sie stellten ihre hausgemachte Do-it-yourself-Qualität der Glätte eines Artforums gegenüber und schufen Arbeiten, die sich der formalistischen Orthodoxie der Zeit widersetzten. Artists' Magazines, mit zahlreichen Farbabbildungen von Titelseiten und Inhalten, bietet einen unverzichtbaren Leitfaden für ein wenig erforschtes Medium.
Übersetzt mit, Text von der Webseite
Erwähnt werden neben vorwiegend amerikanischen Magazinen auch europäische Magazine