Cuéntanos Un Secreto Ed. -0.5 - Tell me a secret Ed.
Technische Angaben
11,8x18 cm, Auflage: 80, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Sammelmappe mit 16 Arbeiten, ein Blatt gefaltet, Grafiken in Farbe, Textarbeiten in Schwarz-Weiß
Edition zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung.
Tell me a secret is an sharing secret project between communities. The secrets – written experiences – are graphically depicted by participants during a visual communication workshop. At the end of the workshop participants are invited to anonymously shared their own secrets in order to feed the project flow. As well we collect the secrets within this website. The project considers as secrets both, the written stories and their graphical depiction. Tell me a secret project is an archive as well. The main point of the archive is to preserve the popular stories of anonymous people.
Text von der Webseite
Tell me about yesterday tomorrow
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Leporello, auf erster Seite Löcher gestanzt
Tell me about yesterday tomorrow - Eine Ausstellung des NS-Dokumentationszentrums München über die Zukunft der Vergangenheit. Vom 28.11.2019-30.08.2020 zeigt das NS-Dokumentationszentrum München die Ausstellung Tell me about yesterday tomorrow, die Gegenwartskunst in Austausch mit aktuellen Denkansätzen der Erinnerungsarbeit bringt. Die zu einem großen Teil neu entwickelten Arbeiten von mehr als 40 internationalen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern beschäftigen sich mit der Deutung von Vergangenheit und der Anknüpfung an unsere Gegenwart und werden im NS-Dokumentationszentrum München sowie an assoziierten Orten in der Stadt präsentiert. Die künstlerischen Werke sind Kommentar, kritische Fußnote oder zweite Ebene zur historischen Dauerausstellung des Dokumentationszentrums, erweitern sie auf ästhetische, poetische und mehrdeutige Weise und ermöglichen Reflektionen über Geschichte und ihre Darstellung: Wer deutet Vergangenheit und vor welchem Erfahrungshorizont? Welche Geschichten werden gehört – oder erzählt? Wie prägen historische Ereignisse unser Verständnis der aktuellen Welt, und unsere Vorstellung von Zukunft? Ausgehend von der Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus werden mit den Mitteln der Kunst Merkmale, Auswirkungen und Folgen von Rassismus, Genozid und Diktatur in ihrer gegenwärtigen Bedeutung verhandelt.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
48 S., 31,5x23,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dahtheftung, beigelegt eine zweiseitige Presseerklärung, Produktions- und Erscheinungspaln 1984, 2 Seiten Pressespiegel
Technische Angaben
48 S., 31,5x23,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Saint Paul's Gay Heritage?
Technische Angaben
22 S., 18x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarzweiß-Fotokopien mit Aufklebern, farbigen Papieren und handschriftlichem Gruß an Klaus Groh beklebt, Poststempel und Briefmarken., zwei Seiten herausgetrennt,
ARTZINES #06 Show and Tell #1
Technische Angaben
32 S., 25x20 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, beklebt, Schwarz-Weiß-Fotokopien, mit eingelegtem Blatt, teils farbiges Papier,
Die Ausgabe ist das Ergebnis des ersten "Show and Tell"-Seminars, das am 7.12.2016 stattfand. Künstler, Musiker, Schriftsteller, Kuratoren, u. a. waren eingeladen, jeweils 10 Zines aus ihren privaten Sammlungen zu zeigen
Selected works from 1990's
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiss Offsetdruck
The William Crawford Estate is owned and represented by Ampersand Gallery. William Crawford's drawings were discovered in an abandoned house in Oakland, California. His work brings to mind characteristics of prison drawings, an impression confirmed by the fact that several were made on the backs of prison roster sheets dated 1997. These printouts, however, were cut down the middle, so the exact prison from which they originate is unknown. But given their origin in the Bay Area and the fact that several drawings include San Francisco landmarks, it's possible that Crawford made the work in a California state prison. Other than this information drawn from the archive itself, nothing is known about Crawford's life. Indeed, we only know his name because he signed just a few of the drawings, either as Bill, William or WM Crawford. The archive appears to have consisted of several books, with individual drawings in sequences of 30 or more adding up to tell complex visual stories. Several include written captions or fragments of conversation between male and female characters. These sequences, however, have been broken up over the years and reach us now in a fragmentary and fascinating collection of hundreds of delicate pencil drawings. The work conveys the intense sense of sexual longing of a man with an urge to tell dynamic stories. The drawings, which resemble the eroticism of Eric Stanton, the exaggerated male anatomy of Tom of Finland or the ample breasts of a John Currin, show scantily dressed women, drug use, cuckolding and orgies. The details of his interiors, the hairdos and style of dress suggest that Crawford might have come of age in the late 70s or early 80s. A cast of recurring figures populate the drawings, notably one man with a short afro and a moustache who often figures at the center of events, presumably the artist William Crawford himself. Remarkably, given the number of drawings, there is little to no repetition in the work. Crawford’s inventive eye for sexual positions, facial expressions and gestures of hand and body was vast and masterful. Simple geometric details and architectural subtleties define the unusual settings where the action unfolds. We see rooms shown from unusual angles, features that are hinted at, erased or altogether omitted and articles of clothing that are drawn with obsessive precision. This singular and original drawing style compels us to immerse ourselves in the world William Crawford created, more dream than documentation, more fantasy than perversion. Crawford's drawings have been widely exhibited, notably at Galerie Susanne Zander (Cologne and Berlin), Zieher, Smith and Horton (New York), Freddy (Baltimore) and upcoming solo exhibitions at FARAGO (Los Angeles) and Richardson (New York). His work is also featured in the latest issue of Richardson Magazine and was included in "System and Vision" at David Zwirner, an exhibition organized in collaboration with Delmes & Zander. Reviewing it, The New Yorker wrote, "William Crawford's orgiastic illustrations on the backs of prison rosters haven an erotic intensity that rivals anything by Hans Bellmer or Pierre Klossowski."
Text von der Webseite
Can you tell me how what you are doing now is to do something philosophical?
Technische Angaben
ISBN/ISSN 091506640X
Buchseiten von Hand unterschiedlich rechteckig ausgeschnitten
Technische Angaben
31,7x23,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, farbiges Cover, s/w Mode-Fotografien u. a
You never can tell - 75 Songs aus Timm Ulrichs' Jukebox
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
6-seitiges Faltblatt
Technische Angaben
21x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer zu den Veranstaltungen im MaximiliansForum
In einer exklusiven Modenschau präsentiert SCHAAF am 02. Mai die aktuelle Kollektion “Don’t Tell The World That We Know” & eine Vorschau auf 2013.
Die anschließende 8-tägige Mode-Ausstellung beinhaltet auch einen POP-UP-STORE und ein OFFENES ATELIER. Im Store können einzelne Kollektionsteile gekauft und bei Bedarf in der Schnittgröße angepasst werden. Das Offene Atelier bietet Einblick in die Arbeit der Designer und die Möglichkeit zum künstlerischen Dialog.
VERNISSAGE & SHOW 02. Mai – 20 Uhr
AUSSTELLUNG & POP-UP-STORE & CAFÉ 03.–10. Mai – Täglich 11–20 Uhr
Selfmade - A book about people making it happen
Technische Angaben
64 S., 22,4x19,1 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
eingelegtes gefaltetes Plakat (Tell us your story), angeklammert stockists
Tell me where did u sleep last night ...
Technische Angaben
31,3x23 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Zeitungspapier
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 15x10,5 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Mehrfach gefalteter, beidseitig bedruckter Flyer
Flyer und Programmheft zum kafe kunst fest 2016, am 28.02.2016 unter dem Motto "Don't tell me what to do! Let's do it togehter!" im Kafe Kult, München.
Don't tell me what to do! Ausstellungsprojekt von geflüchteten Frauen
Technische Angaben
20x9,6 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einseitig bedruckter Flyer, Risographie
Ausstellungsprojekt junger geflüchteter Frauen in der Färberei, 11.-13.11.2016, u. a. mit einem Workshop mit Stephanie Müller. Gedruckt bei rosidruckt.de
Wenn unbestellbar, Meldung
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr.005 aus der Reihe 100for10.
"Wenn unbestellbar, Meldung” means “if not possible to order, send a message”.
I collected old rubber stamps with bureaucratic contexts, some with small faults, others are correct but a bit strange. The illustrations mess up the meaning of the short texts and tell their own story. Be free to associate between
the drawings and the words and imagine your own story. If you need help translating the text on the rubber stamps, please contact me.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
My name is KID, I’m 28 and I’m based in Lisbon, Portugal.I’m a Rock’n’roll musician, and studied Architecture for 4 years. Around 3 years ago, I became a photographer. Since that, I mainly shoot with film – 35mm, medium format, polaroid and instant film, and others. Photography is one of the most amazing and beautiful ways to express yourself, as diary or editorial. I really like to be able to tell some story with a photo, or to create some emotions with it. With photography, we are able to keep a moment forever.
Artists' Books - Creative Production and Marketing
Technische Angaben
68 S., 29,8x21,2 cm, 2 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 9780954702571
Klemmbindung mit schwarzem Papierstreifen, Softcover, Exlibris von Jürgen Peter Wegner eingeklebt. Brief von Jürgen Wegner beigelegt
A guide for the book artist – as the producer, publisher and distributor of their own artwork, to discuss some of the practical issues arising from this. A series of case studies explores artists’ experiences of making and marketing their books in the UK, France, Germany, EIRE, Spain, Denmark, Japan, Argentina, Australia and the USA. We selected a range of artists with 2 - 30+ years experience in artists’ books, zines and multiples and asked them to share their working practice, experience of book fairs, interaction with purchasers, discuss problems and offer advice. We also asked private and institutional collectors to tell us about the ways in which they would prefer to interact with artists selling their books and any issues arising from their own collecting.
Text von der Website.
We are Cypriots - Wir sind Zyprer - 28 Cypriots Tell Their Stories: Reports and Photographs from a Devided Island
Technische Angaben
416 S., 23x15,5 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, Digitaldruck, Seiten lose in Umschlag eingelegt. Probedruck
We are Cypriots - Wir sind Zyprer - 28 Cypriots Tell Their Stories: Reports and Photographs from a Devided Island
Technische Angaben
416 S., 23x15,5 cm, Auflage: 300, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9783928804950
Klappbroschur, Fadenheftung, HP-Indigodruck auf Munken White 115 g. 1,5. 114 Farbabbildungen
“We Are Cypriots” is a chronicle that takes us behind the scenes sharing personal histories that official histories often ignore.
Between 2015 and 2018, during the reunification talks and after they failed, the author Lisa Fuhr visited Cypriots from both communities and photographed them in their surroundings. These intimate photographs and accompanying in-depth conversations shed light on life in Cyprus today.
Travellers, Cypriots living abroad, foreigners who have chosen to settle there, and last but not least, the people of Cyprus itself just might discover in these pages something they did not expect.
This book, furthermore, is intended as a contribution to the current European-wide discussion on national identity, separatism, nationalism or unification, and reconciliation.
In his comprehensive preface, the Berlin journalist, Klaus Hillenbrand, traces the historical and contemporary, as well as the social and political developments that have so profoundly shaped this island and Cypriots today.
Photo Exhibition and Book Launch at Goethe-Institut Nicosia, Cyprus, in the buffer zone next to Ledra Palace. Opening Wednesday 15 May 2019. Duration of the exhibition until 11 June 2019
The 2015 Baltimore uprising - a teen epistolary
Technische Angaben
[270] S., 15,2x10 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-939202208
First published as a zine in the wake of the Baltimore Uprising, this small book is packed with tweets from Baltimore teens sounding off on the death of Freddie Gray in police custody and the unrest in the days that followed. These tweets tell a story that the mainstream media chose to ignore; these voices deserve to be heard.
An unfiltered, journalist-free quasi-oral history of the 2015 teenager-led uprising following the killing of Freddie Gray in the back of a Baltimore police van.
Texte von Webseiten
Ausgesondertes Exemplar aus der BaltimoreCountry Public Library 2016
We are Cypriots - Wir sind Zyprer - 28 Cypriots Tell Their Stories: Reports and Photographs from a Devided Island
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 2 Stück. 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
2 Postkarten, Englische und Deutsche Variante
Werbekarten zum Buch “We Are Cypriots”, a chronicle that takes us behind the scenes sharing personal histories that official histories often ignore.
Between 2015 and 2018, during the reunification talks and after they failed, the author Lisa Fuhr visited Cypriots from both communities and photographed them in their surroundings. These intimate photographs and accompanying in-depth conversations shed light on life in Cyprus today.
Travellers, Cypriots living abroad, foreigners who have chosen to settle there, and last but not least, the people of Cyprus itself just might discover in these pages something they did not expect.
Tell me about yesterday tomorrow
Technische Angaben
182 S., 21,5x14 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-946041245
Broschur, Einband gestanzt
Publikation zur Ausstellung des NS-Dokumentationszentrums München über die Zukunft der Vergangenheit 28.11.2019-18.10.2020
Oh So Pretty - Punk in Print 1976-80
Technische Angaben
512 S., 28x21,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780714872759
A compelling visual portrait of a time, place, and subculture that raised a middle finger to modern society from the collection of Toby Mott.
Oh So Pretty: Punk in Print 1976-80 is an unrivalled collection of visually striking ephemera from Britain’s punk subculture. It presents 500 artefacts - 'zines,' gig posters, flyers, and badges - from well-known and obscure musical acts, designers, venues, and related political groups. While punk was first and foremost a music phenomenon, it reflected a DIY spirit and instantly recognizable aesthetic that was as raw and strident and irrepressible as the music. As disposable as the items in this book once were, together they tell a story about music, history, class, and art, and document a seismic shift in society and visual culture.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
Things you do when you want to tell a girl that you like her
Technische Angaben
[6] S., 40,4x28 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dreifach, zu einem Quadrat gefalteter, einseitig bedruckter Papierbogen (40,4x28)
Eine charmante und humorvolle Bildergeschichte der portugiesischen Illustratorin und Autorin Joana Estrela, welche auf ein Papierbogen gedruckt ist und zum lesen aufgefaltet werden muss. Das Comic besteht aus fünf Illustrationen welche - wie der Titel bereits verrät - helfen sollen, um einem Mädchen zu sagen, das man sie gerne hat. Vermutlich in Porto veröffentlicht.
The ARTZINES Research project - A story by Antoine Lefebvre in collaboration with Hubert published by Objet Papier
Technische Angaben
40 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdrucke nach Email und PDF, Drahtheftung. Email Englisch und Deutsch
... I am writing you because I interviewed you for my research project ARTZINES, in which I explored the world of zines made by artists.
The project started in 2015, so the interview in question might have happened ages ago. If it was a video interview, it should be on Vimeo and here: https://www.youtube.com/@ARTZINESINFO
I have been collecting 88 testimonies from various people interested in zines for a very long time, and I wanted to gather all of them into a book about zines made by artists.
Then life happened, the good and the bad, until I met the Objet Papier collective, who published Print It, a web-to-print magazine generated from a website to be different each time.
For the past two years, I worked with them to create an interactive and generative ARTZINES book that is different each time it is downloaded (I counted 130.749.696 possibilities, but that’s a low estimate).
I wrote my research journey as a " Choose Your Own Adventure Book," and I am happy to tell you that you are a character in this story, since your interview is featured in the book! There are a maximum of 6 interviews in each generated PDF, so your interview won’t show in every book.
If you want to see what it looks like, you can generate PDFs of the book directly from the platform ...
Auszug aus der Email vom 05.11.2024
The ARTZINES Research project - A story by Antoine Lefebvre in collaboration with Hubert Kretschmer published by Objet Papier
Technische Angaben
82 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Unikat, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Laserausdrucke nach Email, Drahtheftung
... I am writing you because I interviewed you for my research project ARTZINES, in which I explored the world of zines made by artists.
The project started in 2015, so the interview in question might have happened ages ago. If it was a video interview, it should be on Vimeo and here: https://www.youtube.com/@ARTZINESINFO
I have been collecting 88 testimonies from various people interested in zines for a very long time, and I wanted to gather all of them into a book about zines made by artists.
Then life happened, the good and the bad, until I met the Objet Papier collective, who published Print It, a web-to-print magazine generated from a website to be different each time.
For the past two years, I worked with them to create an interactive and generative ARTZINES book that is different each time it is downloaded (I counted 130.749.696 possibilities, but that’s a low estimate).
I wrote my research journey as a " Choose Your Own Adventure Book," and I am happy to tell you that you are a character in this story, since your interview is featured in the book! There are a maximum of 6 interviews in each generated PDF, so your interview won’t show in every book.
If you want to see what it looks like, you can generate PDFs of the book directly from the platform ...
Auszug aus der Email vom 05.11.2024
_957 Independent Art Magazine #126 THE PERFECT MATCH
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,5x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 2296-3057
Drahtheftung, Digitaldruck 4c
In THE PERFECT MATCH wurden Künstler*innen darum gebeten Kunstwerke unter dem Titel 'The perfect match' bei der Galerie Kriens einzureichen. Anschließend haben Stephan Wittmer und Jana Bruggmann jeweils die Künstler in Paare verteilt und sie gebeten gemeinsam einen Dialog über ihre beiden Kunstwerke zu verfassen. Diese Dialoge wurden in dieser Ausgabe veröffentlicht.
Buch 06 - yesterday, today, tomorrow
Technische Angaben
28 S., 14,8x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-940548-18-4
Drahtheftung, in Transparenthülle
´yesterday, today, tomorrow´ is a collection of visual short stories by the japanese artist Yumiko Hegenbart-Matsui.
Every picture and its title tell different stories about the life of the wobbly headed people