Cry Minami - Mechanical Brides - The 9th Most Popular Tweet
Technische Angaben
[100 ca.] S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, drei Hefte, Banderole
The title of series ‹Mechanical Brides› refers to an early book by Marshall McLuhan with the same title. It deals with questions about newspapers, comics, and advertisements and also reflects the role of women in popular culture. With the camera I was taking lots of photos from billboards showing portraits of women in Japan, America and Europe. These image are interesting as these models become role models for a lot of women. I worked on some of these images and produced stickers which I put back into the streets — to react on advertising companies putting into the streets and public spaces to claim back these spaces.
Text von der Webseite.
Scenes from Zagreb: Artists' Publications of the New Art Practice
Technische Angaben
40 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farbkopien nach PDF, lose ineinander gelegt
The New Art Practice was a term created for a generation of artists in the former Yugoslavia active in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s. These artists shifted their practice to spaces outside the traditional studio, onto city streets, into artist-run spaces, and in multimedia performances and experimental publications. Focusing on artists working in the city of Zagreb, this exhibition documents aspects of this shift and highlights the ability of artists' publications to record these often ephemeral gestures and ideas. While artists such as Goran Trbuljak, Braco Dimitrijević, Sanja Iveković, Mladen Stilinović, and Vlado Martek, among others, worked in a variety of mediums, they shared a common impulse to produce publications. These artists questioned and played with ideas about the place of an artist within this particular political and socioeconomic context. Their work often involved public participation and blurred traditional notions of authorship through collective activities, chance operations, and the appropriation of language and imagery from the state and commercial media. The materials in this installation resonate with other contemporaneous scenes in Eastern and Central Europe and with broader international trends, while also providing an insight into very local networks of experimental artists and writers in Zagreb. All materials are drawn from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art Library.
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APE 24 - Terribly Awesome Photo Books
Technische Angaben
[64] S., 37x30 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9789490800093
Blätter lose zusammengelegt, einmal gefaltet, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
For several years, Paul Kooiker and Erik Kessels have organized evenings for friends in which they share the strangest photo books in their collections. The books shown are rarely available in regular shops, but are picked up in thrift stores and from antiquaries. The group’s fascination for these pictorial non-fiction books comes from the need to find images that exist on the fringe of regular commercial photo books. It’s only in this area that it’s possible to find images with an uncontrived quality. What’s noticeable from these publications is that there’s a thin line between being terrible and being awesome. This constant tension makes the books interesting. It’s also worth noting that these tomes all fall within certain categories: the medical, instructional, scientific, sex, humour or propaganda. Paul Kooiker and Erik Kessels have made a selection of their finest books from within this questionable new genre.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
Odos Eleftherias - Freedom Street
Technische Angaben
59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
In the context of a continuous and persistent spiritual quest in the field of Greek art and its history, the artist Christos Bokoros appears —through simple themes and earthy, warm materials— to win an important battle. He has silently found a subtle and significant way of stripping bare certain symbols—his own ‘signs’: a way of isolating those symbols from anything unnecessary and superfluous, and of drawing the community’s attention to them by revealing them to be purified, resurrectional and full of fire.
Through the presentation of a series of paintings entitled ‘ODOS ELEFTHERIAS’, Bokoros ventures a direct discourse of these ‘signs’ with buildings and streets that are adjacent to, or end up at, Lefkosia’s Green Line. Many of these buildings have suffered damages and decay. One could say that in their own way they constitute a second crevice near the Green Line that divides the state. It is in these fissures that the artist sets up - plants - his ‘ODOS ELEFTHERIAS’, in the hope of giving the city’s centre new fruits and joyous vibrations—in a silent and honest alliance with all the indigenous revitalizing forces
Behind these walls - Stabi-Highlights digital - Weihnachtskarte
Technische Angaben
16x22,8 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Faltkarte, mehrfach gefaltetes Plakat in Briefumschlag, handschriftlicher Gruß
Behind these walls der BSB München, Mit der Kampagne ›Behind these walls‹ möchte die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek auf ihren umfangreichen Bestand digitalisierter Objekte, Werke und Medie aufmerksam machen: auf mittelalterliche Handschriften, Karten aus Bayern und der Welt, ikonische Fotografien und viele andere Kulturschätze.
Text von der Webseite
Druckbogen so gefaltet, dass 25 quadratische Teile entstehen, auf der einen Seite 24 Beispiele von digitalisierten Objekten des Bestands, rückseitig jeweils die Informationen zur Abbildung.
Weihnachtskarte mit Abbildung eines japanischem Holzschnitts aus der Shin-Hanga-Bewegung von Kawase Hasui (1932)
Artists' Magazines - An Alternative Space for Art
Technische Angaben
368 S., 24,8x19 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780262528412
Originalausgabe von 2011.
During the 1960s and 1970s, magazines became an important new site of artistic practice, functioning as an alternative exhibition space for the dematerialized practices of conceptual art. Artists created works expressly for these mass-produced, hand-editioned pages, using the ephemerality and the materiality of the magazine to challenge the conventions of both artistic medium and gallery. In Artists’ Magazines, Gwen Allen looks at the most important of these magazines in their heyday (the 1960s to the 1980s) and compiles a comprehensive, illustrated directory of hundreds of others.
Among the magazines Allen examines are Aspen (1965–1971), a multimedia magazine in a box—issues included Super-8 films, flexi-disc records, critical writings, artists’ postage stamps, and collectible chapbooks, Avalanche (1970-1976), which expressed the countercultural character of the emerging SoHo art community through its interviews and artist-designed contributions, and Real Life (1979-1994), published by Thomas Lawson and Susan Morgan as a forum for the Pictures generation. These and the other magazines Allen examines expressed their differences from mainstream media in both form and content: they cast their homemade, do-it-yourself quality against the slickness of an Artforum, and they created work that defied the formalist orthodoxy of the day. Artists’ Magazines, featuring abundant color illustrations of magazine covers and content, offers an essential guide to a little-explored medium.
In den 1960er und 1970er Jahren wurden Zeitschriften zu einem wichtigen neuen Ort der künstlerischen Praxis und fungierten als alternativer Ausstellungsraum für die entmaterialisierten Praktiken der Konzeptkunst. Künstler schufen Werke speziell für diese massenproduzierten, von Hand herausgegebenen Seiten und nutzten die Vergänglichkeit und Materialität der Zeitschriften, um die Konventionen sowohl des künstlerischen Mediums als auch der Galerie in Frage zu stellen. In Artists' Magazines befasst sich Gwen Allen mit den wichtigsten dieser Zeitschriften in ihrer Blütezeit (1960er bis 1980er Jahre) und stellt ein umfassendes, bebildertes Verzeichnis von Hunderten weiterer Zeitschriften zusammen.
Zu den von Allen untersuchten Magazinen gehören Aspen (1965-1971), ein multimediales Magazin in einer Box - die Ausgaben enthielten Super-8-Filme, Flexi-Disc-Schallplatten, kritische Schriften, Briefmarken von Künstlern und Sammelbücher, Avalanche (1970-1976), das durch seine Interviews und von Künstlern gestalteten Beiträge den gegenkulturellen Charakter der aufstrebenden Kunstszene von SoHo zum Ausdruck brachte, und Real Life (1979-1994), das von Thomas Lawson und Susan Morgan als Forum für die Generation Pictures herausgegeben wurde. Diese und die anderen von Allen untersuchten Magazine unterschieden sich in Form und Inhalt von den Mainstream-Medien: Sie stellten ihre hausgemachte Do-it-yourself-Qualität der Glätte eines Artforums gegenüber und schufen Arbeiten, die sich der formalistischen Orthodoxie der Zeit widersetzten. Artists' Magazines, mit zahlreichen Farbabbildungen von Titelseiten und Inhalten, bietet einen unverzichtbaren Leitfaden für ein wenig erforschtes Medium.
Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator, Text von der Webseite
Erwähnt werden neben vorwiegend amerikanischen Magazinen auch europäische Magazine
Künstlerbücher, Artists'Books, Book as Art - Ausstellungen Dokumentationen Kataloge Kritiken - Eine Analyse
Technische Angaben
176 S., 22,3x15,1 cm, Auflage: 700, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-923205-653
Paperback mit Schutzumschlag aus Transparenzpapier
Aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis:
"Vielleicht fragt jemand, wozu dieser Kram hier gemacht worden ist" (Diter Rot).
"Metamorphosen des Buches auf der Documenta 6: Das Buch an sich (Peter Frank) - oder - Ein Buch ist nicht nur Lesegriesbrei" (Rolf Dittmar).
"Ungereimtheiten und Widersprüche: a limbo between art and literature" (Lucy Lippard).
"Gruppenausstellungen in Europa: Wiederentdeckung des Buches, demokratisches Medium oder prätentiöse Attraktion".
"Gruppenausstellungen in Amerika: Ah, ta hell with all these sub-sub-categories ..." (Peter Frank).
"Einzelausstellungen. Fehlanzeige: das Buch, diese Kreatur" (Konrad Balder Schäuffelen).
"Themenhefte, Zeitschriften, Verlage und Vertriebe: These are marginal arts" (Peter Frank).
"Einzelne und gesammelte Aufsätze: Einladungen zum Leerlauf (H. M. Enzensberger) - oder - Das Buch wird immer schöner und dichter" (Michel Butor).
"Nachweis der Motti".
"Bibliographischer Anhang" (20 Seiten mit chronologischem Verzeichnis von Ausstellungen bis 1982, Zeitschriften, Verlags- und Vertriebskatalogen, Bibliographien, Monographien und Zeitschriftenaufsätze)
Libri d’arte, passione di una vita
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Artikel über Reinhard Grüner,
Reinhard Grüner is a collector from Monaco. His passion is art books, which he collects – and sometimes exhibits – since the 1960s.
His website, www.buchkunst.info is a real “online museum”, where international artist books are catalogued and photographed. Amongst the artists there are Marc Chagall, Anselm Kiefer, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol. Books, but also works of art made of images and text, created by the artist often in collaboration with a writer and a publisher. For the high artistic quality – original graphics, unique designs, paintings and collages – these works are different from the usual picture books. Their manifestations are multiple: books with graphic effects, objects-book, artist’s books, sometimes printed in offset or illustrated by works of artists.
At the centre of Grüner’s attention there are Eastern German and Eastern European books (mainly Russia, Hungary, Lithuania). many of these works were created in response to specific social, political and cultural issues, with unimaginable insights into the culture of modernity.
Reinhard first came in contact with the art in book form with the English Edition, printed privately, of “A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig”, printed in 1975 by Shoestring Press on paper of the legendary Chiswick Press: from here begins a life of a book maniac among thousands of books. As Grüner states in an essay, the acquisition of artist books is more than a simple purchase: the artist, the life as a collector and thoughts are tied together, they influence each other, and a network of contacts with other collectors begins. With nearly all the books in his collection Grüner forms a symbiotic relationship: each of them describes, explains, and gets to the heart of some chapters of his life.
Download the pdf file with the essay on the collection of Reinhard Grüner (in English)
Technische Angaben
78 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farbkopien nach PDF, lose ineinander gelegt, Dokumentation der Ausstellung
This survey of experimental art and design magazines published since 2000 explores the various ways in which contemporary artists and designers utilize the magazine format as an experimental space for the presentation of artworks and text. Throughout the 20th century, international avant-garde activities in the visual arts and design were often codified first in the informal context of a magazine or journal. This exhibition, drawn from the holdings of the MoMA Library, follows the practice into the 21st century. The works on view represent a broad array of international titles within this genre, from community-building newspapers to image-only photography magazines to conceptual design projects. The contents illustrate a diverse range of image-making, editing, design, printing, and distribution practices. There are obvious connections to the past lineage of artists’ magazines and little architecture and design magazines of the 20th century, as well as a clear sense of the application of new techniques of image-editing and printing methods. Assembled together, these contemporary magazines provide a first-hand view into these practices and represents the MoMA Library’s sustained effort to document and collect this medium.
Text von der Webseite
Various Small Books - Referencing Various Small Books by Ed Ruscha
Technische Angaben
288 S., 23,6x15,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780262018777
Hardcover Leinen
In the 1960s and 1970s, the artist Ed Ruscha created a series of small photo-conceptual artist’s books, among them Twentysix Gas Stations, Various Small Fires, Every Building on the Sunset Strip, Thirtyfour Parking Lots, Real Estate Opportunities, and A Few Palm Trees. Featuring mundane subjects photographed prosaically, with idiosyncratically deadpan titles, these “small books” were sought after, collected, and loved by Ruscha’s fans and fellow artists. Over the past thirty years, close to 100 other small books that appropriated or paid homage to Ruscha’s have appeared throughout the world. This book collects ninety-one of these projects, showcasing the cover and sample layouts from each along with a description of the work. It also includes selections from Ruscha’s books and an appendix listing all known Ruscha book tributes.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 21x14,7 cm, Auflage: 30, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, zwei verschiedene Papiere, in Pergaminhülle
'say cheese', 'please laugh', 'show your smile' - this is what people usually say, when they take a private picture of their friends or family. These pictures normally remain in the private sphere of the photographer and are only shown to a selected audience. For this conceptual and experimental photo-series such private images have been forcefully appropriated: individual prints have been taken randomly from drug stores and photo developers, the pictures where selected and then set in relation to others. The negatives of these images were not taken. Unlike the concept of the objet trouvé, where found objects and materials are the basis for creative work, the images used in this project are objets appropriés, they have been actively taken rather than found. They are documents of other peoples memories, memento mori of their existence, beautiful in their own right. By blurring and distorting them, the concept of remembering and forgetting, documentation and memory is questioned.
Text von der Webseite
Boletim, No. 1 - Arquitectura - Architecture
Technische Angaben
47 S., 21,8x14,5 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 9788494070129
Following the example of French and British railway companies, C.P. (Portuguese Railways) built houses and social facilities between 1910-20, to support its employees and their families. Key projects implemented during the first quarter of the twentieth century included the Boneca neighbourhood, for retired railway workers, and the Vila Verde neighbourhood, in the alignment of the Bairro Camões neighbourhood. The latter was built in 1926 designed by Cottinelli Telmo and Luís da Cunha. All these neighbourhoods are located in the city of Entroncamento. The city itself was created because of the railways. The station was the first dwelling - at the time a small tent (1862). This new venture provoked major migration from the interior of Portugal, of those who wanted to work for the Company. As a consequence, C.P. (Portuguese Railways) developed a plan, involving a series of ambitious social support structures, perhaps unique at the national level. The company built neighbourhoods for employees, a school, a supplies warehouse, an anti-tuberculosis dispensary that operated as a health centre and also encouraged the development of sporting activities. In parallel with technological evolution and development of railway activities, the workshop area was expanded, included reinforced staff training, which reached a peak when a training centre was built, that is today called FERNAVE, house in a huge building, built from scratch for these functions and which formerly housed the Instituto Superior de Transportes (Higher Transport Institute).
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
40 S., 20,3x12,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
In April 21012, the French elected a new president. As usual, the election campaigns were highly personalized with portraits of candidates posted everywhere. Many of these were defaced, especially those advertising Marine Le Pen, leader of the ultra right wing party. From the reaction to these posters one would have expected the French to respond to the ambiguous slogan “Oui, la France” with a distinct “Non, merci.” Yet contrary to the seemingly unanimous rejection in the streets, in the polling booths almost 18% of voters said “yes.”
Text von der Webseite
American Dreaming - The War Years - Ignition 1991-1995
Technische Angaben
23x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-869303079
Der 1956 in New York geborene Jerry Spagnoli ist einer der bedeutendsten praktizierenden Künstler der Daguerreotypie und hält über dieses Verfahren regelmäßig Vorträge. Seine Arbeiten wurden bereits in die Bestände des Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, des Museum of Fine Arts in Boston und der National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC aufgenommen.
American Dreaming presents a vision of America from 1990 to 1995. Spagnoli took these photographs with a small Leica camera in the classic manner of street photography and then selected small details from the negatives. The resulting images of gestures, signs, faces and objects are freed from their original contexts and reconfigured. Spagnoli’s subject is the build-up to the First Gulf War, but we see these social and political events at best obliquely as Spagnoli’s version of history is primarily subjective and fragmentary. American Dreaming is the second of Spagnoli’s books in atrilogy about the personal experience of history, the first being Daguerreotypes.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
23.5x16.5 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung u. a
Every item on the List is a transcript of a part of Kasper Andreasen‘s ongoing work Proofs. Since 2004, he collects sheets of paper: receipts, newspaper articles, packaging, tickets and other written traces which he is confronted with on a daily basis. Twice a year, he chronologically assembles these papers into hard cover books. These sheets compress the time of his daily life and are an attempt to capture lost time.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
90 S., 43x28,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-863356798
90 lose ineinandergelegte Seiten mit 45 farbigen Abbildungen
Herausgegeben von Alice Dusapin & Christophe Daviet-Thery. Beiträge von Steve Roden & Oscar Tuazon.
Allan Kaprow is considered to be the founding father of the Happening, of Environments and Activities: terms that he continued to redefine throughout his career. With a wide selection of images, this publication documents Kaprow's posters, a lesser-known side of his work, produced between 1953 fand 1996. Most of these posters were designed by Allan Kaprow and are characterized by their aesthetic quality, the earliest ones in particular a combination of hand-lettered text and drawings and the later ones of photographs and typographic text in a minimalist style. More than merely advertising Happenings or Activities, these posters act as scores/tools for the participants to the Happenings and as everyday objects that blur the boundaries between art and life.
Text von der Webseite
Gina Lotta Post Artistamp Museum and Archive Catalog Vol 6
Technische Angaben
160 S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780988722767
Farblaserkopien aus PDF-Datei, lose ineinander gelegt
Künstlerbriefmarken vom 02.11.2015 bis 22.09.2016. This is Vol 6 in the series. Series created as a reference guide for collecting and archiving records. Artists, designers, art teachers all glean new ideas from these works. And curators use these for quickly finding work while planning exhibits
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Krytyka Polityczna Athens
Technische Angaben
272 S., 23,5x16,5 cm, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 16440919
Broschur, mit Widmung, gefaltetes Blatt eingelegt, Cover manuel bearbeitet, mit Glitzer
Dear Reader,
In your hands is the Athenian issue of Krytyka Polityzcna. The Warsaw-based journal unites polymorphous freedom struggles in geographic Europe. This book is an anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist artwork. A hypothesis, and yet one that continues to be written actively on the ground. It clashes migration and education of the status quo, the effect and the cause of current violence.
The publication documents an initiative, Universitas*, and accompanies the forthcoming Symposion, The School of Everything.
This book contains the contributions of people who have recently moved to Athens from the Middle East, of Athenians who have lived here a long time, as well as of those who are based in Berlin but frequently visit Athens. brought together, they form a de-elitized and de-colonized remix of knowledge.
The chapters in this book are intertwined and in each part the reader will find contributions relevant to the whole. The authors are all united by their portrayal in anti-phrenological drawings.
In Athens, despite the invention of the State, streams of interlapping cultural influences never stopped pulsating. Such an experience of fluid identity demonstrates that citizenship is an outdated concept of class separation and nationalism. The devastating contradiction: human rights are only valid in the economically privileged zones. The failure to collaborate with the revolution in Syria dispels the last illusions of an occidental civilization and unveils the truth: we all live in the absolute financial dictatorship.
This publication includes several essays and statements on education. These are written by thinkers, philosophers, “activists”, and artists who are affiliated with the Avtonomi Akadimia, a disobedient grassroots university in Athens which claims education as a form of art. These texts, poems, manifestos and sketches of educational models are published in lieu of the abstracts for an upcoming Symposion entitled: “The School of Everything”.
We build an educational system which consists of indignant initiatives for sharing knowledge, and of proposals by thinkers who see education as key. We shift from learning to sharing. We decriminalize sharing because we would like to enjoy the pleasure of giving. We liberate ourselves from the strictures of “Homo Sapiens”, a construct imposed upon life.
We will transform the educational system of Europe.
The clash of migration and education will release a Promethean fire.
Text von der Webseite
In collaboration with aneducation and the Public Programs of documenta 14
Technische Angaben
[168] S., 33,5x26,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3865211925
Hardcover mit Leineneinband und geprägtem Cover.
Thirty years ago Bailey decided he wanted to do something un-cast, un-posed and organic. Finally realised over the last three years, Bailey’s Democracy represents the culmination of this vision. Studio visitors were asked if they would agree to be photographed naked. Abandoning issues of framing, composition, backdrop and lighting, each volunteer (mostly strangers and non-celebrities) was treated in exactly the same way. No digital manipulation was applied. This is what Bailey calls his “imposed democracy’. These are naked people – old, young, model perfect, ordinary looking. Naked not nude as Bailey is keen to emphasise. Nude photography is all about the photographer and what he brings to the shot – lighting, prejudices and aesthetics. In contrast naked photography is only about the subject. These are undirected, un-cast images where the sitters chose their own pose.
Text von faggionato.com
Hidden Islam - Islamic makeshift places of worship in North East Italy, 2009-2013
Technische Angaben
90 S., 24,8x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788890981708
Hardcover mit festgeklebtem Schutzumschlag. Jede Seite aufklappbar.
Dritte Auflage.
Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole country. One consequence is that the Muslim population have accumulated a huge number of makeshift and temporary places of worship. These are housed in a variety of buildings including lock ups, garages, shops, warehouses and old factories. This shortage of places to worship is particularly acute in north east Italy – where the photographer Nicolò Degiorgis lives – home to many anti-Islamic campaigns headed by the right wing party Lega Nord. The dull images of the many and diverse buildings that house the makeshift mosques are printed on folded pages. You open up the gatefold to reveal the scenes inside the mosques, shot in full colour. The size of the gatherings varies, from large crowds who sometimes pray outside to a small room full to bursting, or to intimate groups of two or three Muslims. Degiorgis provides a fascinating glimpse of hidden world and leaves the conclusions about this project entirely in our own hands.
In 2014 Hidden Islam was awarded the Gold Award - Deutscher Fotobuchpreis, First Book Award - Paris Photo/Aperture Foundation and Author Book Award - Les Rencontres des Arles.
Text aus dem Vorwort von Martin Parr.
Remote Scottish Postboxes (The Postcards)
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 20,3x12,5x1,5 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 9780993232374
Pappschachtel mit ausgestanztem Fenster, 12 Postkarten
Edition of 2000
Martin Parr’s Scottish Postboxes have been described as the prolific photographer’s ‘only contribution to landscape photography’. However, what Mr. Parr has achieved with these images is more a series of portraits of the lonely outposts of civilisation. The Postboxes in each place, standing out red and awkward against the lonely and beautiful Scottish backdrops each have a personality and a character of their own.
The postboxes are not only characters in the places they inhabit, they are symbols. the steadfast outposts of the institution that is the British postal service set against the untamable Scottish landscape invite the viewer the pause and ponder on their own place in the world.
“When you are in the middle of nowhere, in a bleak landscape and in wild weather, these little post boxes are strangely comforting, a sign that other people are around, that life is going on, and that you are connected to the world” – Susie Parr
This box contains twelve of Parr’s Postboxes, presented as postcards – a most appropriate form for the images to find themselves in, whether their fate is to be collected and cherished or themselves posted and shared.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
104 S., 28x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789491677144
Schweizer Bindung, verschiedenes Papier, Farb- und Schwarz-Weiß Fotografien
Onomatopee 95. 11”x17” by Elisa van Joolen is an on-going project that examines and challenges the fashion industry’s prevailing value systems and proposes new methods of production. The project began in 2013 with a series of conversations with representatives of various fashion brands including G-Star, O’Neill, gsus sindustries, Rockwell by Parra, Converse, moniquevanheist, and Nike. These companies then contributed by donating clothing and footwear in the form of samples, archival pieces and stock. A selection of these, complemented with pieces of second-hand and no-brand clothing have undergone a process of cutting out and reconstructing to become 11”x17” Sweaters and Invert Footwear. 11”x17” creates a network. It unites different categories of clothing and different values within fashion. an eclectic mixture of mid-market, second-hand, and high-end items.
Text von der Website.
Selected works from 1990's
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiss Offsetdruck
The William Crawford Estate is owned and represented by Ampersand Gallery. William Crawford's drawings were discovered in an abandoned house in Oakland, California. His work brings to mind characteristics of prison drawings, an impression confirmed by the fact that several were made on the backs of prison roster sheets dated 1997. These printouts, however, were cut down the middle, so the exact prison from which they originate is unknown. But given their origin in the Bay Area and the fact that several drawings include San Francisco landmarks, it's possible that Crawford made the work in a California state prison. Other than this information drawn from the archive itself, nothing is known about Crawford's life. Indeed, we only know his name because he signed just a few of the drawings, either as Bill, William or WM Crawford. The archive appears to have consisted of several books, with individual drawings in sequences of 30 or more adding up to tell complex visual stories. Several include written captions or fragments of conversation between male and female characters. These sequences, however, have been broken up over the years and reach us now in a fragmentary and fascinating collection of hundreds of delicate pencil drawings. The work conveys the intense sense of sexual longing of a man with an urge to tell dynamic stories. The drawings, which resemble the eroticism of Eric Stanton, the exaggerated male anatomy of Tom of Finland or the ample breasts of a John Currin, show scantily dressed women, drug use, cuckolding and orgies. The details of his interiors, the hairdos and style of dress suggest that Crawford might have come of age in the late 70s or early 80s. A cast of recurring figures populate the drawings, notably one man with a short afro and a moustache who often figures at the center of events, presumably the artist William Crawford himself. Remarkably, given the number of drawings, there is little to no repetition in the work. Crawford’s inventive eye for sexual positions, facial expressions and gestures of hand and body was vast and masterful. Simple geometric details and architectural subtleties define the unusual settings where the action unfolds. We see rooms shown from unusual angles, features that are hinted at, erased or altogether omitted and articles of clothing that are drawn with obsessive precision. This singular and original drawing style compels us to immerse ourselves in the world William Crawford created, more dream than documentation, more fantasy than perversion. Crawford's drawings have been widely exhibited, notably at Galerie Susanne Zander (Cologne and Berlin), Zieher, Smith and Horton (New York), Freddy (Baltimore) and upcoming solo exhibitions at FARAGO (Los Angeles) and Richardson (New York). His work is also featured in the latest issue of Richardson Magazine and was included in "System and Vision" at David Zwirner, an exhibition organized in collaboration with Delmes & Zander. Reviewing it, The New Yorker wrote, "William Crawford's orgiastic illustrations on the backs of prison rosters haven an erotic intensity that rivals anything by Hans Bellmer or Pierre Klossowski."
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
2 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß Laserausdrucke nach Webseite
Tape-Mag.com is a Non-Profit Online-Archive & Information-Database for Audio-Tape-Culture (Cassettes/Tapes/Reels) and 20th Century Art- & Music-related Small-Press Publications, Magazine-Culture.
This Archive-Database focuses on the following styles/genres.
- Mid 70's to late 90's Industrial, Experimental, Free Improvisation, Post- Punk, New Wave, Minimal, Synth, Ambient and further musical directions of the DIY-Cassette-Culture.
- early 50's to late 90's Sound Art, Sound Poetry, Text-Sound-Compositions, Poesie Sonore, Verbosonics, Lingual Music, Music Concrete, Audio Art plus related printed Mail Art, Concrete Poetry, Visual Poetry, Lettrisme, Fluxus
Here you are able to browse and research thousands of releases, find further information about the Artists, the Organisations, Press & Label-People behind the scene and/or the published Small Print, Magazines, Information-sheets and Artists-Manifests that all defined a very exciting culture and era. Most of the releases listed here were only released in very limited amount and are hard to find these days but they had without any doubt their important role in the development of contemporary audio & sound-art and music-history. These protagonists of a DIY (Do-It-Yourself)-Culture-Movement in which everybody can be an artist, label, distributor and press-editor or organisation deserves a comprehensive overview in a broader context with all its connections and a framework. With this Database the collected, provided and connected Information can become knowledge. Knowledge that Media in Internet-Age can hardly supply with the current Information Overload.
Text von der Webseite
We are Cypriots - Wir sind Zyprer - 28 Cypriots Tell Their Stories: Reports and Photographs from a Devided Island
Technische Angaben
416 S., 23x15,5 cm, Auflage: 300, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9783928804950
Klappbroschur, Fadenheftung, HP-Indigodruck auf Munken White 115 g. 1,5. 114 Farbabbildungen
“We Are Cypriots” is a chronicle that takes us behind the scenes sharing personal histories that official histories often ignore.
Between 2015 and 2018, during the reunification talks and after they failed, the author Lisa Fuhr visited Cypriots from both communities and photographed them in their surroundings. These intimate photographs and accompanying in-depth conversations shed light on life in Cyprus today.
Travellers, Cypriots living abroad, foreigners who have chosen to settle there, and last but not least, the people of Cyprus itself just might discover in these pages something they did not expect.
This book, furthermore, is intended as a contribution to the current European-wide discussion on national identity, separatism, nationalism or unification, and reconciliation.
In his comprehensive preface, the Berlin journalist, Klaus Hillenbrand, traces the historical and contemporary, as well as the social and political developments that have so profoundly shaped this island and Cypriots today.
Photo Exhibition and Book Launch at Goethe-Institut Nicosia, Cyprus, in the buffer zone next to Ledra Palace. Opening Wednesday 15 May 2019. Duration of the exhibition until 11 June 2019
The 2015 Baltimore uprising - a teen epistolary
Technische Angaben
[270] S., 15,2x10 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-939202208
First published as a zine in the wake of the Baltimore Uprising, this small book is packed with tweets from Baltimore teens sounding off on the death of Freddie Gray in police custody and the unrest in the days that followed. These tweets tell a story that the mainstream media chose to ignore; these voices deserve to be heard.
An unfiltered, journalist-free quasi-oral history of the 2015 teenager-led uprising following the killing of Freddie Gray in the back of a Baltimore police van.
Texte von Webseiten
Ausgesondertes Exemplar aus der BaltimoreCountry Public Library 2016
We are Cypriots - Wir sind Zyprer - 28 Cypriots Tell Their Stories: Reports and Photographs from a Devided Island
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 2 Stück. 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
2 Postkarten, Englische und Deutsche Variante
Werbekarten zum Buch “We Are Cypriots”, a chronicle that takes us behind the scenes sharing personal histories that official histories often ignore.
Between 2015 and 2018, during the reunification talks and after they failed, the author Lisa Fuhr visited Cypriots from both communities and photographed them in their surroundings. These intimate photographs and accompanying in-depth conversations shed light on life in Cyprus today.
Travellers, Cypriots living abroad, foreigners who have chosen to settle there, and last but not least, the people of Cyprus itself just might discover in these pages something they did not expect.
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 20,2x13,1 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, handnummeriert
Büchlein des japanischen Künstlers Sayo Senoo, bestehend aus verfremdeten Bildern, die der Künstler von japanischen Sex-Business-Webseiten heruntergeladen hat. Auflage von 100, die alle nummeriert und signiert sind.
"Bodies that shed tears 3" is a sequel to "Bodies that shed tears" and "Tachinbo". This little book is made from my collection of photos downloaded from various sex related business websites in Japan. I worked in this kind of company to pay for my art studies. These jobs are mentally and physically heavy. But the high pay prevents most of us from quitting before their health is damaged.
The images are transformed through several processes using inkjet printers to make visible these physical and mental damages, the fatigues and the pains, that hide behind the seductive poses and smiles of the people in the photos. The book is printed on an incompatible paper with my printer, so that the images are ephemeral and fragile like as our body.
Text von der Webseite
Annahme erwünscht! - Die Idee einer offenen Gesellschaft: Künstlerische Netzwerke im Kontext des Archivs Kees Francke. - Acceptance Welcome! - The Idea of an Open Society: Artistic Networks in the Context of the Kees Francke Archive
Technische Angaben
2 S., 16x11,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarte zur Ausstellungseröffnung, beidseitig bedruckt
Einladung zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 14.09.2017.
Ausstellung 14.09.2017-06.01.2018
The philosopher Karl Popper called in 1945 for an open society “in which one can breathe and think freely, in which each person has a value, and in which the society exerts no unnecessary pressure on the individual”. In the 1960s and 1970s a new generation of artists began to replicate works of art in the form of artists’ books, magazines, newspapers, small multiple objects, postcards, graphic posters or audio cassettes. These were sold for a small fee or exchanged internationally with artist colleagues, disregarding all political frontiers, from Eastern Europe to Latin America. An international network was thus formed via the post, enabling artists to circumvent the censorship of their work. This was the genesis of so-called Mail Art. Everyone could participate, nobody was excluded. there were no juries and no censorship. A societal vision in accordance with that envisaged by Karl Popper was apparent in the dehierarchisation and the democratisation of art. The exhibition shows works from the archive of the Dutch artist Kees Francke, who would have celebrated his 65th birthday this year, supplemented by works from other archives that help to form a picture of the networks though which these artists were interconnected. A cabinet exhibition in the series "On the Gallery"
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 0969074506
ohne Text, nur mit der ISBN-Nummer auf dem Cover
This book is part of the series of self-published ISBN Bookworks. It is a gradual and extensive accumulation and sequencing of homogeneous photographic imagery. These books consist entirely of halftone photographs (no text), printed full-pagebleed on newsprint
Once around the sun, Volume I + Volume II
Technische Angaben
1448 S., 28x27x8,5 cm, Auflage: 100, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 3922760058
Broschur, Softcover, 2 Bücher in Schuber
Volume one contains very many pages with incredibly many dots on each page. We are to understand that each of these dots represents one second of the time it takes the earth to once orbit the sun. The second volume contains again very many pages with each incredibly many parallel lines. The length of all those lines together represents the true distance covered by the earth each second on its way to orbit the sun.
2. Auflage
Manual für Künstlerpublikationen (MAP), Aufnahmeregeln, Definitionen und Beschreibungen
Technische Angaben
240 S., 23,5x17,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-928761819
Spiralbindung. Erste Ausgabe, Stand März 2010
these cataloging rules provide instructions for cataloging artworks that have been multiplied, released, or published as well as archives and bequests of artists’ publications
Technische Angaben
80 S., 24,5x17,5 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-866785397
Hardcover, Fadenheftung
Albert Coers’ objects, room-sized installations and photographs are presented as multi-layered, often symbolic and always evocative thought-constructions. This publication provides a review of his works from 2008 to 2010, where certain themes re-occur, like interest in collections, archives and the book as medium, as well as the expansion of artistic media and the occasionally ironic reflection on these themes. The documentation of Coers’ art practice is accompanied specially written texts that focus specifically on the individual works and place them within a narrative or critical context.
Text von der Verlags-Webseite.
Technische Angaben
160 S., 20.5x13 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Schwarz-weiß Drucke
Arriving in China, most visitors turn into illiterate fools the moment they step off the airplane. Surrounded by signs written in an incomprehensible code, messages meant to guide, to inform, to convince or to sell become little more than abstract pictures. The photographs in this book were produced by one such illiterate as he wandered through a world of signs oblivious to their meaning. Selected from the thousands of pictures made while traveling through China, these pictures reflect the author’s interest in the transformation of image to text and back again.
Text von der Webseite
Auswirkungen von indirekten Sympathomimetika
Technische Angaben
24 S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 60, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Risographie und Siebdruck, aufgeklebter bedruckter Stoff auf dem Cover
Dr. Olof Tarski, not yet widely known to the public, illustrated the effects of sympathomimetic drugs in his first booklet for Taube. For this cause, he uses slightly manipulated imagery and hidden short poems (in german) for which the reader needs to rub on the pages in order to read them.
Just like sex, indirect sympathomimetics almost cause the same symptoms. A frightening but yet fascinating fact in these days is that every physical symptom may also be produced artificially. The intention behind this work is to show how much drugs and medications are in a position to control our physical sensation.
Technische Angaben
18 S., 15x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer zur Ausstellung, mehrfach gefaltet
As a textual piece, NOMS DE GUERRES was created in 2006 and its material derives from a study of post-1945 military campaigns and consists exclusively of the codenames employed for specific campaigns. Brief explanatory notes on each of the designated operations can be found on the reverse of the text sheets. In the present publication, a partly updated and extend
ed version of these explanatory notes is also to be found in the final section.
Olaf Nicolai zeigt Leuchtschriftwerke in ultraviolettem Licht.
Wortfolgen, die zunächst ohne konkreten Sinnzusammenhang erscheinen, Arbeiten nahe konkreter Poesie, mit ungewöhnlicher Begriffswahl, in einer Lichtform, die Fluoreszenz hervorrufen kann. Die Wortfolge der Poems setzt sich aus Codenamen für internationale militärische Einsätze zusammen. Diese zumeist 4er oder 5er Wortfolgen werden als Neoninstallation präsentiert. Beigeordnet sind 2 gerahmte A4 Blätter, diese Erläuterungen erklären den Namen, den Einsatzort, die Beteiligten und das Jahr der Intervention.
Text von der Webseite
Line Issue #1 Intersection
Technische Angaben
304 S., 30x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 2194394X
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 32x22 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 7629999015104
Drahtheftung. Verschiedene farbige Papiere. Eingelegt ein gefaltetes Poster
The publication Spheres is the creative documentation of a close collaboration between an artist and the editor, graphic designer Philippe Karrer. Every issue is dedicated to a young artist and their work, in each case exploring character, surroundings, every-day life, inspirations and ideas using unconventional innovative formats so as to create a different, more visual approach and understanding of the artist and his or her work. The focus lies on what is important to the artist during the time period of working together for the publication, hereby capturing a certain essence of the artists work at the moment. Not only can the reader dive in to the artist‘s world, receiving little personal snippets of the life in and around his or her art, but also (and perhaps even more importantly) — how the artist chooses to present things in the publication gives the reader an idea of his or her whole artistic sphere.
Melanie Bonajo explores the relationship of the individual to its surroundings in a commodified, globalised culture. In her work, she uncovers how our ideas of identity, genre, value and such structures formed by conventions are ever shifting to feelings of uncertainty and instability. She approaches these issues by trying to newly create, to turn around overpowering views and conditions that are today so influenced by our consumer society and tries to get nearer to traits that are rooted in human nature.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 23x19 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, verschiedenfarbiges Papier, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
Boundaries is a short sequence of drawings, based on found/recycled imagery and formulated as visual accompaniments during the composition of various sound works by artist & electronic musician Nickolas Mohanna. Throughout the booklet, these abstract figures and graphic spaces diverge into new forms that reflect the movement, place and time of the sound material.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
documenta 1955-2012 - The Endless Story Of Two Lovers
Technische Angaben
60 S., 28x21 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 9788897503156
Drahtheftung, goldener Umschlag
Publikation anlässlich der dOCUMENTA (13)
This publication contains a selection of 60 photographs from the documenta Archive, one of the oldest and most esteemed exhibition of contemporary art in the world. The photographs — belonging to different ages — depict the two elements that make art history possible: artwork and spectator. This amazing journey through time not only concerns the history of one of the most important exhibitions in the world, but also traces the evolution, customs, and traditions of the society that created it. The book portrays a love story between two subjects — a human being and an inanimate element — that are capable of a relationship even if they speak a different language. The photographs capture the moment of these encounters, and this is what their distinctive feature consists in. Of course we are not able to listen to the dialogues, but we can still imagine them.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
Technische Angaben
14,8x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarte zur Ausstellung
Das Spektakel ist das Kapital in einem solchen Grad der Akkumulation, dass es zum Bild wird. Guy Debord: Die Gesellschaft des Spektakels, These 34
Call for Papers - International Symposium: The Territories of Artists’ Periodicals
Technische Angaben
3 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck nach Email, zu einem dreitägigen Symposium an der Universität Wisconsin, Lawton Gallery, vom 2.-4.6.2014
This symposium seeks to provide a venue for dialogue between researchers, artists, publishers, librarians and others interested in artists’ periodicals in order to bring into focus the many issues and themes that constitute the terrain of these publications. We have chosen the 1950s as the starting date for this symposium as we believe this decade is the crucial moment in which artists’ periodicals develop as a distinct and identifiable medium.
Das Symposium hat folgende Themenschwerpunkte:
- Looking back and looking ahead: Histories
- Temporality/Periodicity of the artists’ periodicals
- Artists’ periodicals: Collective or Individual Practices?
- The Economics of artists’ periodicals
- Artists’ periodicals as Alternatives
- Artists’ periodicals and other Territories
- Exhibiting and Preserving artists’ periodicals
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 19,1x13,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, kleinerformatiges Impressum angeheftet
By investigating the intrinsic nature of objects in a haunted environment, these photographs question why we associate certain items with fear, and the elements that are required to create a haunted space.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
16 S., 25,5x19,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-905999402
Drahtheftung. First Edition, von Vitsoe Bookswap München
"I paint rejects, misfits and their landscapes. My fixation on these characters is not intended to exploit deficiencies, but to find valor in adversity. Whether hobo clowns, misshapen animals or scarecrows ..."
Erschienen zur Ausstellung im Laguna Art Museum, 23. Feb. – 28.04.2013
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
40 S., 20,3x12,7 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Hardcover, Broschur
According to popular belief, there were no urinals in museums and art galleries before 1917. Allegedly, Marcel Duchamp was the first to introduce one of these useful objects into an exhibition space. Nearly a century later they are ubiquitous. Captured during a six month sojourn through Europe, this book presents a selection of the finest art museum urinals on the continent.
Published in 2012 as a contribution to ABCED, an ABC Artists’ Books Cooperative project in celebration of Ed Ruscha’s seventy-fifth birthday. The book was taken out of circulation on the occasion of Ed Ruscha’s seventy-sixth birthday on December 16th, 2013.
Text von der Webseite
Workshop Publishing as Artistic Practice
Technische Angaben
8 S., 14,8x23 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
zu einem Buch gefaltetes Plakat zur Veranstaltung
What does it mean to publish today? In the face of a continuously changing media landscape, institutional upheavals and discursive shifts in the legal, artistic and political fields, concepts of ownership, authorship, work, accessibility and publicity are being renegotiated. The field of publishing not only stands at the intersection of these developments but is actively introducing new ruptures.
How the traditional publishing framework of processes, practices, institutions and discourses has been cast adrift will be discussed in the workshop through the examination of recent advancements of publishing concepts emerging from the experimental literature and art scene, where publishing and publicizing are often part of an encompassing artistic practice.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
720 S., 21x15x4.5 cm, Auflage: Print on demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Softcover, Schwarz-Druck auf Papiere, Titel und Autor in weißer Schrift auf dem Buchrücken. Gedruckt bei Lulu
Ink used for digital printing is one of the most precious substances in the world. A single gallon of ink costs over four thousand dollars and this is one reason why digitally printed books are so expensive.
However, the price of a book is not calculated according to the amount of ink used in its production. For example, a Lulu book of blank pages costs an artist as much to produce as a book filled with text or large photographs. Furthermore, as the number of pages increases, the price of each page decreases. A book containing the maximum number of pages printed entirely in black ink therefore results in the lowest cost and maximum value for the artist.
Combining these two features, buyers of The Black Book can do so with the guarantee that they are getting the best possible value for their money.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[192] S., 29x21.1x1.6 cm, Auflage: 500, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Softcover. Mit .. Infoschreiben zur Buchvorstellung in der Fotogalleriet Oslo inneliegend
A Sudden Drop features photographs of clothing found on streets in a central part of Oslo. The book is part of a larger body of work that includes cartographical material, sculptures and installations. The theme of these works – consumer consumption and decay in a specific geographical area – takes on a somewhat abstract and scientific tone.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
28,2x43,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Mehrfach gefaltetes Poster, doppelseitig bedruckt
Die Arbeit ist Teil des "Equilibrium Projects": Equilibrium is a collaborative initiative to develop creative contexts for women in towns and cities to explore practices that stay immersed in everyday. The project gave a platform for artists from Europe and Asia to come together, interact and work with the women members of self-help groups from Partapur and nearby villages. The artists and women members worked together as equals through sharing their experiences, skills, stories, and recipes through several creative projects. Now these creative projects are going to be displayed in an interactive exhibition at Walpodenakademie Mainz from May 08, 2015.Equilibrium is a project of Walpodenakademie (Mainz), Sandarbh (Partapur/ New Delhi), and Beneshwer Lok Vikas Sansthan (Partapur), curated by Shilpa Upadhyay and h.i.s.(Tanja Roolfs and Stefan Brand).
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
[140] S., 16.5x12 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789899661004
Schweizer Broschur
The Impossuível talks were held at the Navio Vazio, in the city of Porto, between 29.04.-08.05. 2010. A group of artists, designers, curators and art & design critics were invited to share with the public a choice of books from their own private libraries. The texts collected in this book are the reflections that took shape in these encounters
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Europe, an artist’s-eye view: City Guides collection
Technische Angaben
20,8x14,8x4 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
10 Hefte, Broschur und Drahtheftung, Softcover, mit Gummiband zusammen gehalten, Druck auf farbige Papiere
One of the modul-dance project key elements is the promotion of mobility, so that artists receiving its support follow itineraries across Europe to develop their creative work and present it to different audiences.
Modul-dance presents a collection of modul-dance city guides. Each of the guides in this collection shows a city from the viewpoint of a local artist, who proposes his or her own particular route to artists in transit, seeking to put them in connection with their host city. While these city routes share some basic features, each one is different and in their differences lies a wealth of gazes, aesthetics, approximations to the local and much more. In a word, they form a mirror of the diversity that modul-dance has always fostered. Athens, Barcelona, Bassano del Grappa, Dresden, London, Stockholm, Vienna, Toulouse, Paris and Poznań, ready to be discovered.
Text von der Webseite
Letterpress Workers - the experience
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 30x24 cm, Auflage: 250, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung. Cover Prägedruck
The book kicks evolved out of the first two Letterpress Workers Summits. It tells about the participants and shows the materials printed during these events. Hence the title: The experience. The book itself is a collective experience: the partecipants contributed to the production in different ways and at different times.
Text von der Webseite
Materialien (E) Peripheriewanderung Winterthur
Technische Angaben
[68] S., 20,5x15,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-905999570
For almost twenty years Peter Piller has been making peripheral excursions, or Peripheriewanderungen (Periphery Walks) in various European cities. In Hamburg, the Ruhr region, Bonn, Graz, and Barcelona he has explored small sections of areas marking the outer borders of urban settlement in cities and regions of varying size. In carrying out these walks Peter Piller follows things that catch his eye as well as cues from his memory, ending his excursion once he feels unable to take in anything more.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
100 S., 28,5x21 cm, Auflage: 600, ISBN/ISSN 9789077459911
Writing Over is a drawing atlas which focuses on the relationship between the gestures of drawing, writing and map-making. The book serves as companion volume to the installation Writing Over, which was shown in 2012 at Netwerk in Aalst. The drawings which are partly derived from a personal and collective history are rendered in different types of landscapes and maps. These are accompanied by an ‘Atlas Archive’. a study of surfaces used in this cartographic process – sketches, stamps, media images, engraving plates, notations – and a short story by Louis Lüthi, entitled Unalaska Alaska.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
50 S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
These 20 Openings for a Novel are Creative Commons (CC) license and thus free of use. Please notify the artist if you actually use them and make note of it in the credits.
Thank you and enjoy – for a world with no more writers‘ block.
Text von Website
Keep Going West Until You Can See The Sun Set In The East
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 46,5x31,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, teils spiegelverkehrt
A newspaper was distributed at selected points during the Kunst Fest in the city of Weimar. Both in newspaper stores and on the street by various performers.
It contained propositions for small interventions in public space in Weimar. These propositions function as a written proposal: in relation to Lawrence Weiner's “Declaration of Intent“ the interventions do not need to be executed but can be read as a manual and performed by anybody. Each format is equal. Every written intervention is formulated in a more or less abstract way opening the possibilities of interpretation for the viewer. Poetic connotation is intended.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 27,4x10,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, im blauen Pappumschlag mit betitelnden Sticker auf Vorderseite und Blindprägung auf Rückseite, in bedrucktem Briefumschlag
In 1926 Max Ernst published a portfolio of prints entitled 'Histoire Naturelle’ (34 collotypes published by J. Bucher, with an introduction by Hans Arp) which were based on experiments using the technique of frottage (or rubbing) and depict a kind of mysterious, natural world of strange and fantastic landscapes, rocks, or creatures emerge from experimental procedures but give the precision of scientific illustrations.
Arnaud Desjardin purchased one of these very rare portfolios, drawn to it by the fact that it was damaged by a purple fungus which had been eating away at the paper. He saw a strange beauty given by the mould, adding to the original textures in true, surrealist style. He set about creating a 'new' work which is ‘Mouldy Modern’, featuring both the original Ernst plates and mould- in equal measure- to magical effect!
Unshelfmarked - Reconceiving the artist's book
Technische Angaben
180 S., 23,3x14,1 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-910010068
Post-Deweyed, these works form an entirely new corpus, showcasing the artists’ book not as a by-product of the book per se, but both its antecedent and post-digital flowering, many salient twentieth-century features proleptically flickering here and there through time, its epigenetic influence finally come to permeate mainstream book design everywhere, the manifold traits and studio processes inherent to the artists’ book bursting from their stitched sheath, cheerfully pollinating the whole gamut of reading impedimenta and spaces.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[72] S., 30,7x24,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865216168
Broschur mit aufklappbarem Schutzumschlag,
Schorr then draws from professional reportage pictures, so as to describe, literally sketch out, one monumental trip from Queens to Vietnam and back. These drawings are contrasted by reproductions of vintage car magazine articles and Schorr's own photograph portraits. There I Was is a complex and multi-faceted look at escape, culture, dreams and mortality, conjuring up an expressionistic portrait of the dichotomies of the late 1960s in a fractured wartime America. Text von der Webseite
Hello Yellow Glove - New Drawings
Technische Angaben
[142] S., 28x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-869304847
Zur Ausstellung 23.02.-07.04.2012 in Paris. Hello Yellow Glove opens with one of Dine’s most treasured motifs, Pinocchio. Using dense charcoal and dripping washes, Dine depicts the sinister edge to Carlo Collodi’s story and Pinocchio’s isolation in his quest to become a real boy. In addition to these bodies of work, Hello Yellow Glove presents Dine’s portrait of Gerhard Steidl, an ambitious suite of nine drawings made by the artist in his Göttingen studio.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[114] S., 21,5x17,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865215994
Hardcover mit Leineneinband und Prägung,
Through his earlier projects, Moksha and Ladli, Fazal Sheikh came to realize that for many women in India life is not a line, but a circle. Death is not an end but a resting place in the afterlife, from which the soul returns to earth and is reborn. The Circle reflects this cycle. It is dedicated to the women who helped Fazal Sheikh in India and to the hundreds of thousands of women with similar experiences that these portraits represent.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
300 S., 23x16,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788480264990
Ausstellungskatalog anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Museum Reina Sofia, Madrid vom 28.10.2014-09.02.2015.
This catalogue investigates the notion of “really useful knowledge” and its origins. In the 1820s and 1830s, working class organisations in the UK introduced this phrase to describe a body of knowledge that encompassed various “unpractical” disciplines such as politics, economics and philosophy, as opposed to the “useful knowledge” proclaimed by business owners who had previously begun to invest more heavily in their companies’ progress through financing workers’ education in “applicable” disciplines like engineering, physics, chemistry and mathematics. The publication presents texts and conversations that analyse these themes, including philosophy, art, politics and technology.
Mit Texten von u. a.: What, How & for Whom, Marina Garcés, Raqs Media Collective, Luis Camnitzer, Trevor Paglen, Jacob Appelbaum, Fred Moten & Stefano Harney und G.M.Tamás.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
176 S., 27x18 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788480265300
Softcover, Broschur, Schutzumschlag aus Noppenfolie,
Publikation zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung vom 10.11.2015-21.03.2016.
A conversation between Hito Steyerl and João Fernandes, curator of the exhibition, an essay by Carles Guerra and Steyerl herself, introduced us to one of the most relevant contemporary artists in the field of Video art. Steyerl approaches current themes in her work, for instance the impact the proliferation of images and the use of the Internet and technology have on our lives. She uses these issues as a starting point for developing, not just through her video pieces but also through writing and essays, critical work about control, surveillance and militarisation, migration, cultural globalisation, feminism and political imagery, questions she believes have the capacity to create realities.
Text von Website
songs that changed everything
Technische Angaben
46 S., 17,5x17,5 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, mit Pergamentpapier, 2farbige Risographie und Farblaserkopie, in transparenter Kunststoff-Schutzhülle,
We all have songs that left a mark, that changed the way we thought about music, about life, that helped us make new friends, that set something in motion. We wanted to collect these songs, and especially the stories behind them, from people that we know and like. This zine contains written pieces (in Englisch and German), as well as images, done by 13 wonderful people.
Text aus dem Heft
Technische Angaben
[25] S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 20, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Spiralbindung, überwiegend mit Fotocollagen,
An artist's book of text and photomontage exploring a visual poetic dedicated to the founder of Gaberbocchus Press, Stefan Themerson. According to the Victoria and Albert Museum, "From the start, Gaberbocchus was 'a vehicle for introducing new ideas', and specialised in intellectual avant-garde texts. These ranged from poetry and philosophical novels to unclassifiable combinations of text and pictures" (Nicholas Pounder, New Series Catalogue no. 6, July 2015)
Punk Press - Rebel Rock in the Underground Press 1968-1980
Technische Angaben
240 S., 34x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-419706292
Broschur mit Klappumschlag
Punk was born on the East Coast in the late 1960s, later crossing the Atlantic and exploding in London and Paris. This dynamic countermovement churned out heaps of professional magazines and photocopied, hand-stapled fanzines, all expressing ideas on music, art, and current events. By creating its own press, the punk movement secured its place in the history of 20th-century culture. Featuring collages, cutouts, and handcrafted typography, Punk Press compiles the stunning graphics created by these publications, spanning from the East Village to East London to the Left Bank. With unforgettable images of punk’s greatest bands—the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, the Clash, the Dead Kennedys, Iggy Pop, and more—this is a captivating look at some of music’s most fascinating personalities and greatest talents.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 21x14,8/ cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dimanche skate co. is a London based brand born from the love for skateboarding, culture, design, and photography. It all started with a roll of film shot in London and New York at the start of 2014, these photos then went on to inspire the brand's original style aesthetic and products. All products are made in limited runs with a focus on quality and simplicity. The product line ranges from decks, t-shirts, rugby shirts and beanies to patches and photography.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, 40 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Bogen mit 40 Künstlerbriefmarken, perforiert
Please use these Stamps, unten auf dem Bogen handschriftlich vermerkt
Technische Angaben
2 S., 21x14,8 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zur Ausstellung im super+Centercourt vom 15.07.-27.08.2017.
PUNKT.PUNKT.STADT folgt der These, dass jede Weiterentwicklung von Stadt jeweils von bereits aktiven Punkten ausgeht. Dies im Kontext der Diskussionen um Nachverdichtung gelesen, stellt natürliche und städteplanerische Stadtentwicklung an einen vergleichbaren Ausgangspunkt. Die Stadttore (Sendlinger Tor/ Isartor) Münchens zeigen die Grenzen der ursprünglichen, historischen Stadt auf. Eine Stadt entwickelt sich aber nicht nur aus sich heraus, sondern auch durch den Zusammenschluss von bereits existierenden Orten. München wächst, verleibt sich bereits existierende Orte ein, und beeinflusst Städte im Umkreis (Augsburg, Passau und Würzburg).
Wie entsteht eine Stadt? Wie kann sich eine Stadt wie München weiterentwickeln ohne ihren eigenen Charakter zu verlieren? Wie wird eine Stadt von unbebauten Flächen geprägt? Wie treten neue Orte/Gebäude mit bereits existierenden Orten/Gebäuden in den Dialog?
Meret Hoffmann und Carolina Liedl fordern die BesucherInnen in ihrer Ausstellung dazu auf, sich diesen Fragen in spielerischer/partizipativer Weise zu nähern und sich selbst mit einzubringen ...
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
40 S., 14,8x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Digitaldruck
The Pepsi Challenge
Oversized ‘promises’ in the form of real estate advertisements are promoting the new city along the lines of global real estate and living standards. ‘The perfect union to all you desire’ and ‘We believe luxury is best served in small quantities’ first seen along Varthur Road in Whitefield, Bangalore, caught my attention. The second one leaves a particularly ironic, tangy, protestant-flavoured impression, seen from the German point of view.
Questions emerged about the Indian caste system, the sense of community, modesty and personal goals.
The design of this urbanity also reminds me of earlier journeys to the United Arab Emirates and Shanghai. The new urbanity becomes exchangeable, custom-tailored and its ‘ultra-luxurious villas’ accessible ‘for the chosen few’ of the Pepsi Generation.
But what happens to the majority of a city’s population and its needs, uncertain ownership and neglect of basic amenities? Can it withstand the pressure flashed on every corner of the city? Do these promises affect social cohesion? ...
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
29,2x22 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907946615
Broschur, Softcover
In this his latest artist book, Ethridge conflates a rich array of photographic tropes, combining personal documentary images made in western Palm Beach County, his mother’s childhood home, with surreal collage works, and a series discarded from a Chanel fashion shoot. These are interwoven with what appears to be a carefully directed scene depicting a teeth-white Durango SUV sinking into and then being retrieved from a canal. The clash of visual styles, histories and meaning establish a flatline of dissonance underscored by the touchline admonition of the neon title - SACRIFICE YOUR BODY.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
240 ca. S., 12,5x10 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 0894390139
Umschlag aus Karton mit Leinenstreifen, ca. 120 Seiten gestanzt
2004 winner of I.D. Magazine's Design Distinction award, Absence is the third book to come out of Printed Matter’s Publishing Program for Emerging Artists, a program made possible through the generous support of New York City's Department of Cultural Affairs, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation, and the Heyday Foundation. The generosity of Whitney trustees Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond J. Learsy was instrumental to the Museum’s participation in the publication of this exciting new work.
Both a book and a sculptural object, Absence is a memorial to the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Yoon, an architect and designer who is currently an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, chose not to produce a traditional design proposal for the World Trade Center Memorial Competition. Instead she created a non-architectural, non site-specific space of remembrance: a portable personal memorial in the form of book.
At almost two pounds, Absence has a considerable physical presence, but it is in every way the ghost of a presence, and it is this ghostliness that gives it its particular emotional weight. A solid white block of thick stock cardboard pages, the book’s only "text" consists of one pinhole and two identical squares die-cut into each of its one-hundred-and-twenty pages – one for each story of the towers including the antenna mast. These removed elements lead the reader floor by floor through the missing buildings towards the final page where the footprint of the entire site of the World Trade Center is die-cut into a delicate lattice of absent structures.
Of all of the proposed monuments and grand designs for the twin towers to emerge in the last two years, Absence is remarkable for its employment of an under-used strategy: restraint. The simplicity of Yoon’s materials and her use of repetition speak, without words, about unspeakable loss. Quiet, respectful, mournful, the book does not aim to represent the magnitude of the disaster. Instead it appeals to the vastness of the reader’s imagination and capacity to grieve. The human scale of her memorial operates on a personal level – it delivers the memory of lives lost into the reader’s hands. At the same time, as a scale model of a vanished architectural site, it operates on a larger cultural level by commemorating the site itself.
Text von der Webseite. Fotos Xenia Fumbarev
Reflektor M Digest #12 - Landscape Chart
Technische Angaben
[106] S., 21,5x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
On a full Moon there must be thousands, maybe millions of photos of the night sky being sent by smart phones. The busy Moon moves much faster around the world these day. At the end of 19th century, N (a student of English literature, who would become very well known as an author of many great works), found himself in London. Since the 17th century, the Edo government had prohibited international trade and travel except with China and Holland for over 200 years. It was only when Matthew C. Perry came to Uraga in 1853 and succeeded with his negotiations, what Japan's new history of forgeign affairs began. Gradually the English language was introduced into the intellectual elite, and a few members were sent overseas to learn the language in order to respond to the needs of the new age. N was one of them.
Text von der Webseite
Buon Lavoro - Four Films on Workers’ Communities by Cora Piantoni - Vier Filme über Arbeitsgemeinschaften von Cora Piantoni
Technische Angaben
224 S., 29,7x21 cm, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-943620771
Stonemasons, cinema staff, a climbers’ cooperative, a group of 1970s militants. These communities testify to a period of upheaval that swept across Europe from the late 1960s to 1989. The fragments of biographies and the social relationships that Cora Piantoni depicts, are episodes in the context of this historic narrative: the legacy of anti-fascism in Italy, political dissent in the former Eastern Bloc, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of Portuguese colonialism.
The men who fell from earth
Technische Angaben
[128] S., 33,5x23,5 cm, Auflage: 1.300, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-902835482
Anläßlich der Ausstellung »The Men Who Fell From Earth« im Kunstmuseum Holstebro von 16.09.2017–07.01.2018, im Kunsthaus Stade 2018 und im EMMA Espoo Museum of Modern Art.
Three international heavyweights in contemporary painting will join forces when Danish Tal R and his two German colleagues and friends, Jonathan Meese and Daniel Richter, hold a joint exhibition at Holstebro Kunstmuseum, under the title ‘The Men Who Fell from Earth’. In recent decades, with an almost unrestrained energy, these three artists have made a name for themselves as significant innovators of the painting tradition. ...
Text von der Webseite
FLIP - About Image Construction
Technische Angaben
1 S., 59,4x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Plakat, gefaltet, einseitig bedruckt, dazu persönliches Schreiben in Briefumschlag von Phyllis Dierick
Plakat zur Ausstellung vom 03.03-22.03.2018, KASK Gent.
FLIP is the sequel to the exhibition Copy Construct held at CC Mechelen in 2017. The exhibition focuses on displaying a temporary archive of artists’ books parallel to about a dozen filmic works. The term ‘FLIP’ associatively refers to the performative gesture of leafing through a book but also to notions of image sequences, reversal (printing), the flipbook, as well as the use of text and images in both books and video works. In short, the exhibition is an attempt to show these media together, emphasizing the use of narrative strategies and image construction as extensions of each other.
Text von der Website.
FLIP - About Image Construction
Technische Angaben
65 S., 27x20,9 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Softcover, Lageplan eingelegt
Publikation zur Ausstellung vom 03.03-22.03.2018, KASK Gent.
FLIP is the sequel to the exhibition Copy Construct held at CC Mechelen in 2017. The exhibition focuses on displaying a temporary archive of artists’ books parallel to about a dozen filmic works. The term ‘FLIP’ associatively refers to the performative gesture of leafing through a book but also to notions of image sequences, reversal (printing), the flipbook, as well as the use of text and images in both books and video works. In short, the exhibition is an attempt to show these media together, emphasizing the use of narrative strategies and image construction as extensions of each other.
Text von der Website.
Streichholzbriefchen – I got a clit
Technische Angaben
4,8x3,8 cm, 4 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Konvolut aus vier bedruckten Streichholzheftchen, teils handbeschrieben.
Teil einer Installation, die in der Ausstellung "Marlene McCarty – Mund Verkehr: In die Hose gegangen" in der NGBK Berlin, 6.06.–12.07.1992 gezeigt wurde. Aus der Pressemitteilung zur Ausstellung:
Marlene McCarty’ (1957) Interesse gilt dem Machtgebaren und den patriarchalen Strukturen, der von ihnen geprägten männlichen Umgangssprache. Die alltäglichen Sprüche die ihr, einer Frau, auf den Straßen New Yorks zugerufen werden, die unverstellten oder unverschämten Aufforderungen mit denen sie konfrontiert wird, sind das Ausgangsmaterial für ihre künstlerischen Strategien wie für ihre Kunstobjekte.
Marlene McCarthy zur Installation: “This is a floor sculpture and it’s 15,000 matchbooks. They’re standard matchbooks you can order from a catalog. On one side they have pinup girls on them, and on the other side I had them print, ‘I got a clit so big I don’t need a dick.’ If you’ll notice, clit and dick are handwritten. The company had called me up and were like, ‘Ummm, we have a problem. We can print dick but we can’t print THAT OTHER WORD.’ She wouldn’t even say the word clit. So I said OK, take the mechanical—this was in the olden days—and just slice the dick and the clit off. Then I got some friends together and we wrote them all in by hand. I’m reproducing these for the retrospective, but the curator is worried about whether we can have NYU students writing dick and clit 15,000 times. Maybe the seniors can do it.”
Texte von den Webseiten.
Technische Angaben
44x30,5 cm, 10 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Mappe aus Graupappe, 2 Laschen vernäht, eingelegt Druckmuster der geplanten Veröffentlichung, Buchdaten auf Karton, 2 Seiten Informationstext zur Edition, Infoblatt zum Verlag und Zettel mit handschriftlichem Gruß der Verlegerin, alles in Pergaminhülle
Infomappe zur mehrteiligen Publikation, mit Original-Druckseiten.
Jan von Holleben has constructed a kosmos of six planets with little more than a box of props, a team of willing humans, some clippings from the garden, and his camera. Click, click, click and strange things happen, right before the camera, with no digital manipulation: Ghosts flash through the Berlin cityscape. Plants cast shadows on the sky. Many places gather in the same place at once. The monsters imitate the flowers (or is it the other way around?). Each planet is an optical riddle. The only clues are visual. No answers are provided. This is a book for intrepid discoverers.
Note: the inventor of these planets avoids all references to god and to the cosmos. His kosmos is spelled with a K and is something quite different.
Six variably-sized softcover books housed in a printed and folded portfolio box.
NO OLHO DA RUA (im Auge der Straße)
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 20,5x15 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Beidseitig bedruckter Flyer.
Kollaboration mit Patricia Azevedo, Murilo Godoy und Straßenkindern aus Belo Horizonte.
No Olho da Rua collective has specialised in bringing imagery made by these marginalised groups directly to the public in the form of posters, newspapers and flyers displayed and distributed on the streets of the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte.
Technische Angaben
37x28,6 cm, Auflage: 1.500, 7 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-944630014
Sammelmappe aus Karton mit Leinenband und sechs Heften (Fadenheftung) in unterschiedlichen Formaten, jeweils mit einem Buchstaben bedruckt.
Jan von Holleben has constructed a kosmos of six planets with little more than a box of props, a team of willing humans, some clippings from the garden, and his camera. Click, click, click and strange things happen, right before the camera, with no digital manipulation: Ghosts flash through the Berlin cityscape. Plants cast shadows on the sky. Many places gather in the same place at once. The monsters imitate the flowers (or is it the other way around?). Each planet is an optical riddle. The only clues are visual. No answers are provided. This is a book for intrepid discoverers.
Note: the inventor of these planets avoids all references to god and to the cosmos. His kosmos is spelled with a K and is something quite different.
Text von der Webseite.
Eizeltitel: Planeta Symmatrius, Planeta Visumbra, Planeta Microidi, Planeta Florala, Planeta Phantafulgeo, Planeta Isolametro
The Big Book of Color in Design
Technische Angaben
384 S., 28x21,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780060748005
Erstauflage 2003.
"The Big Book of Color in Design" focuses on color as a tool to create moods and symbolic images.The book is categorized into 30 different sections, such as “classy,” “hot,” “regal,” or “corporate.” Each section features current graphic design projects that fit into these moods. For each of the featured projects, a “color chip” appears, with the CMYK formula for creating a similar tone. In all, hundreds of examples of use of color in brochures, ads, logos and other categories of graphic design appear in this breakthrough book.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
323 S., 36,4x26x3,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ota-Bindung mit aufklappbarem Schutzumschlag
Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Fondadtion Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, 30.03.-10.06.2018.
In Freeing Architecture, Ishigami elaborates upon his most recent research into function, form, scale and the environment in architecture, thereby revealing his vision for the future of the field. Through over 40 models, as well as numerous films and drawings, the exhibition presents twenty projects from their genesis to the complex process of their realization. Far from being tools prior to construction, the models assembled in the exhibition were made specifically for the occasion. As viewers contemplate these hand-crafted works, assembled in the architect’s studio over the course of one year, one can see the many steps and the painstaking work that led to the development of their final form. All different in terms of their material, size and level of detail, they offer a glimpse of the slow maturation process, necessary for the creation of Ishigami’s architectural works. Works infused by a poetics that is achieved as much through experimentation, as it is by theory, knowledge, and technology.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[216] S., 16x13,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-616203771
Hardcover, Prägedruck
A version of this book was published in installments on the Internet during 1996 and 1997.
It’s nearly 50 years ago that my book of conceptual instructions Grapefruit was first published. In these pages I’m picking up where I left off. Now it's being published in book form. I'm riding a time machine that's going back to the old ways! Great! I added my dot drawings to give you further brainwork. I’m just planting the seeds. Have fun.
Text aus dem Buch.
Gotto Go Gotto Flow - Life, Love, and Lust - On Chicago's South side - From the Seventies
Technische Angaben
194 S., 24,8x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780991541829
Fadengeheftet, Hardcover, mit Schutzumschlag
Poems by Patricia Smith, Photographs by Michael Abramson.
Bump contests and blues. Love goddesses and shake dancers. The Sexy Mamas and Their Mack. Funky. Sexy. Music and voodoo. Every night like New Year’s Eve. This was the scene that Abramson recorded. Patricia Smith, took a look at Abramson’s photos nearly four decades later and brought his night world back to life. “These fiercely breathing visuals are a last link,” she says, “to the unpredictable, blade-edged and relentlessly funky city I once knew.” Her words and his pictures open the doors and give us a front-row (or a back-row... even better) seat to a time and place long gone. So: Watch. Listen.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
332 S., 25,7x29,5x3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0500284091
Broschur, Klappcover, auf verschiedenen Papieren gedruckt
This volume by and about the sculptor and pioneer land artist Richard Long explores his work from the 1990s to the present day. Long's ability to make works of physical and intellectual beauty is unrivalled, and this new journey takes the reader around the world: to the Sahara Desert and down the Rio Grande, from coast to coast in Ireland and Spain, to Tierra del Fuego and Mongolia, and to the forests of Honshu in Japan. Some of the artist's sculptures were made during his walks through the world's landscapes, while others bring the material of nature - stones, boulders, driftwood, clay and mud - into a more public or sheltered environment: museums, galleries, houses, gardens. These works feed the senses, whereas the texts and photographs recording the artist's walks feed the imagination.
Text von der Website.
Data Centers Grand Tour (This Data Belongs Here)- commissioned by e-PERMANENT
Technische Angaben
44 S., 17,5x10,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-300680338
Being accustomed to the freewheeling flow of information on the Internet and the immaterial quality of the digital age there is a tendency to overlook the physical embodiment of data. Silvio Lorussoʼ.s work seeks to demonstrate that data has a material reality. When Google published images of its numerous data centres last year they revealed that it is a vast physical network that allows for 20 billion web pages to be indexed per day by its search engine. By creating websites which refer only to the site at which the data of the image you are looking at is stored Lorusso brings a transparency to the experience of being online. He also draws our attention to the implications of these storage sites in terms of the vulnerability of private documents and files and their hidden impact in terms of energy consumption. ʻ.Data Centers Grand Tour (This Data Belongs Here)ʼ. creates a direct connection between the physicality of data and its digital representation.
Text von der Webseite
The Bermuda Love-Triangle
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 8,9x12,2 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 0930257065
Softcover, fadengeheftet, Offset-Druck
The Bermuda Love-Triangle, from 1988, is Tom Grothus's most elaborate production. The printing is all offset-lithography on quality stock. The black, red, and yellow cover includes some spot varnish highlights. The 24 leaves inside are printed in blue and black ink, for 48 pages of content. Interspersed among the pen-and-ink drawings are several beautiful duotones of pencil and ball-point-pen drawings. Some of the images in this book are like those of a dream that haunts you with an elusive meaning. The common literary thread throughout is a list of various proposed freedoms, such as the "Freedom to Obey Puppets." These may fill in some of the gaps left in the U.S. Constitution by that nation's founding fathers. Editor's Note: Gripping, lovely, haunted, serene, and impeccably surreal, this book of gentle hallucinations defies categorization. You might call them cartoons, but they will make you laugh silently for weeks. This is one of the nicest books we have ever held.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
416 S., 22,86x15,24 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
This book was made by sending the entire text of Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho between two GMail accounts page by page. We saved the relational ads for each page and added them back into the text as footnotes. In total, we collected over 800 relevant ads for the book. The constellations of footnoted ads throughout these pages retell the story of American Psycho in absence of the original text. This retelling reveals GMail's unpredictable insensitivity to violence, racism, and sex. It serves as a blurry portrait of an algorithm that exists in our everyday communication simultaneously forming a new portrait of the lead character, Patrick Bateman.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 36x28,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 1590051742
Hardcover, Fadenheftung, Leineneinband, Titel geprägt. ehem. Bibliotheksexemplar, Loyola Marymount University, siehe Etikett im Vorsatz und Aufdruck auf den Schnitt
Recto, Verso is the latest attempt to grasp the magnitude of the monumental archive of photograms that Robert Heinecken created during the past 40 years. In this current sampling, comprised of work from his own archive, Heinecken offers a look back at the decade of the 1980s, where decadence and narcissism inhabit the same space as spirituality and family values. Though the patinas of these color photograms speak of that generation, their revelations are contemporary in their incisiveness. In looking at the history of the photogram, beginning with Henry Fox Talbot’s ‘photogenic drawings’ and Man Ray’s ‘Rayographs’, Heinecken must be viewed as its most rebellious practitioner – unflinching, enigmatic and alert. Robert Heinecken’s work has been widely exhibited in the United States, Europe and Asia, and is included in many major collections, including the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. LA County Museum of Art. and the Center for Creative Photography, Tucson. Recto/Verso is printed in a first edition of 1,000 casebound copies, with an introduction by Rod Slemmons, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago.
Text von der Webseite
Paper News - Special Edition: Women in Print - November 2018
Technische Angaben
4 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Blatt, gefaltet
Although the history of photography and the history of photo and artists’ books is widely documented, collected, exhibited, and discussed, the legacy of women using photography in print is underdocumented, cursory, fragmentary and too often, inaccurate. Women were always at the forefront of innovation and the political debate on photography, despite the harsh conditions in which they often lived and worked, but their voices and their historical contribution are still marginalised. As the feminist art historian Linda Nochlin asked, what are the implications of this rejection and what elements of these practices do we need to reevaluate? And why does it matter, beyond the historical inaccuracies? On the occasion of Paris Photo, Paper News is launching this Special Issue dedicated to women in print.
Text aus dem Heft.
The unbearable perfection of life
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Carolin Hirt is born in Vienna, Austria, studied Marketing Communications and is currently working as a lifestyle Public Relations Manager in Berlin. The analog photographs show the spectrum of her life with no contrived situations, but real moments. She tries to catch the longings and feelings of her generation to escape the ideals of youth and beauty forced by social media these days.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
My name is Aleksi but on the interwebs I’m known as xbstrxct. I’m a visual artist and a creative maker, obsessive doodler from Helsinki. My journey into the world of art started at a young age when I discovered the joys of scribbling your name to the walls of public buildings. I did this for quite some time but at some point people weren’t very fond of it anymore. Nowadays my days are mostly spent drawing weird repetitive shapes and abstract patterns on pieces of paper, mainly because I got nothing better to do, but also because it’s lots of fun. These drawings often grow into wildly expanding, neverending little worlds of their own. My tools of choice are fineliners & markers, with them I try to make art images that at are fun, easily approachable, interesting and most importantly, nice to look at. Sometimes I succeed.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dave the Chimp has been riding skateboards since the mid 1980’s, painting on found wood and making fanzines since the mid 1990’s, and working in the streets since 1998. He still does all these things, as well as exhibiting his art in galleries and museums world wide, working as an illustrator for a variety of clients, directing pop videos, compiling books, and curating exhibitions. Dave has exhibited alongside the leading names in the urban art scene, including Banksy, Blu, Miss Van, Swoon, Os Gemeos, Shepard Fairey, Space Invader, and Zevs. He was the first UK artist to have his own artist model shoe created by Vans, and a book of his work (Part Of Rebellion 2 – Dave the Chimp) was published by Publikat in 2009. In 2011 he built his first concrete skateable sculpture “Papa und Ich” outside of the Bethanien, Berlin, and the wooden “friendship bowl” in the Awanganda Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland. He has since built the “Papa und Ich Speilplatz” skatepark in Milan, and the “Troll Bridge Ramp” at La Condition Publique, Roubaix, France. He is currently focused on change, encouraging exploration, protest culture and positive vibrations, with his “Human Bean” characters as the medium through which to go on this adventure.
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 22,5x15,9 cm, Auflage: 75, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
These pictures speak about my Paris stay in May 2010.
Text von der Webseite
Gender Studies in Architecture - Performativity – The relationship of public and protected space
Technische Angaben
20x40 cm cm, 10 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Konvolut mit Heften/Zines unterschiedlicher Formate A6-A5 in Plastiktüte des Lenbachhaus mit Applikationen aus farbigem, geschnittenem Tape und Geschenkband. Teils Collage von ausgedruckten Fotos auf Transparentpapier, Fold-outs, gezeichnete u. geklebte Karten, übereinandergedruckter e-mail-Verkehr zum Seminar, Ausdruck des Seminarprogramms, als Binde um das Konvolut. Handschriftlicher Begleitbrief
Produziert zum Seminar von Frauke Zabel an der TU München, Oktober/November 2018. In diesem Rahmen auch Besuch im AAP am 03.11.2018.
Based on an observation of public, semi-public and commercial spaces in which we move in Munich today, the seminar takes a look at the regulation of the public space (gender construction and repression of political opinions) in different times and cultures. We will consider various counter cultural movements in their emergence in relation to the public space of the respective time. Why do counter cultural movements withdraw from the public space into protected spaces and imitate a form of reality in them? We will look at the development of Brazilian theater under military dictatorship in the 1960s in Brazil by examining two architectural examples. The imaginative space of the theater, in which the reality is put into negotiation, will be regarded in relation to the imitation of the public space in the Ballroom culture of the 1980s in New York. There people were able to perform and to imitate (gender) roles, which the society did not provide for them. These historical references are complemented by a consideration of the current LGBTQ+ movement in different locations worldwide and their relationship to the public space. What are the moments that engage counter cultural movements to move in public space to gain visibility? We will look at examples like invisible theater, artistic processions, performances, parades and manifestations.
Text von der Webseite
Experimentelle Poesie - Retrospektive aus 15 Jahren
Technische Angaben
[4] S., 21x14,5 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, signiert, 131 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drei Flyer, einmal gefaltet, acht Bogen Künstlerbriefmarken, perforiert. Zwei Bögen signiert und nummeriert.
Zur Ausstellung Experimentelle Poesie, 13.04.-13.05.2000 in der Japtak Galerie, Breslau. Letters, Parts of Letters, Words, Parts of Words are working materials for me like color, structures and lines for human artistic communications. They belong to human origin like signs, symbols and ideas. I try with these elementary materials of human communication to create happenings of reading and discovering new thoughts in mind, real and life. It is a permanent dialog between material, thoughts and discovering new ideas and structures.
Text vom Flyer.
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 8,9x12,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0930257022
Softcover, Drahtheftung, Offset-Druck
Errata contains 24 pages of the pen-and-ink drawings, plus assorted captions and aphorisms. Tangential from main-stream panel cartoons, the point of many of these drawings is as much about the conventions of graphical language as about human folly. The pages are printed in black ink on white 20-pound bond paper - the type of paper used in copy machines at your corner quick-print shop. But the lithographic ink used is more permanent than the toner used in electrostatic processes. The 2-color cover, on cover stock, is also offset lithography.
Text von der Website.
Swami Nirmalanada: For Blissful Living - Questions & Answers
Technische Angaben
32 S., 12,5x9,4 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, farbiger Umschlag, zwei blätter mit Prägung eingelegt
Curios to see the man who had lived in silence and solitude for almost three decades, I went to B.R. Hills seeking Swamiji. I felt his silence flowering into benign look with a beaming face, as though the Heaven was smiling on me ! In his silent presence, questions that had troubled me for twentyfive years poured forth spontaneously. These are the funadmental questions of life and those who grapple with them will have no need to ask any further questions. The answers not only satisfied me, but also inspired the idea to publish the questions and answers for the benefit of all seekers.
Text aus dem Buch.
You're my type - Programmbuch 2018
Technische Angaben
20,5x13,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
4 Bände in Schuber. Schuber geprägt in Gold und Schwarz, Rückseite mit Umkehr der Farben. einzelne Cover mit Reliefprägung, geometrische Formen, Farbschnitt schwarz. Einzelne Bände in Schweizer Broschur (Umschlag nur auf Rückseite angeklebt, Rücken mit Gewebestreifen eingefasst). Bd. 1 130 S., letzte Seite mit Kalender als Fold-Out. Bd. 2 160 S., Bd. 3 96 S., Bd. 4 Blindband, (Notizbuch), 72 S.
The Typographic Society Munich is the largest organisation in Europe for typographers and people who are interested in typography and design. Since being founded in 1874 the designers’ club establishes a foundation for sophisticated and interdisciplinary thinking and dialogues among content and form, text and photo, tradition and innovation, design and technology. The tgm represents quality and education for the branch of communication and offers a huge accompanying training program. As Chairwoman of the club I curated several lectures in the last years, inviting design and typography celebrities.Throughout the years designers like Stefan Sagmeister, Mirko Borsche, Eike König, Mario Lombardo, Sascha Lobe, Fons Hickmann, Amir Kassaei or Kurt Weidemann to name a view, followed these invitations and appreciated the warm welcome of our community.
To show the wide range of offerings we traditionally create a yearbook. More over I tried to give the content based complexity of our proposal a clear and neat arrangement. Therefore the new release is a compilation of four different books, which should invite the reader to inform themselves, to browse, to experience and to participate. The first one exposes all the topics, facts and dates for the further education programs. Part two presents all the people and their stories who are involved in the club, who are on stage and behind the scenes. The third book is a journey into the past and also the future of tgm’s conferences, excursions and other specials. And finally there is room for the reader’s own ideas, experiences and criticism as a foundation for a future dialogue with tgm.
Every offer under the roof of tgm is a result of solidarity. It is a result of people and companies who are united by the common interest in typographic quality. This project has only been possible with the support of Kösel Druck GmbH & Co Kg, Geese Paper, mycolorserver and the collaboration with Boah Kim.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
146 S., 17,8x12,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781604860917
Signal is an ongoing book series dedicated to documenting and sharing compelling graphics, art projects, and cultural movements of international resistance and liberation struggles. Artists and cultural workers have been at the center of upheavals and revolts the world over, from the painters and poets in the Paris Commune to the poster makers and street theatre performers of the recent Occupy movement. Signal will bring these artists and their work to a new audience, digging deep through our common history to unearth their images and stories. Signal 01 includes: The Future of Xicana Printmaking: Alec Dunn and Josh MacPhee interview the Taller Tupac Amaru (Favianna Rodriguez, Melanie Cervantes, and Jesus Barraza), The Adventures of Red Rat: Alec Dunn interviews Johannes van de Weert, Hard Travelin’: A photo essay with IMPEACH, Early 20th-Century Anarchist Imprints, Mexico 68: The Graphic Production of a Movement: Santiago Armengod interviews Felipe Hernandez Moreno, Adventure Playgrounds: A photo essay, Designing Anarchy: Dan Poyner interviews Rufus Segar.
Text von der Website.
Programmbuch 2019 - Type is changing faces - Tyme is on my side
Technische Angaben
160 S., 24x16,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, beigelegt ein kleines drahtgeheftetes Notizheft und ein Leporello mit dem Jahresprogramm der tgm
... In the tgm annual yearbook the different aspects of out self-perception are assigned primary colours. The educational programme is presented in blue. The events (conferences, trips, presentation etc.) and the people on and behind the stage are shown in red, and the yellow notebook in the the middle separating the two topics is an invitation to participate. This strict and simplistic composition is not accidental, but an expression of the impression Milch+Honig want to make. furthermore it indicates the (colour) system of the tgm’s soon to be launched new website. These changes in and through our time are taken into account and prepared for the future in the tgm annual theme ...
... All diese Aktivitäten sind auch in diesem Jahr wieder in einem Buch dokumentiert: Vorsitzende Christina John visualisierte hier all die Aspekte, die die tgm auszeichnet, in gestalterischen Details: »Das Fortbildungsprogramm ist in blau dargestellt. Events wie Konferenzen, Reisen oder Vorträge sowie die Menschen vor und hinter den Kulissen der tgm sind in Rot getaucht und das gelbe Notizbuch, das die beiden Themen teilt, lädt zum Mitmachen ein«, erzählt uns die Kreative. Die im Jahrbuch erreichte strenge und einfache Kompositionen ist also kein Zufallsprodukt, sondern die visuelle Übersetzung des Eindrucks, den die tgm hinterlassen will. Zugleich ist dieses Schema schon der passenden Link zur neu gestalteten Website der tgm ...
Texte von Webseiten, Foto Milch+Honig
Fotografija NR. 1 (35) 2018
Technische Angaben
[116] S., 27,5x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 16487273
We are heading into a future where our choices will be shaped – if not outright determined – by algorithms and artificial intelligence. This coming state has been labelled “the new dark age” (James Bridle, 2018).
It remains to be seen what this brings to photography, and vice versa.
One thing, however, seems clear: photography, which has already changed significantly in the 21st century, is affected by – and in some important ways is part of – this development. This issue of “Fotografija” explores how programmes, apps and AI-related technologies shape and change the discourse of photography, challenging traditional boundaries of the medium.
Various programmes and services – Google, Photoshop, Flickr, Snapchat, visual recognition, etc. – provide new tools to conceive image-making and think photographically. Technological interfaces not only deliver instruments for making work but can become the very logic for creating photographic series.
The presented artists offer perspectives to raise questions and discuss these technological shifts. From dealing with traumatic events (Indrė Šerpytytė) and inaccessible sites (James Bridle) through technological mediation to playing with our expectations of an all-pervasive Photoshop manipulation (Erin E’Keefe). From exploring so-called smart surveillance systems (Esther Hovers) and censoring politically sensitive sites (Mishka Henner) to everyday glitches (Mantas Grigaitis). From playing with the copyrights of such collective websites as Flickr (Penelope Umbrico) to exploring the shared language of being in some of the most photographed places on earth (Thomas Albdorf). And from using Photoshop to create images (Aaron Hegert) to an image that is barely photographic (Zachary Dean Norman). The four essays (Kate Palmer Albers, Roksana Filipowska and Marijana Rayl, Ilaria Speri, Alise Tifentale) map out the works in broader social, historical and art contexts.
In short, the works deal with our technologized world. They talk about being in the middle of changes that few have envisioned. Being so immersed, one can feel it (almost) hurts.
Text von Paul Paper.
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 9,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Final Group Performance in der Galerie FOE 29.11.2019, 19:00 Uhr. 13.-28.11.2019 Ort @platformmuc Instagram.
LIVE SCREENING INAUGURATION 16 DAYS – RESEARCH PREPARING PERFORMANCES 13.-28.11.2019, Every day at 6 pm on Instagram @platformmuc.
FINAL GROUP PERFORMANCE Saturday, 29.11.2019 7 pm open end
Music selection by guest artist DJ Gerundio. Galerie Foe, Oberföhringer Str. 156, 81925 Munich.
16 Days 15 Artists 9 Heritages. Project AKVO aims to build bridges between cultures, traditions and people. This special occasion marks the start of a journey that will take AKVO around the globe. An inauguration so to say, a holy moment which is celebrated in a myriad of ways. Research into these traditions and performative interventions will culminate in our own rituals of inauguration, a transformation of the expected and unexpected into a new experience.
Text von der Webseite
Modern Greetings - New Ways of Saying Hello
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 21,7x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbdruck
This handbook presents a collection of modern ways of greeting one another. Addressing today’s technology, daily rituals, and the potential awkwardness of our social encounters, these greetings encourage physical interaction beyond just shaking hands. Whether familiar or bizarre, each greeting asks us to reconsider the simple act of saying hello. Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
132 S., 20,9x14,7 cm, Auflage: 400, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-903269767
Broschur, Rückseite als Klappe
Artist Gabriel Hensche and curator Ashlee Conery have compiled a catalogue of the work Hensche produced while in residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, in 2017. The publication includes witness reports that are formally based on actual incident report forms. Adopting the posture of an onlooker, while at the same time acknowledging his role as instigator, Hensche recounts observations of his works as incidents by taking into account the involvement of people and circumstances that led to the events. These protocols are concluded with a final report by Conery in which she adopts the conditions of a mother, a partner and a particle for considering one’s own perspective when acting as a witness, a curator or a bystander.
Text von der Webseite
In der Arbeit verwendet der Künstler Formulare, wie sie im Krankenhaus für einen Unfallbericht verwendet werden, um den ganzen Prozess der Ausstellung detailliert von Anfang an zu dokumentieren. Das Buch = die Berichtsmappe enthält 5 Berichte, die jeweils vom Künstler original abgezeichnet = signiert wurden.
Technische Angaben
12,4x23,5 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zur Ausstellung 17.01.-22.02.2020 und zum Abendalk am 06.02.2020 mit Bernhart Schwenk
The frescoes of the Villa di Livia, the wife of Emperor Augustus, which can be seen in the Museo Palazzo Massimo in Rome, form the basic motif for the video PASSING THE GARDEN. These approximately two thousand years old frescoes show an illusionistic garden space, a "hortus conclusus" with representations of plants, trees and birds.
Photographs, videos and drawings of the frescoes are intertwined with photographs and videos of intact and destroyed nature. What seems natural at first glance turns out to be artificially generated. Slowly, the images change their state, moving between reality and fiction.
Experimental, meditative music accompanies the transformation process.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 17,9x12,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Aus dem Booklyn-Archiv. A diary on chronic illness. Spoons is a collection of diary comics that chronicle Grace's journey acclimating to her new diagnosis.' Confronting the ups and downs of living with multiple chronic conditions. Most of these pages were even created in the doctors office.
Aus New England
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 21,1x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Leporello kartonstark
Zur Ausstellung des peruanischen Künstlers in der Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin, 28.04.-23.06.2018
On the occasion of the Gallery Weekend Berlin 2018 Galerie Barbara Thumm is pleased to present an overview of recent works by Fernando Bryce. His solo exhibition will premier a new body of works which consists of large scale single drawings for which Fernando Bryce developed a collage approach. These new drawings will be shown alongside the recently accomplished large scale drawing series which is entitled Freedom First. With this series and typically for his oeuvre, Fernando Bryce depicts a cultural and political panorama of the 1950s and 1960s.
Experimentelle Poesie 2000
Technische Angaben
[4] S., 21x14,5 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, signiert, 48 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Bogen Künstlerbriefmarken, perforiert
Erschienen zur Ausstellung Experimentelle Poesie, 13.04.-13.05.2000 in der Japtak Galerie, Breslau. Letters, Parts of Letters, Words, Parts of Words are working materials for me like color, structures and lines for human artistic communications. They belong to human origin like signs, symbols and ideas. I try with these elementary materials of human communication to create happenings of reading and discovering new thoughts in mind, real and life. It is a permanent dialog between material, thoughts and discovering new ideas and structures.
Text vom Flyer.
The Autobiography of a Snake - Drawings by Andy Warhol
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 22x26 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500519257
Hardcover, mit Schutzumschlag aus Metallfolie
This is the never-before-published story of a snake trying to make it in the world of sixties high society, strongly suggested to be a stand-in for Warhol himself. The snake’s tongue-in-cheek observations as he slithers from adorning Jackie Kennedy’s boots to embellishing Coco Chanel’s shirt will delight the sophisticated fashion crowd. But the stars of the show are Warhol’s whimsical illustrations, revivified with a color scheme inspired by his iconic Pop Art. Before he achieved his dream of making it big in New York, Andy Warhol worked in advertising for a leather goods company, Fleming-Joffe, alongside Ogden Nash and Piero Fornasetti. It was for Fleming-Joffe that he created these images (1963), held by the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and rarely seen until this deluxe publication. The Autobiography of a Snake is a brilliant portrait of Warhol’s obsessions, his talent, and the world he would one day conquer.
Text von Amazon
Technische Angaben
[96] S., 34x23,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788469720493
Drahtheftung. Vorderseite mit mittig ausgestanztem Loch. Kleineres Blatt im Centerfold.
In recent years Valencia has been posting the so-called Campus Party. In this type of social-cultural gatherings, thousands of young adults —software developers, lovers of digital works and robots, hackers and defenders of free software, gamers and simulation fanatics, ciber-apostles and modding artists— come together to exchange archives and share their experiences, living for a week connected to each other.
For these super-users —digital natives that make computer technology a way of life and who are often classified as the new urban tribe of the geeks— computers are much more than just a device for work, they are an extension of their identity and the digital ecosystem where they decide to live.
< YO >< YO >< YO > Sets out a journey from the plug into the computer, with the intention of portraying along the way this kind of super-user: an exaggerated reflection of our relation with technology.
Text von der Website.
The Big Sleep - 4. Biennale der Künstler im Haus der Kunst
Technische Angaben
108 S., 26x21 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-903796386
THE BIG SLEEP—the exhibition title refers to Raymond Chandler's detective novel and the legendary Film Noir. Sleep and death, pause, standstill, threats, ambiguity, fears—these aspects are virulent and gained astonishing topicality in 2020, as does the participation of many American artists in the exhibition. The Haus der Kunst becomes the setting for a production that plays with twilight and darkness, light and shadow. With introductory essays, artist texts and exhibition views, the catalog allows you to immerse yourself DeepLy in “THE BIG SLEEP”.
Text von der Webseite
Publikation erschienen, im VfmK Verlag für Moderne Kunst, anlässlich der 4. Biennale der Künstler im Haus der Kunst, 19.07.–08.09.2019, veranstaltet vom Künstlerverbund im Haus der Kunst München e. V. mit Texten von manchen der teilnehmenden Künstler zu Inspiration und Werk zum Thema The Big Sleep und ihrer Reminiszenz an den Film von Regisseur Raymond Chandler.
An Abecedary of a Certain Time in Digital Media
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Heft mit einem "fotografischen Alphabet" bestehend Schwarz-Weiß Bildern, die bei der Buchstabensuche als erstes Ergebnis bei Google Bildern erschienen sind.
"Nowadays the alphabet, like other cultural paradigms and communication evolutions, hosts a new series of menaings. The digital era, despite it being liked by some and not by others, has arrived and not only that, but is there to stay. The following document tries to be an object of reflection, and the same time, a file for the posterity, as this precise digital era raises doubts about the sustainability of our culture over time that is to come, and the intangibility of it. With this document we capture the past in order to project it into the future. Based on a series of temporary parameters (pictures uploaded in the last 24 hours) and a format (black and white photography, medium size) we extract the following pictures to create the photographic alphabet of Google Images. This confirms the initial concept; the documentation which is exhibited here never again belonged to the momentary alphabet on the 3th of December in the present year, so we manage to capture the present (already the past as you read these precise words) and we leave it physically alive in the future, making the common belief of printing as old fashioned and didgital as actual lose its sense, finding the way to make contemporary, in other words, tangible or visible today, something which doesn't exist on the web anymore."
Text aus dem Heft
Wim Cuyvers, Marc De Blieck
Technische Angaben
[192] S., 20x16,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 2930128208
Broschur, Schwarz-Weiss Laserdruck, Wendebuch
The infrastructure along the Belgian highways (parking-lots, restaurants, shops and gas-stations) are systematically and intensely used for informal, social, and more specifically sexual, mostly non-commercial contacts between bisexual or covert homosexual men
The detached observations about these places are hidden in the book. Both the text and the photographs rule out any compelling narrative or argument, thus adding up to an unruly book that mirrors the multilayered “place alongside the stream”
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 21x17,4 cm, Auflage: 500, 2 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 9780955116674
Broschur, Flyer, A3 gefaltet, eingelegt
Zur Ausstellung 02.07.-13.09.2008 im Centre Culturel Jean-Pierre Fabrègue in Saint-Yrieix
This project looks at the poster campaigns of the 2007 French presidential elections, attempting to reveal what lies behind the semiotic construction of the messages. In the 10 days between the 2 rounds of the elections, Waeckerle took close up photographs of the 12 posters displayed in every town square in France, ending up with around 60 fragments of smiles, eyes, slogans and textures. These deconstructions display new banners, political candidates, and slogans in this artists' book.
Text von der Webseite.
Evidences As To Man's Place In Nature
Technische Angaben
[144] S., 21,3x14,2 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, offener Rücken. Farblaserdruck. Teils perforierte Seiten zum Heraustrennen.
Angelehnt an das Buch "Man's Place in Nature" von Thomas Henry Huxley beschäftigen sich die zwei Künstler mit der vom Mensch geschaffenen Landschaft. Das Buch besteht aus 64 Fragmenten, auf denen Bildausschnitte zu sehen sind, die zu 8 Postern zusammengesetzt werden können.
The man creates dysfunctional and entropic spaces during its landscape construction.
Their own story has displaced them from the cause-effect line, dooming them to an eternal defeated present.
Carlos Albalá & Ignasi López go through these places and represent them in a sort of emotional topography, creating emotional links with only exits for itself landscape which produces monuments with a maximum degree of iconicity.
Evidences as to Man's Place in Nature is published as a book in which are included, fragmented, 8 photographs that forms this project and can be detached and mounted as wall photographs.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
[28] S., 20x15 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, schmaler Karton als Umschlag, rückwärtiger Teil mit Signatur und teil des Impressums abgeschnitten
I was born in the Basque Country in 1978. This land has been inhabited since prehistoric times by the Basques. This continuous presence is explained by the context of the landscape, collected by the mountains and bathed by the Cantabric Sea, that has served as a shelter to a rooted culture and popular customs that are still alive in the 21st century.
Here, nature, history and legend come together with unusual force and create a land of myths and magic that I explore through photography. A land where nature is praised in old rites learned from our ancestors.
These intangible concepts are the beginning point to create a visual imaginary which serves me to understand the society and the land I live in, positioning myself in my environment through photography. Trees, waves, animals and black skies build a symbolic world that I turn into a channel to reach the soul of the Basques, an old soul, the soul of the one who pursues its lost paradise.
Galerna is a tribute to the original identity of this land.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
288 S., 31x26,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500517635
Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag
Hipgnosis created some of the most innovative and surreal cover art of the 1960s, 70s, and early 80s for the biggest names of the eraPink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Wings, Yes, Genesis, 10cc, Peter Gabriel, Bad Company, Syd Barrett, and Black Sabbath, to name just a few.
The sublime prism cover for Pink Floyds The Dark Side of the Moon continues to be one of the most pervasive images in all popular culture. Hipgnosiss highly conceptual approach and graphic appeal earned them five Grammy nominations for cover design, and they profoundly influenced not only the history of music, but also all other creative fields from advertising to fashion.
Hipgnosis Portraits explores an endless stream of creative ideas in two sections. Part I, "Imagination," tells the story behind the artwork from germination through to the final sleeve design, supported by a wide array of archival materials. Part II, "Realization," contains beautiful and extremely photographic portraits of the musicians the agency counted as clients. Several of these images were taken but not used for projects and have remained buried in archives ever since.
The book is filled with playful, abstract compositions from a remarkably prolific collective that redefined the possibilities of concept-driven art and design.
Text von der Webseite artbooksonline.eu
Technische Angaben
[68] S., 27,5x21 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Katalog mit eingelegter Einladungskarte A5 zur Ausstellung in der Galerie Boutwell Schabrowsky, Theresienstr.48, München, 15.06 -20.06.2021
"The Apple Tree Submarine is a unique art project with which artist Oh-Seok Kwon wants to create an “Art Community”.
You – as an art lover – will be involved in it. How? Learn more at the opening and the following days of the project week.
Apple Tree Submarine reflects the artist’s life stages, feelings and aspirations. In a series of drawings, he captures these milestones. The drawings are to be understood as Oh-Seok Kwon’s diary. Like the submarine, the artist looks at the world from a distance. He asks himself questions about being human, being rushed in the modern world, the excesses of striving “higher and higher – more and more” and the current insecurity. Thus, the flying submarine is like the artist’s eyes with which he permeates the world. As the title suggests, Oh-Seok Kwon has taken an apple tree on his journey through Munich and further around the world. Why? That would be too long a story at this point."
Text von der Webseite
Theater der Zeit Heft 7/8 - Arbeitsbuch 2021 - transformers - digitalität inklusion nachhaltigkeit
Technische Angaben
168 S., 28,5x21,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-957493644
indikatorische notationen von Michaela Rotsch, verteilt auf den Seiten 14-125, plus Coverbild.
Corona führt uns vor Augen, mit welchen schwelenden gesellschaftlichen Konflikten wir zu kämpfen haben. Die gewohnte Wachstumslogik des „Weiter so“ und „Mehr vom Gleichen“ stößt an absehbare Grenzen. Spätestens jetzt ist allen klar, dass mit dem Weg aus der Pandemie eine große Transformation auf den Feldern Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Inklusion einhergehen muss. Auch dem Theaterbetrieb stellen sich Fragen nach Öffnung und Teilhabe, nach Klimawandel und Organisationsentwicklung sowie nach den sich stark verändernden Kommunikations- und Interaktionsmustern. Das vorliegende Arbeitsbuch versammelt Texte und Thesen, bietet Ansätze und Ausblicke und skizziert Prozessdesigns der Veränderung.
Denn nur wenn es dem Theater gelingt, sich den Fragen der Zeit radikal zu stellen, sich inhaltlich und strukturell grundlegend zu wandeln, wird es ein Theater der Zukunft geben.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 14,9x11 cm, Auflage: 50, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, Digitaldruck, Cover mit Siebdruck
The The is a list in the form of a passport-sized booklet, a series of two-word combinations in which the first word (which is a variable) is followed by the word ‘the’. The words on the pages unfold as a sequence of statements whereby the object always remains ‘the’. These alternating texts have a self-reflexive mantra: for the, eat the, shit the, cut the, cure the, reject the, elect the, fight the, end the.
Auskunft des Autors
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 19x12 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, das letzte Blatt ist auf 19 x 4 cm beschnitten
His mustache looked like it would tickle. That’s probably the only reason why I didn’t want to kiss him.
He was a weirdo, but not weird enough, if you know what I mean. He certainly had a flair for details. It wasn’t that. I mean, it’s not like he was wearing a mullet, no. Nor like the kind of guy to gift me a Chinatown Gucci bag. He hated scented soaps and he’d drag me out of any decent party if he found scenty sticks near the toilet. That kind of thing drove him nuts. It’s not like he had anything against grapefruit.
Early on in our friendship, he gave me a box of Gioconda pencils from Koh-I-Noor. He knew how to get me hooked. But that damn mustache. It was so thick, so neatly trimmed. He paid too much attention to the kind of things I didn’t want to pay attention to. The cappuccino foam in it, however, was a kind of turn-on.
This is no doubt why you are holding this book in your hands. His mustache, right? Admit it. It’s the bowl of bonbons by the register. But then you go undercover, under the sheets to find a lot of nudity, thwarted porn. Ja, ja, ja: bodies. Corporeality. Corporation, cooperation. Protest. Violence. Religion. Collage. A torn sheet at the back. A misbound book? A defect or just vulnerable?
Selbsthilfe ist auch keine Lösung (even self-help is not a solution) and Protestvorbild Frankreich (protest “role model” in France?) is the only text you can make out other than mine. You’re meant to struggle to read it, or maybe Erik (who has no mustache) was being intentionally casual about the way he cut out these pictures. It’s an awareness of being sloppy that is so aware, it’s no longer sloppy. A man standing with his fist held high. He’s standing in the window frame of an apartment at least one story up from the ground. He is forty and mad and he enjoys his Bud. His form of protest is a form of solidarity from the sofa. A window protest: comfy. So fucking clever. Then there’s the picture abutting it of a woman holding out her bra. We are meant to take it. She’s offering it to us. Go ahead. She wants you to.
And then there’s the spooning bodies with their tube socks in a wad next to… a bed. A solar bed. You got it? This book is brown sugar. Stinky Swiss cheese. Bad, bad, good, good.
April von Stauffenberg
Text von der Verlagsseite
spex - 2013 Nr. 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349
Technische Angaben
28x23 cm, 8 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Klebebindung, Werbeanzeigen enthalten
Magazin für Pop-Kultur. 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr.
Experimentelle Poesie 2000
Technische Angaben
21x14,5 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, signiert, 31 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Bogen Künstlerbriefmarken, perforiert, Farblaserkopien
Erschienen zur Ausstellung Experimentelle Poesie, 13.04.-13.05.2000 in der Japtak Galerie, Breslau. Letters, Parts of Letters, Words, Parts of Words are working materials for me like color, structures and lines for human artistic communications. They belong to human origin like signs, symbols and ideas. I try with these elementary materials of human communication to create happenings of reading and discovering new thoughts in mind, real and life. It is a permanent dialog between material, thoughts and discovering new ideas and structures.
Text vom Flyer.
colophon No. 3 - Journalbild
Technische Angaben
36 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 300, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 9783947250486
Fadenheftung, mehrfarbiger Risodruck
Publikation der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der LMU München
The starting point is a cooperative seminar between the Academy of Fine Arts Munich and the Institute for Art History at the LMU Munich. Focused on the use of photography in newspapers and magazines, participants asked questions such as: Which photographs are published in newspapers and magazines? What is the status of the images in each case? How are they arranged and classified, how do they relate to the text? What has changed in comparison to (the very) past, and what is the significance of digitization in this context? In addition to these questions the seminar also examined artistic works that focus on the field of print media.
101 Artists Deleted from dutch art history
Technische Angaben
112 S., 15x10 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Klebebindung, Schutzumschlag
Das Niederländische Institut für Kunstgeschichte (RKD) in Den Haag hat in den letzten Jahren sein Archiv mit Zeitungsausschnitten erheblich aufgeräumt. Die Zeitungsausschnitte, die nicht in die Sammlung passten, kamen in die Hände von Bas. In dieser Publikation wirft er einen letzten Blick auf einige dieser gelöschten Künstler, die stolz ihre Werke hochhalten.
The institute cleaned up their local newspaper clipping archives considerably in recent years. The clippings that didn’t fit the collection came into the hands of Bas. In this publication, he takes one last look at some of these deleted artists as they proudly hold up their work.
Text von Webseite
Übersetzt mit Deepl
Technische Angaben
10x21 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zur Ausstellung in der Galerie ep.contemporary, Berlin, 28.-30.04.2023
Der Titel „naturally“ – in der deutschen Übersetzung „selbstverständlich“ – lässt zunächst an Dinge denken, die ohne weitere Erklärung verständlich sind, an Alltag, etwas, über das man nicht sprechen muss.
Aber ist Selbstverständliches vielleicht gar nicht so „nicht erwähnenswert“. In unser Blickfeld tritt es, wenn etwas nicht mehr funktioniert, oder wenn der Blick darauf gelenkt, die Wahrnehmung scharf gestellt wird. Wir nehmen vieles für so selbstverständlich, dass wir atmen, unser Körper funktioniert, die Straßenbahn fährt, Strom aus der Steckdose kommt.
Selbstverständliches ist eine Voraussetzung, eine Erwartung an Dinge und Handlungen, die wir eingeübt haben im Laufe unseres Lebens. Etwas für selbstverständlich zu nehmen, impliziert nicht nur Erwartungen in Gewohnheiten sondern auch in Konventionen. Wir denken nicht darüber nach – Selbstverständlichkeiten sind in unserer Wahrnehmung nicht vorhanden. Wir vergessen sie schlichtweg wie blinde Flecken. Erst, wenn Sand im Getriebe ist, verschiebt sich der Fokus, schauen wir hin und fangen an, Selbstverständliches infrage zu stellen. Irritierende Blickpunkte auf Alltägliches sind in der Ausstellung naturally / selbstverständlich zum Gallery Weekend zu sehen.
The title „naturally“ – in the German translation „selbstverständlich“ – initially makes one think of things that are understandable without further explanation, of everyday life, something that does not need to be talked about.
But whatever seems natural perhaps doesn’t result in being „not worth mentioning“. We become aware of the ordinary when it no longer works, or when we pay actively attention to it, when we focus our perception. We naturally accept so many things without questioning: that we breathe, that our body works, that the subway runs, that electricity comes from the socket.
Taking things for granted is a prerequisite, an expectation of things and actions that we have practiced in the course of our lives. Accepting something as natural implies expectations not only in habits but also in conventions. We don’t think about it anymore – things taken for granted are not present in our perception. We simply fade these things out, they turn into blind spots. Only if there is sand in the gearbox, we start to refocus on it and we begin to question what we took as natural.
The exhibition naturally/selbstverständlich invites to discover irritating perspectives on the ordinary during the Gallery Weekend.
Text: Uschi Krempel, Celia Mehnert
Text von der Webseite
Nobody knows the full story about these things
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 29,8x21 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Erscheint von NeMe Arts Centre anlässlich der Ausstellung THROUGH THE ROADBLOCKS von 24.11.-17.12.2012 at the Evagoras Lanitis Centre in Limassol als Teil der Installation Destination is never a place
Technische Angaben
21x14,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer mit Erklärung von Klaus Groh, was Poesie für ihn bedeutet und wie er damit umgeht, seinem Lebenslauf und Aufzählung seiner Ausstellungen
Zur Ausstellung Experimentelle Poesie, 13.04.-13.05.2000 in der Japtak Galerie, Breslau. Letters, Parts of Letters, Words, Parts of Words are working materials for me like color, structures and lines for human artistic communications. They belong to human origin like signs, symbols and ideas. I try with these elementary materials of human communication to create happenings of reading and discovering new thoughts in mind, real and life. It is a permanent dialog between material, thoughts and discovering new ideas and structures.
Text vom Flyer.
Vom Stand der Dinge - Eine kleine Philosophie des Designs
Technische Angaben
160 S., 19x12,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783969990698
Broschur, Lesezeichen des Verlags eingegelegt
Die These ist provokant: Unsere Zukunft, schreibt Vilém Flusser, sei vor allem eine Frage des Design. Denn Design ist »Koinzidenz« von neuartigen Ideen aus Wissenschaft und Kunst, Ökonomie und Politik. Scheinbar mühelos verknüpft sich dort Disparates zu einem komplexen Netz von Beziehungen. In Essays, kurzen Prosastücken und Vorträgen erörtert Flusser den Stand der Dinge und das Design der kommenden Epoche. Das Spektrum ist groß: Der Band enthält Reflexionen über die Schaltpläne der Computer und das Ende der Städte, Anmerkungen zur Gestaltung von Raketen und Regenschirmen – phänomenologische Betrachtungen unseres designten Alltags, Glossen über Gegenstände und bitterböse Szenarien der Zukunft.
1993 erschien bei Steidl die erste, kürzere Ausgabe dieser unbotmäßigen Design-Fibel. Das Buch, das mittlerweile in alle Weltsprachen übersetzt wurde, begründete Flussers Ruf als führender Design-Theoretiker und brillanter Vordenker des multimedialen Zeitalters.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
Taschenbuchausgabe, erste Auflage dieser überarbeiteten und erweiterten Version.
From Our House To Your House
Technische Angaben
[104] S., 17,8x17,5 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 1899235345
Martin Parr has put together another wonderful book from his personal collection of cards. This time he celebrates the American Christmas card. These are a fascinating eye-opener into American culture, as proud families everywhere (pets included) pose before the camera to send their Christmas greetings across the nation.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
28,2x20,7 cm, Auflage: 300, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
genäht, eingelgt ein farbig gedrucktes Poster 44,4 x 30,5 cm, zweifach gefaltet
Technische Angaben
31x31 cm, Auflage: 545, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
LP Vinyl in Hülle
Another Fylkingen-related release; both of these feature previously unreleased material, in limited editions of 545 copies. "Åke Hodell was a fighter pilot in the 1940s and came into contact with literature after a bad accident which resulted in a long spell in a hospital. In the 1960s Hodell made a comeback with strongly experimental art -- concrete poetry, picture-poems, multi-media work -- playing a a prominent role in text-sound composition. '220 Volts Buddha, Electronic Purgatorium' was commissioned by Fylkingen in 1970."
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
31,5x32 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Vinyl Schallplatte in Schuber, aufklappbar
Sounds of Silence is an anthology of some of the most intriguing silent tracks in recording history and includes rare works. In their own quiet way, these silences speak volumes: they are performative, political, critical, abstract, poetic, cynical, technical, absurd… They can be intended as a memorial or a joke, a special offer, or something entirely undefined. The carefully chosen silences of this anthology are intrinsically linked to the medium of reproduction itself and reveal it's nude materiality. They expose their medium in all its facets and imperfections, including the effect of time and wear.
Text von Website
Louis Ritman - Early Morning
Technische Angaben
1 S., 18,5x15 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gerahmte Briefmarke, mit Briefumschlag in Cellophanfolie, Goldschnur. Original verpackt
Stamp Art by Carolyn Whitaker. These original card designs feature miniature works of art by artists well known for paintings which delight us with their grace, beauty and marvelous colors.
Text von der Karte.
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, Auflage: Unikat, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, Tuschmalerei, Collagen aus Zeitungsausschnitten, in brauner Versandtasche,m beiliegend USPS Customs Declaration
Schwarze Tuscheflächen in Form von möglichen Ländern mit einem kritisch-poetischem Text zur Macht. Vorlage für das so-VIELE.de Heft Nr. 70. Übersandt im Januar 2024.
During times of tumult specific events are pinpoints of trouble, of agony. But later these can become signs of universal anguish. How dare we interpret individual suffering as generalities? The Reach of Power emerged from this question. The text is taken from an old volume on the history of the French Revolution, cut into fragments of words and phrases. The maps are invented places, fictitious possibilities.
In Zeiten des Aufruhrs sind bestimmte Ereignisse Brennpunkte des Ärgers, der Agonie. Aber später können sie zu Zeichen der allgemeinen Angst werden. Wie können wir es wagen, individuelles Leid als Allgemeinheit zu interpretieren? Die Reichweite der Macht ist aus dieser Frage entstanden. Der Text ist einem alten Band über die Geschichte der Französischen Revolution entnommen und in Wort- und Satzfragmente zerlegt. Die Karten sind erfundene Orte, fiktive Möglichkeiten.
Text von Romaine Perin
Technische Angaben
20x12 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zine und Karten verpackt in einer Hülle für Videokasette
An experimental body of work conducted over ten days that explores themes of femininity, intimacy, nudity, eroticism, beauty, and body image through self-portrait photography as a medium of expression and a creatively printed zine as its format.
The visuals capture the beauty and sensuality of femininity, intertwining the author’s personal interpretation of the sensory experience of her body and the sensitivity of her mind with a critique of societal perspectives over the last hundred years. These perspectives, though influenced by ethical progress, have often ridiculed and degraded the essence of femininity, reducing it to trivial, denaturalized, or even grotesque aspects.
The black-and-white veil symbolizes the timelessness of the theme, while the zine’s format mimics a vintage erotic videotape, complete with "bonus visuals" reminiscent of retro collectible postcards. This design evokes the commodification of a natural human characteristic and critiques the enduring, market-driven objectification of femininity.
After All Ends: No New Beginnings - Between Vision and Resignation
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 29,7x21 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Faltblatt mit Dreibruchfalz
Der Rosa Stern Space ist ein Raum sowie ein Netzwerk und eine Plattform für die Auseinandersetzung, sowohl analog als auch digital, mit verschiedenen Diskursen. In den eigenen Räumlichkeiten und auch an verschiedenen Orten in München organisiert Rosa Stern Space verschiedene Veranstaltungen. Hierbei handelt es sich um Programmheft mit Auflistung der verschiedenen Veranstaltungen, die ab dem 26.01.2023 in verschiedenen Lokalitäten in München stattfinden, unter dem Namen "After All Ends: No New Beginnings - Between Vision and Resignation". Das erste Event fand in der Roten Sonne in München statt. Die Inhalte sind vielseitig und bewegen sich von Klang, Tanz und Performances bis hinzu Gesprächen und Vorführungen.
Rosa Stern Space explores social and cultural developments of a present defined by (post-)apocalyptic scenarios, critically questioned and transferred into an aesthetic discussion space. What comes after all ends? Are there new beginnings? Do we persist in the recurrence of the same old? No return to the supposed normality? How do we counter resignation, and what visions emerge from these liminal conditions marked by continuous crises and permanent sensations? Breakdown or breakthrough?
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
8 S., 21x14,9 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Beidseitig bedrucktes Leporello.
Infoblatt zur Ausstellung mit Arbeiten des peruanischen Künstlers Fernando Bryce anlässlich des Gallery Weekends 2018, 28.04.-16.06.2018 in der Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin.
On the occasion of the Gallery Weekend Berlin 2018 Galerie Barbara Thumm is pleased to present an overview of recent works by Fernando Bryce. His solo exhibition will premier a new body of works which consists of large scale single drawings for which Fernando Bryce developed a collage approach. These new drawings will be shown alongside the recently accomplished large scale drawing series which is entitled Freedom First. With this series and typically for his oeuvre, Fernando Bryce depicts a cultural and political panorama of the 1950s and 1960s.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband gebunden.
Katalog zur Ausstellung DAS TREFFEN DREIER PUNKTE, 01.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
Text von der Webseite.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband gebunden, Wendeheft.
Katalog zur Ausstellung HIDDEN TREASURES, 03.,07.,13.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von Der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband zusammengehalten, Wendeheft.
Katalog zur Ausstellung THE MIDDLE STUFF, 05.-12.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[64] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband zusammengehalten, Wendeheft.
Katalog zur Ausstellung HOSTING, 02.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[64] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband zusammengehalten, Wendeheft.
Katalog zur Ausstellung RAUMANEIGNUNG, 19.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
72 S., 23,5x19 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, ISBN/ISSN 9780992914691
Broschur, Fehldruck, Inhalt zweimal eingebunden, letzte Seite falsch beschnitten
A nuclear facility in Iran before and after an explosion, a village in Pakistan before and after a drone attack, a Cambodian river valley before and after a flood. The before-and-after image has become the tool of choice for analysing events.
Satellite photography allows us to scrutinise the impact of war or climate change, from the safe distance of orbit. But one thing is rarely captured: the event itself. All we can read is its effect on a space, and that’s where the architectural expert is required, to fill the gap with a narrative. In this groundbreaking essay, Eyal and Ines Weizman explore the history of the before-and-after image, from its origins in 19th-century Paris to today’s satellite surveillance. State militaries monitor us and humanitarian organisations monitor them. But who can see in higher resolution? Who controls the size of the pixels? Interpreting these images is never straightforward.
Text von der Webseite
bad liver and broken heart
Technische Angaben
[28] S., 30x20 cm, Auflage: 300, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, Risographie, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
The origin of this work of self-fiction can be found in one of São Trindade’s sketchbooks, this one entirely devoted to the subject of loss or decadence. With references to the aesthetics of crime scenes and nightlife photographed by Weegee in New York in the 1930 and 1940’s, the device is simple: in a "real décor," São Trindade’s body, abandonned and unconscious, is photographed. The body is always the same but differently ‘prepared’ and ‘composed’ with new dresses, new gestures, new signs of a recent activity or a different personality. Each image has its particular story and each space is a sounding board for each of these performative states of body.
Text von der Webseite