Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 3922760015 Vier Hefte mit Drahtheftung, in Karton-Schuber
Vier Hefte über Dinge und Orte. Some Things That Anyone Who Knows Everything The Is To Know, Knows (I), Some Other Things That Anyone Who Knows Everything The Is To Know, Knows (II), A Partial List of Everything In The World There Is To Know (III), Some Places That Anyone Who Knows Everywhere There Is To Know, Knows (IV).
270 S., 23,5x15,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780262036733 Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag
The relationship between infrastructure governance and the ways we read and represent waste systems, examined through three waste tracking and participatory sensing projects.
Waste is material information. Landfills are detailed records of everyday consumption and behavior. much of what we know about the distant past we know from discarded objects unearthed by archaeologists and interpreted by historians. And yet the systems and infrastructures that process our waste often remain opaque. In this book, Dietmar Offenhuber examines waste from the perspective of information, considering emerging practices and technologies for making waste systems legible and how the resulting datasets and visualizations shape infrastructure governance. He does so by looking at three waste tracking and participatory sensing projects in Seattle, São Paulo, and Boston.
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Mit einem Beitrag über Paper Police von Jürgen O. Olbrich, Kassel.
[50] S., 28x21,5 cm, Auflage: 100 ca., signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden geklammerte Fotokopien, ein Blatt als Sticker eingebunden. Kopiert im August 2019
... If you know me at all, then you know I like to operate where I see vacuums in the culture. Zine El-Arab came about precisely for that reason. This was 2011, a time of great revolutionary upheaval that started in Tunisia, spilled over into Egypt, and kind of spread from there not just in the region but halfway across the world.
By late 2011, there was really no denying the ripples of change pulsating through Cairo. It was evident on the streets, in music, conversations, at art galleries, on television, it was everywhere. But I was growing frustrated that there didn’t seem to be any regular publication that featured the voices of dissent that were otherwise all around you. It felt like there was a rift between everyday voices and what was being published, and how cool would it be if there were at least one? Especially if it were a crude one. ...
... Die Formel war scheinbar ganz einfach. Das Titelbild (von mir erstellt) wurde auf Social Media veröffentlicht und lud Mitwirkende aus dem arabischsprachigen Raum ein, darauf entweder mit Text oder Bild zu antworten (nur S/W). Entsprechende Einreichungen werden ausgewählt und zu einem digitalen Zine zusammengestellt, der als PDF mit detaillierten Anweisungen für Druck und Montage hochgeladen wird. Die Idee war, nicht nur den Inhalt, sondern auch die physische Produktion des Zine zu dezentralisieren, wodurch Mitwirkende und Leser ihre eigenen Kopien drucken und organisch unter ihren Gemeinschaften verbreiten konnten. In Wirklichkeit hatten beide Ausgaben ihre "Launchparties", Ausgabe eins in Makan in Jordanien und Ausgabe zwei in der Townhouse Gallery in Kairo, was bedeutete, dass für jeden Start etwa 100 Exemplare gedruckt und zusammengestellt werden mussten.
Eine Sache, die ich tun wollte, war, die Tatsache zu nutzen, dass jedes Exemplar technisch individuell gedruckt und gebunden wurde. So gab es beispielsweise für die Ausgabe #1 Anweisungen, den Blutfleck manuell auf das Cover zu malen, und im Inneren befand sich eine Seite (mit mehreren Bildern verziert), die für den Druck auf Klebepapier bestimmt war, auf der die Leser ausschneiden und als Aufkleber verwenden konnten.
Es sollte beachtet werden, dass es im Namen der Zine ein kleines Wortspiel gibt. Das Wort "zine" in arabischer Sprache ist die gleiche genaue Schreibweise wie das Wort "zain", was in etwa "das Beste" bedeutet. So schlägt Zine El-Arab nicht nur "die Zine des Arabers" vor, sondern wird gleichzeitig als "das Beste vom Araber" gelesen. ...
Übersetzt mit DeepL
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Foto Innenteil von Ganzeer
14,8x10,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Programmheft
Zur Veranstaltung 08.09.-09.10.2022 in München
VARIOUS OTHERS is the international format of the Munich art scene. Its most ambitious players—galleries, artist-run spaces, and institutions—invite you to get to know the city’s most important art venues in all their diversity. In collaboration with international partners, VARIOUS OTHERS offers artists, collectors, curators, gallery owners, and art enthusiasts from all over the world contemporary art of the highest quality and relevance.
With its splendid kick-off during the second weekend of September, VARIOUS OTHERS heralds the start of the fall art season and is a fixed event in the international art calendar. With its up-to-date, varied, and high-quality program of exhibitions and events, VARIOUS OTHERS promotes the visibility of Munich as a vibrant art city.
Through our partnership concept—galleries and artist-run spaces invite partners to jointly realize exhibitions—we strengthen international exchange and collaboration and share those values with our guests and partners. During four rich weeks, we invite our guests and friends to experience great sites of contemporary art in Munich and get to know the artists who work here—and thus discover new things. ...
Text von der Webseite
13x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden naivsuper Nr 013, Musik-CD in Papphülle und transparenter Kunststoffhülle, cover art: Stephane Leonard
recorded at the Electronic Church in 2007.
Saxophon recorded at the Electronic Church in 2007. No overdubs, no manipulations.
When we (naivsuper) met Antoine in november 2007 to record his saxophone drones we didn´t really know what to expect because Antoine´s drones are perfect in a live situation. We weren´t sure if we could capture the richness of his sound, his working with the accoustics of a room and the strange almost discomforting breathing noises he makes when circular breathing on a CD. We basically wanted to hear him moving in the room, we wanted to see with our ears.
For the recording we chose the Electronic Church in Berlin because we have seen him perform there earlier the same year and it was absolutely fantastic.
The day of the recording was an incredible cold day in Berlin and due to the fact that the Church has no heating we could see our breath and feel the unbelievable cold humidity of a groundfloor room that hasn´t been aired in some time crawling up our pants.
It took Antoine almost an hour to warm up the saxophone and to get a satisfying tone. When he was finally ready to record the first take he was already a little bit out of breath. After 5 minutes of circular breathing his nose and lung started to freeze. We then tried a few more times but after another hour we were all coughing and sneezing and the saxophone was frozen so that we decided to postpone this session.
When we listened to the material at home we discovered that there was almost everything we wanted. We recorded how Antoine is fighting the cold and the exhaustion. There is the room, the breathing and movement. There is sound - almost an evolution of sounds - they are born slowly, grow up and then slowly disappear or extinguish.
We highly recommend you to listen with headphones. A follow up to this great document is planned, too
21x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Flyer zu den Veranstaltungen im MaximiliansForum
In einer exklusiven Modenschau präsentiert SCHAAF am 02. Mai die aktuelle Kollektion “Don’t Tell The World That We Know” & eine Vorschau auf 2013.
Die anschließende 8-tägige Mode-Ausstellung beinhaltet auch einen POP-UP-STORE und ein OFFENES ATELIER. Im Store können einzelne Kollektionsteile gekauft und bei Bedarf in der Schnittgröße angepasst werden. Das Offene Atelier bietet Einblick in die Arbeit der Designer und die Möglichkeit zum künstlerischen Dialog.
VERNISSAGE & SHOW 02. Mai – 20 Uhr
AUSSTELLUNG & POP-UP-STORE & CAFÉ 03.–10. Mai – Täglich 11–20 Uhr
196 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9788493848033 Fadenheftung
… We live a time of technology and great opportunities. Art creates new visions and interpretations of our living, though sometimes it looks like mere reinvention of subjects already present in the XIXth and XXth century.
Our intent, however, is to leave a mark and make our contribution to an authentic identification of our times. The engagement of artists is to create a cultural heritage to pass on to future generations, who will probably understand our sensibility. Alas, it is not for us to know what will remain of contemporary art….
Vitaliy & Elena Vasilieva
12 S., 46,3x32 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden #92 in the series '200 People I Used To Know. Zeitung, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Great Gran is a 12 page tribute comic to an amazing woman. Three colours, printed in tabloid newspaper format. Limited run of 100 copies, numbered and signed by the artist
2 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Ausdruck einer Email vom 28.2.2015
Independent. Contemporary. Art. 24 April – 31 May 2015.
OFF-Biennale Budapest is a series of exhibitions and art events in and beyond the city of Budapest. Its concept is different from traditional biennials as we know them. Not affiliated with any institution, it is a voluntary collaborative initiative of artists, groups of artists, curators, art managers, gallerists and collectors. OFF-Biennale Budapest is a civil initiative, whose aim is to bring a segment of culture, contemporary art, closer to the public at large. OFF proclaims the importance of independent thinking and action, breaking away from clichés and habitual routines. It is meant to demonstrate that contemporary art can foster and catalyse this kind of activity – in other words, that contemporary art is much more than mere luxury and a source of aesthetic pleasure.
Text von der Webseite
62 S., 14x10,8 cm, Auflage: 7.500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Broschur
The New Yorkers' Guide to Military Recruitment is a free 64-page, pocket-sized book including everything a New Yorker needs to know about military recruitment and resources for counter-recruitment in NYC. The guide is copyleft and is available for download as a PDF as well as a printed 4x5" book. In spring and summer 2006, 7,500 copies will be distributed free-of-charge to students and others in danger of being recruited, their families, and concerned citizens in the New York metropolitan area.(Text von
40 S., 32x24 cm, Auflage: 460.847, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung
Erstmals erschienen am 13.06.2015.
Frauen sind hervorragend qualifiziert, hoch motiviert. Frauen verbinden fachliches Know-How mit speziellen Soft-Skills, die die Wirtschaft in Zeiten von Fachkräftemangel und Überalterung der Gesellschaft entscheidend prägen - und voranbringen.
Die zentrale Botschaft unserer neuen Publikation Plan W. lautet: Veränderung ist möglich. Just go for it!
Das neue Supplement Plan W. liegt der Süddeutschen Zeitung am Wochenende bei und macht Frauen und Unternehmen Mut und Lust darauf, die notwendigen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen selbst voranzutreiben. Plan W. ist fokussiert auf Wirtschaft. Wirtschaft ist Leben. Plan W. ist SZ Qualität aus weiblicher Perspektive: klug, debattenstark und unterhaltsam. Geschichten, die berühren, Bilder, die in Erinnerung bleiben. Plan W. informiert, orientiert und inspiriert. In der ersten Ausgabe spüren die Autorinnen und Autoren dem Wesen der Macht nach. Und fragen, was Macht mit Menschen anstellt, welche Chancen sie eröffnen kann und wie Frauen ihr im Alltag und Berufsleben begegnen.
Text von Website
96 S., 21x14 cm, Auflage: 300, signiert, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9789963230105 Softcover, fadengeheftet, eine Seite ausklappbar, eingelegt eine einmal gefaltete Pressemitteilung in Englisch und Griechisch
Buchveröffentlichung zur Ausstellung vom 26.05.-17.06.2016 im Thkio Ppalies, Nikosia, Zypern. Mit einem Beitrag von Emiddio Vasquez Hadjilyra
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09610672 Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Silberprägung, eingelegtes gefaltetes Plakat, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt
Mushrooms are among the mysterious plants on earth, therefore we thought it would be necessary to make a complete guide to mushrooms. This issue contains beautiful illustrations combined with good to know facts about mushrooms, and for the culinaric reader we even added some nice and delicious receipes. Many would maybe consider this issue of BLAD as a little far-fetched guide to the world of mushrooms. But remember nothing is too far out after you have tasted some nice and trippy mushrooms.
Text von der Webseite
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09620672 Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Goldprägung, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt, Aufkleber
Mushrooms are among the mysterious plants on earth, therefore we thought it would be necessary to make a complete guide to mushrooms. This issue contains beautiful illustrations combined with good to know facts about mushrooms, and for the culinaric reader we even added some nice and delicious receipes. Many would maybe consider this issue of BLAD as a little far-fetched guide to the world of mushrooms. But remember nothing is too far out after you have tasted some nice and trippy mushrooms.
Text von der Webseite
2 S., 12,5x10,9 cm, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Zeichnungen mit Wasserfarbe und Kugelschreiber, coloriert, In Briefumschlag mit handschriftlichem Gruß,
[112] S., 15x22,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865212788 Klebebindung mit Leinenstreifen,
Future generations are going to wonder about us, the inhabitants of the Earth when the climate began to change. If seas are rising and at the same time drinking water is scarce, they are going to want to know what scientific evidence was before us and what we did in response to it. It is difficult to imagine a time in the past without an image, so I went to Montreal in 2005 to photograph the participants in the eleventh United Nations conference on climate change. Joel Sternfeld
Text von der Webseite
46 S., 17,5x17,5 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, mit Pergamentpapier, 2farbige Risographie und Farblaserkopie, in transparenter Kunststoff-Schutzhülle,
We all have songs that left a mark, that changed the way we thought about music, about life, that helped us make new friends, that set something in motion. We wanted to collect these songs, and especially the stories behind them, from people that we know and like. This zine contains written pieces (in Englisch and German), as well as images, done by 13 wonderful people.
Text aus dem Heft
[20] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, Auflage: 250, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Print on Demand
The title says it all, two hundred little known alternative facts. Count them. They are painstakingly researched and they are true. The full truth about Mr T, all you need to know in this time of fake news and demagogy. This is a great brochure. It’s true. It’s one of the best brochures ever. This very special brochure is only available as long as Mr T is in office.
It's sold at the fantastic price of just € 3 per copy. And things get better: There is a special unlimited quantity discount – just € 25 for a bundle of 10 copies. Get them for your friends.
The day he resigns or gets impeached or assassinated or is replaced by another president, the remaining stock will be sent to hell. Until then a free copy of this great brochure will be included in every book order. And that is a fact.
Text von der Website.
am 08.02.2021 wurde die Restauflage des Heftes vom Autor, wie versprochen, geschreddert
256 S., 18,1x12,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780062416476 Broschur
Kenneth Goldsmith wants you to rethink the internet. Many people feel guilty after spending hours watching cat videos or clicking link after link after link. But Goldsmith sees that “wasted” time differently. Unlike old media, the internet demands active engagement—and it’s actually making us more social, more creative, even more productive. When Goldsmith, a renowned conceptual artist and poet, introduced a class at the University of Pennsylvania called “Wasting Time on the Internet”, he nearly broke the internet. The New Yorker, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, Slate, Vice, Time, CNN, the Telegraph, and many more, ran articles expressing their shock, dismay, and, ultimately, their curiosity. Goldsmith’s ideas struck a nerve, because they are brilliantly subversive—and endlessly shareable. In Wasting Time on the Internet, Goldsmith expands upon his provocative insights, contending that our digital lives are remaking human experience. When we’re “wasting time,” we’re actually creating a culture of collaboration. We’re reading and writing more—and quite differently. And we’re turning concepts of authority and authenticity upside-down. The internet puts us in a state between deep focus and subconscious flow, a state that Goldsmith argues is ideal for creativity. Where that creativity takes us will be one of the stories of the twenty-first century. Wide-ranging, counterintuitive, engrossing, unpredictable—like the internet itself—Wasting Time on the Internet is the manifesto you didn’t know you needed.
Text von der Webseite
44 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085 Drahtheftung, gedruckt auf verschieden farbigen Papieren
Chances are that you will be far more familiar with Brian Eno and his work than you might realise. Whether you know him as a founding member of the gloriously influential 1970s art-rock outfit Roxy Music, or as the inventor of ambient music, in one breathless career Eno has actually released no less than 25 solo albums and contributed to countless projects and collaborations, but also left his fingerprints on dozens of seminal albums as a producer – think U2, Talking Heads or Coldplay, to name but a few – composed several film scores not to mention the start-up theme for Microsoft’s Windows 95. All of which is to say that it is hard to not be in earshot of his musical influence in one way or another. With mono.kultur, Brian Eno talked about the impact of technology on culture, the similarities between producing music and parenting, and why they called Elvis ‘The Pelvis’. Given Brian Eno’s interest in how art can affect moods and emotions, our new issue turned into somewhat of an experiment in chromatics, with the pages gradually traveling the entire colour spectrum from yellow to blue and back again, which not only affects the optical perception of the yellow text, but also how one responds to the content of the interview. Suffice to say: this must certainly rank as the most colourful mono.kultur to date.
Text von der Website.
[32] S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiss Offsetdruck
The William Crawford Estate is owned and represented by Ampersand Gallery. William Crawford's drawings were discovered in an abandoned house in Oakland, California. His work brings to mind characteristics of prison drawings, an impression confirmed by the fact that several were made on the backs of prison roster sheets dated 1997. These printouts, however, were cut down the middle, so the exact prison from which they originate is unknown. But given their origin in the Bay Area and the fact that several drawings include San Francisco landmarks, it's possible that Crawford made the work in a California state prison. Other than this information drawn from the archive itself, nothing is known about Crawford's life. Indeed, we only know his name because he signed just a few of the drawings, either as Bill, William or WM Crawford. The archive appears to have consisted of several books, with individual drawings in sequences of 30 or more adding up to tell complex visual stories. Several include written captions or fragments of conversation between male and female characters. These sequences, however, have been broken up over the years and reach us now in a fragmentary and fascinating collection of hundreds of delicate pencil drawings. The work conveys the intense sense of sexual longing of a man with an urge to tell dynamic stories. The drawings, which resemble the eroticism of Eric Stanton, the exaggerated male anatomy of Tom of Finland or the ample breasts of a John Currin, show scantily dressed women, drug use, cuckolding and orgies. The details of his interiors, the hairdos and style of dress suggest that Crawford might have come of age in the late 70s or early 80s. A cast of recurring figures populate the drawings, notably one man with a short afro and a moustache who often figures at the center of events, presumably the artist William Crawford himself. Remarkably, given the number of drawings, there is little to no repetition in the work. Crawford’s inventive eye for sexual positions, facial expressions and gestures of hand and body was vast and masterful. Simple geometric details and architectural subtleties define the unusual settings where the action unfolds. We see rooms shown from unusual angles, features that are hinted at, erased or altogether omitted and articles of clothing that are drawn with obsessive precision. This singular and original drawing style compels us to immerse ourselves in the world William Crawford created, more dream than documentation, more fantasy than perversion. Crawford's drawings have been widely exhibited, notably at Galerie Susanne Zander (Cologne and Berlin), Zieher, Smith and Horton (New York), Freddy (Baltimore) and upcoming solo exhibitions at FARAGO (Los Angeles) and Richardson (New York). His work is also featured in the latest issue of Richardson Magazine and was included in "System and Vision" at David Zwirner, an exhibition organized in collaboration with Delmes & Zander. Reviewing it, The New Yorker wrote, "William Crawford's orgiastic illustrations on the backs of prison rosters haven an erotic intensity that rivals anything by Hans Bellmer or Pierre Klossowski."
Text von der Webseite
[12] S., 9,9x10,4 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung
Originally published in 1992 as a chapbook. The date of the edition you got, I don’t know. A few people have recently been reprinting it. Part of a larger work called POLYNOISE which is still online.
Gefunden bei Mark Pawson auf der Small Publishers Faire in London 2019
[128] S., 23x15,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Broschur
Aus der Lost Book Series. Alle abgedruckten Text sind unscharf und nicht mehr leserlich
The corpus of William Shakespeare is not, as we know, complete. His Folio editions were a selection of his plays, not a full collection. One of the plays that had been printed, but lost to contemporary scholarship, includes a sequel to Love’s Labour Lost, which we have printed in this edition.
Text von der Webseite.
[96] S., 23x16 cm, Auflage: 75, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden vier Hefte, Drahtheftung, im Druckverschlussbeutel, darauf vorne und hinten Aufkleber, Farblaserdruck
This work deals with the truism that WE DON'T SEE THE WORLD AS IT IS, BUT AS WE ARE, questioning perception and authorship.
Text von der Webseite.
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden CD mit 14 Audiodateien
Die 70. Ausgabe des Ikea-Katalogs als Podcast. Über drei Stunden und 40 Minuten kann man sich die Angebote des schwedischen Möbelhauses aus dem aktuellsten Katalog auditiv vorstellen lassen (März 2021). 13 Kapitel á 15 Minuten, gesprochen von einer amerikanischen weiblichen Stimme.
It’s the same IKEA catalog you know and love, now as a handy, and hands-free, audiobook. Not only does this catalog save on paper, it’s also contactless, convenient, and filled with style inspiration and vivid product descriptions for your listening pleasure.
Die Entscheidung, das Kapitel „IKEA Katalog“ zu beenden, ist eine Folge des veränderten Medienkonsums und Verbraucherverhaltens. Wir werden die vielen Menschen künftig über neue Wege erreichen, mit ihnen interagieren und sie mit unseren Einrichtungslösungen inspirieren.
Die Audiodateiein sind auf der Webseite von IKEA nicht mehr zu finden
[16] S., 19x12 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Broschur, das letzte Blatt ist auf 19 x 4 cm beschnitten
His mustache looked like it would tickle. That’s probably the only reason why I didn’t want to kiss him.
He was a weirdo, but not weird enough, if you know what I mean. He certainly had a flair for details. It wasn’t that. I mean, it’s not like he was wearing a mullet, no. Nor like the kind of guy to gift me a Chinatown Gucci bag. He hated scented soaps and he’d drag me out of any decent party if he found scenty sticks near the toilet. That kind of thing drove him nuts. It’s not like he had anything against grapefruit.
Early on in our friendship, he gave me a box of Gioconda pencils from Koh-I-Noor. He knew how to get me hooked. But that damn mustache. It was so thick, so neatly trimmed. He paid too much attention to the kind of things I didn’t want to pay attention to. The cappuccino foam in it, however, was a kind of turn-on.
This is no doubt why you are holding this book in your hands. His mustache, right? Admit it. It’s the bowl of bonbons by the register. But then you go undercover, under the sheets to find a lot of nudity, thwarted porn. Ja, ja, ja: bodies. Corporeality. Corporation, cooperation. Protest. Violence. Religion. Collage. A torn sheet at the back. A misbound book? A defect or just vulnerable?
Selbsthilfe ist auch keine Lösung (even self-help is not a solution) and Protestvorbild Frankreich (protest “role model” in France?) is the only text you can make out other than mine. You’re meant to struggle to read it, or maybe Erik (who has no mustache) was being intentionally casual about the way he cut out these pictures. It’s an awareness of being sloppy that is so aware, it’s no longer sloppy. A man standing with his fist held high. He’s standing in the window frame of an apartment at least one story up from the ground. He is forty and mad and he enjoys his Bud. His form of protest is a form of solidarity from the sofa. A window protest: comfy. So fucking clever. Then there’s the picture abutting it of a woman holding out her bra. We are meant to take it. She’s offering it to us. Go ahead. She wants you to.
And then there’s the spooning bodies with their tube socks in a wad next to… a bed. A solar bed. You got it? This book is brown sugar. Stinky Swiss cheese. Bad, bad, good, good.
April von Stauffenberg
Text von der Verlagsseite
29x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, 2 Flyer und 1 Einladungskarte sind beigelegt.
"So it was evening, then it was morning: and it was the first day." How does the beginning of everything look like? That eternal energy that generated the first beginning, the early morning of all time, for Simona has to do with an explosion: the fire, linked to the Latin verb foveo and to the Greek words φῶς (phos), light. Imploded energy, the Genesis of all moments. It is with one of the simplest destruction tools, the Molotov bomb, that the artist opens her personal exhibition, where an explosion accompanies us on a journey that with great delicacy investigates the boundaries of human exploration, in its higher sense. That man who wants to know, measure, ennoble. How much space does the highest point of the Earth occupy? "I asked Silvio Mondinelli, the sixth mountaineer in the world to have climbed all fourteen of the eight-thousand of the Himalayan chain, (without the help of oxygen) to recover through memory the space of the summit of Everest. He traced its perimeter in 1: 1 scale on a piece of paper" says Simona. This perimeter was used as a template to create a marble base, where Silvio Mondinelli’s signs and writings make that memory immortal in the most faithful way possible. In that memory, Francesco Šljiva Venturi gives life to a primordial sound that once again seeks a point of contact with the origin, through the use of his voice and a single instrument: a shamanic drum, purpose-built by a craftsman for the performance.
He will climb "on the top of Mount Everest" to sing a variation of Ives' Unanswered Question, in the lowest possible pitch. It is the elaboration of an impossibility: to go as high as possible while going as low as possible.
Text von der Website
16,5x22,5 cm, Auflage: 20, numeriert, 20 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Kartonbox mit Siebdruck, Konvolut aus 19 Zines mit Drahtheftung, ein Faltblatt
Sammlung von Zines aus Hongkong bezüglich der Proteste 2019/20, zusammengestellt von dem Kollektiv Zine Coop
Thanks to the artist researcher and activist Joanna Wong, I have been well informed of the situation in Hong Kong since the beginning of the movement. So when I saw the Hyperallergic article about the protest zines gathered and distributed by the artist collective Zine Coop, I thought people in Paris should know about this. The exhibition Freedom Hi! happened in many places in the world, I welcomed it at 本 \hon\ books. To cover the cost production of the exhibition, I decided to make a catalogue box set of 19 zines, with an index of all them and an interview of one of ZineCoop founders Forrest Lau.
Dank der Forscherin und Aktivistin Joanna Wong bin ich über die Situation in Hongkong seit dem Beginn der Bewegung gut informiert. Als ich also den Hyperallergic-Artikel über die vom Künstlerkollektiv Zine Coop gesammelten und verteilten Protest-Zines sah, dachte ich, dass die Menschen in Paris davon wissen sollten. Die Ausstellung Freedom Hi! fand an vielen Orten der Welt statt, ich begrüßte sie bei 本 \on\ books. Um die Produktionskosten der Ausstellung zu decken, beschloss ich, einen Katalog mit 19 Zines zu erstellen, mit einem Verzeichnis aller Zines und einem Interview mit Forrest Lau, einem der Gründer von Zine Coop.
98 S., 18,513,5 cm, Auflage: 200, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Broschur, pinkes Kreppband auf erster Seite eingeklebt
Das Buch mit dem Untertitel "All you'll ever need to know about schocking & abstracting" vom australischen Künstler Alexander Jackson Wyatt, der in Wien lebt. Die Ausgabe ist in Kooperation mit der Stadt Wien entstanden. Bestehend aus Text, Anleitungen und dazu passenden Illustrationen soll das Buch ein Ratgeber sein, für mehr Enthusiasmus und Zufriedenheit, denn "peer-pressure and pessimism, like any other pervasive task, calls for a certain amount of effort, care and common sense".
Kombinierte Text aus Gebrauchsanweisungen und psychologischen Ratgebern
[14] S., 21,5x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung
Heft des Künstlers Brian Cotnoir, der auch der Gründer des Verlages Khepro Press ist. Er beschreibt sein Heft selbst so:
On the Mystic, Magick, Talismanic, Alchemical Practice of Zine Making is a description of alchemical practice through the making of zines. Alchemy is the art and science of bringing something to its final perfection or completion. And, being perfected, can in turn perfect. It is about making change in the world for the betterment of the world and the soul. You know, like Marx said, “the philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.”
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Broschur
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 037 aus der Reihe 100for10
Before studying Arts I did my Bachelor Degree in Arts and Multimedia. In my first academic studies I was confronted with most digital media and how to use them in creative, functional or artistic way. I appreciate the wide field of modern creativity tools that I got to know. But actually I felt deeper connected to handcraft because I can express myself more immediate. So I decided to go back to the roots and applied at the Academy of fine Arts in Munich. I visited my Professor with giant artworks of naked bodies and peculiar cartoons. The painting showed strong emotion, pubertal suffering and indignation. Although it became more calm inside myself, I still stand for an type of art that results out of the psyche. So please enjoy watching my pictural diary.
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